Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Germany
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Barringer A.Pnueli K.Huizing D.Bošnački B.Jacobs E.E.Roubtsova L.C.M.v.Gool H.B.M.Jonkers D.Zhang M.v.d.Brand L.Engelen C.Huizing A.Wijs
Talks about:
concurr (2) tempor (2) specif (2) verif (2) model (2) logic (2) interfac (1) abstract (1) program (1) modular (1)
Person: Ruurd Kuiper
DBLP: Kuiper:Ruurd
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ECOOP-2015-JacobsBK #composition #termination #verification
- Modular Termination Verification (BJ, DB, RK), pp. 664–688.
- AMT-2014-ZhangBBEHKW #code generation #concurrent #java #state machine #towards
- Towards Verified Java Code Generation from Concurrent State Machines (DZ, DB, MvdB, LE, CH, RK, AW), pp. 64–69.
- UML-2001-RoubtsovaGKJ #interface #specification
- A Specification Model for Interface Suites (EER, LCMvG, RK, HBMJ), pp. 457–471.
- FASE-2000-HuizingK #invariant #object-oriented #source code #using #verification
- Verification of Object Oriented Programs Using Class Invariants (KH, RK), pp. 208–221.
- POPL-1986-BarringerKP #concurrent #logic
- A Really Abstract Concurrent Model and its Temporal Logic (HB, RK, AP), pp. 173–183.
- STOC-1984-BarringerKP #logic #specification
- Now You May Compose Temporal Logic Specifications (HB, RK, AP), pp. 51–63.