Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
Collaborated with:
A.Weilenmann B.Jungselius Marisa Ponti Igor Stankovic
Talks about:
social (3) museum (2) media (2) trajectori (1) methodolog (1) instagram (1) communic (1) approach (1) practic (1) situat (1)
Person: Thomas Hillman
DBLP: Hillman:Thomas
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2015-HillmanW #approach #social #social media
- Situated Social Media Use: A Methodological Approach to Locating Social Media Practices and Trajectories (TH, AW), pp. 4057–4060.
- CHI-2013-WeilenmannHJ #communication #experience #social
- Instagram at the museum: communicating the museum experience through social photo sharing (AW, TH, BJ), pp. 1843–1852.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-PontiHS #gamification #question
- Science and Gamification: The Odd Couple? (MP, TH, IS), pp. 679–684.