Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ M.Mosbah S.Naven M.Leuschel B.Derbel G.Vogeler B.Burkard M.Bauderon Y.Métivier A.Sellami
Talks about:
graph (5) model (3) distribut (2) document (2) abstract (2) partial (2) deduct (2) mobil (2) tool (2) specialist (1)
Person: Stefan Gruner
DBLP: Gruner:Stefan
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- GT-VMT-2008-Gruner #graph transformation #mobile #network
- Graph Transformation Model of a Triangulated Network of Mobile Units (SG).
- ICGT-2008-DerbelMG #graph #implementation #mobile
- Mobile Agents Implementing Local Computations in Graphs (BD, MM, SG), pp. 99–114.
- SAC-2007-VogelerGB #documentation #tool support #xml
- New specialist tools for medieval document XML markup (GV, SG, BB), pp. 594–599.
- SAC-2005-GrunerN #detection #documentation #tool support
- Tool support for plagiarism detection in text documents (SG, SN), pp. 776–781.
- LOPSTR-2002-Gruner #deduction
- Abstract Partial Deduction Challenged (SG), pp. 258–259.
- LOPSTR-2001-LeuschelG #deduction #model checking #using
- Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction Using Regular Types and Its Application to Model Checking (ML, SG), pp. 91–110.
- AGTIVE-1999-Gruner #approach #consistency #distributed #graph grammar #modelling
- A Combined Graph Schema and Graph Grammar Approach to Consistency in Distributed Data Modeling (SG), pp. 247–254.
- GT-VMT-2001-BauderonGMMS #algorithm #distributed #graph #visualisation
- Visualization of Distributed Algorithms Based on Graph Relabelling Systems (MB, SG, YM, MM, AS), pp. 227–237.