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Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × Ireland
1 × Israel
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Guo T.Nguyen C.Downey S.A.McIlraith L.Xie K.W.Lim R.Mehrotra W.L.Buntine J.R.Anderson C.Lebiere M.C.Lovett M.G.Far M.R.Bouadjenek G.Ferraro D.Hawking S.Sedhain D.Braziunas J.Christensen T.Graepel S.Kharazmi S.Karimi
Talks about:
relev (3) model (3) bayesian (2) latent (2) expect (2) divers (2) order (2) optim (2) call (2) relationship (1)

Person: Scott Sanner

DBLP DBLP: Sanner:Scott

Contributed to:

SIGIR 20152015
RecSys 20142014
ICML c3 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
SIGIR 20122012
CIKM 20112011
ICML 20102010
SIGIR 20102010
KR 20062006
ICML 20002000

Wrote 10 papers:

SIGIR-2015-FarSBFH #on the
On Term Selection Techniques for Patent Prior Art Search (MGF, SS, MRB, GF, DH), pp. 803–806.
RecSys-2014-SedhainSBXC #collaboration #recommendation #social
Social collaborative filtering for cold-start recommendations (SS, SS, DB, LX, JC), pp. 345–348.
ICML-c3-2013-NguyenS #algorithm #classification #optimisation
Algorithms for Direct 0-1 Loss Optimization in Binary Classification (TN, SS), pp. 1085–1093.
SIGIR-2013-MehrotraSBX #automation #microblog #modelling #topic #twitter
Improving LDA topic models for microblogs via tweet pooling and automatic labeling (RM, SS, WLB, LX), pp. 889–892.
SIGIR-2012-LimSG #on the #trade-off
On the mathematical relationship between expected n-call@k and the relevance vs. diversity trade-off (KWL, SS, SG), pp. 1117–1118.
CIKM-2011-SannerGGKK #optimisation #retrieval #topic
Diverse retrieval via greedy optimization of expected 1-call@k in a latent subtopic relevance model (SS, SG, TG, SK, SK), pp. 1977–1980.
ICML-2010-DowneyS #adaptation #difference
Temporal Difference Bayesian Model Averaging: A Bayesian Perspective on Adapting λ (CD, SS), pp. 311–318.
SIGIR-2010-GuoS #probability
Probabilistic latent maximal marginal relevance (SG, SS), pp. 833–834.
KR-2006-SannerM #calculus #first-order #hybrid #logic #reasoning
An Ordered Theory Resolution Calculus for Hybrid Reasoning in First-Order Extensions of Description Logic (SS, SAM), pp. 100–111.
ICML-2000-SannerALL #learning #performance
Achieving Efficient and Cognitively Plausible Learning in Backgammon (SS, JRA, CL, MCL), pp. 823–830.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.