Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Czech Republic
1 × France
1 × Japan
1 × Norway
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Baudry A.Gotlieb J.Mottu D.Marijan S.Nair J.L.d.l.Vara A.Hervieu M.Tisi J.Cabot N.Moha J.Jézéquel G.Perrouin J.Klein Y.L.Traon
Talks about:
test (8) model (7) case (4) transform (3) generat (3) strategi (2) knowledg (2) softwar (2) product (2) studi (2)
Person: Sagar Sen
DBLP: Sen:Sagar
Facilitated 0 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CAiSE-2013-SenG #case study #data-driven #interactive #testing
- Testing a Data-Intensive System with Generated Data Interactions — The Norwegian Customs and Excise Case Study (SS, AG), pp. 657–671.
- ICSM-2013-MarijanGS #case study #industrial #testing
- Test Case Prioritization for Continuous Regression Testing: An Industrial Case Study (DM, AG, SS), pp. 540–543.
- RE-2013-NairVS #overview #requirements #research #traceability
- A review of traceability research at the requirements engineering conferencere@21 (SN, JLdlV, SS), pp. 222–229.
- SPLC-2013-MarijanGSH #product line #testing
- Practical pairwise testing for software product lines (DM, AG, SS, AH), pp. 227–235.
- ICMT-2012-SenMTC #model transformation #modelling #using
- Using Models of Partial Knowledge to Test Model Transformations (SS, JMM, MT, JC), pp. 24–39.
- ICST-2010-PerrouinSKBT #automation #generative #product line #scalability #testing
- Automated and Scalable T-wise Test Case Generation Strategies for Software Product Lines (GP, SS, JK, BB, YLT), pp. 459–468.
- ICMT-2009-SenBM #automation #generative #model transformation #testing
- Automatic Model Generation Strategies for Model Transformation Testing (SS, BB, JMM), pp. 148–164.
- MoDELS-2009-SenMBJ #metamodelling
- Meta-model Pruning (SS, NM, BB, JMJ), pp. 32–46.
- ICST-2008-SenBM #model transformation #modelling #multi #on the #testing
- On Combining Multi-formalism Knowledge to Select Models for Model Transformation Testing (SS, BB, JMM), pp. 328–337.