51 papers:
CHI-2015-LeeBCCWPSBR #exclamation #interactive- Trap it!: A Playful Human-Biology Interaction for a Museum Installation (SAL, EB, AMC, NC, BW, JYP, BS, PB, IHRK), pp. 2593–2602.
DUXU-DD-2015-GuoSYL #people- Personal Museum — A New Museum that Focus on Emotional Relationship Between People and Belongings (LG, YS, SY, HBL), pp. 502–512.
HIMI-IKC-2015-IkeiSKKHAK #experience- Experience Simulator for the Digital Museum (YI, SS, SK, KK, KH, TA, MK), pp. 436–446.
LCT-2015-IbanezN #design #implementation #multi #using- Contextualization of Archaeological Findings Using Virtual Worlds. Issues on Design and Implementation of a Multiuser Enabled Virtual Museum (LAHI, VBN), pp. 384–393.
SCSM-2015-Sookhanaphibarn #modelling #social #social media- User Modeling on Social Media for Art Museums and Galleries (KS, UC, KNN), pp. 89–95.
CHI-2014-Wein #question #recognition #visual notation- Visual recognition in museum guide apps: do visitors want it? (LW), pp. 635–638.
CSCW-2014-TolmieBGRR #interactive- Supporting group interactions in museum visiting (PT, SB, CG, TR, SR), pp. 1049–1059.
DUXU-DP-2014-Patsoule #agile #interactive #multi- Interactions around a Multi-touch Tabletop: A Rapid Ethnographic Study in a Museum (EP), pp. 434–445.
HCI-AS-2014-JeonCY #case study #mobile- Developing a Location-Aware Mobile Guide System for GLAMs Based on TAPIR Sound Tag: A Case Study of the Lee Ungno Museum (JJ, GC, WSY), pp. 425–433.
HCI-TMT-2014-PenderL #identification- Identifying Intention and Perception Mismatches in Digitally Augmented Museum Settings (HLP, DL), pp. 565–576.
HIMI-AS-2014-IkeiOSAAH #experience- To Relive a Valuable Experience of the World at the Digital Museum (YI, YO, SS, KA, TA, KH), pp. 501–510.
HIMI-AS-2014-LiHFWTNHT- Digital Museums of Cultural Heritages in Kyoto: The Gion Festival in a Virtual Space (LL, KH, TF, WW, ST, TN, KH, HTT), pp. 523–534.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaGS #case study #gesture #interactive #process- Gesture Vocabulary for Natural Interaction with Virtual Museums — Case Study: A Process Created and Tested Within a Bilingual Deaf Children School (LRdS, LSG, LS), pp. 5–13.
CHI-2013-CafaroPLRR #exclamation #interactive- I see you there!: developing identity-preserving embodied interaction for museum exhibits (FC, AP, LL, JR, JR), pp. 1911–1920.
CHI-2013-IchinoIHU #behaviour- Effects of the display angle in museums on user’s cognition, behavior, and subjective responses (JI, KI, AH, TU), pp. 2979–2988.
CHI-2013-WeilenmannHJ #communication #experience #social- Instagram at the museum: communicating the museum experience through social photo sharing (AW, TH, BJ), pp. 1843–1852.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MartinsG #information management #process- Information Accessibility in Museums with a Focus on Technology and Cognitive Process (LBM, FG), pp. 257–265.
DUXU-CXC-2013-WilkosinskaAGJ #framework #implementation #online #towards- Towards a Common Implementation Framework for Online Virtual Museums (KW, AA, HG, YJ), pp. 321–330.
DUXU-NTE-2013-AlelisBA- Exhibiting Emotion: Capturing Visitors’ Emotional Responses to Museum Artefacts (GA, AB, CSA), pp. 429–438.
DUXU-PMT-2013-GockelGPPE #approach #evaluation #experience #named #user interface- VMUXE — An Approach to User Experience Evaluation for Virtual Museums (BG, HG, AP, SP, JE), pp. 262–272.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-IkeiAMOAH #experience- Virtual Experience System for a Digital Museum (YI, KA, YM, YO, TA, KH), pp. 203–209.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-NarumiKHATH #approach- Digital Railway Museum: An Approach to Introduction of Digital Exhibition Systems at the Railway Museum (TN, TK, TH, KA, TT, MH), pp. 238–247.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-TanikawaNH #artificial reality- Mixed Reality Digital Museum Project (TT, TN, MH), pp. 248–257.
HT-2012-WolffMC #approach #named- Storyspace: a story-driven approach for creating museum narratives (AW, PM, TDC), pp. 89–98.
CHI-2012-HornLBDEPS #game studies #interactive- Of BATs and APEs: an interactive tabletop game for natural history museums (MSH, ZAL, FB, JD, EME, BCP, CS), pp. 2059–2068.
CSCW-2012-FuksMCVUB #approach #co-evolution #collaboration #design- Collaborative museums: an approach to co-design (HF, HM, DC, KV, WU, MB), pp. 681–684.
CHI-2011-McLoughlinC #assembly #design- Design interventions for open-air museums: applying and extending the principles of “assembly” (MM, LC), pp. 553–556.
CHI-2011-PazminoL #case study #mobile- An exploratory study of input modalities for mobile devices used with museum exhibits (PJP, LL), pp. 895–904.
DUXU-v2-2011-YasumaN #artificial reality #question- User Characteristic-Based Information-Providing Service for Museum with Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display: Does It Evoke Enthusiasm? (YY, MN), pp. 234–242.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CamposCPJ #design #multi- Studying the Role of Interactivity in Museums: Designing and Comparing Multimedia Installations (PC, MC, JP, JAJ), pp. 155–164.
IDGD-2011-HuangHL #design- Exploration of the Cultural Product Design of the National Palace Museum from a Qualia Viewpoint (MHH, WH, RL), pp. 65–74.
CHI-2009-CosleyBLANASG #navigation #semantics #social- A tag in the hand: supporting semantic, social, and spatial navigation in museums (DC, JB, SL, BA, SN, PA, CS, GG), pp. 1953–1962.
CHI-2009-HopeNTNFHN- Familial collaborations in a museum (TH, YN, TT, AN, SF, MH, TN), pp. 1963–1972.
CHI-2009-KolevaESGGRD #case study #experience #hybrid- Supporting the creation of hybrid museum experiences (BK, SRE, HS, KG, CG, TR, MDR), pp. 1973–1982.
CHI-2009-YamazakiYOKKHPLLH- Revealing gauguin: engaging visitors in robot guide’s explanation in an art museum (KY, AY, MO, YK, YK, YH, KP, PL, DvL, CH), pp. 1437–1446.
OCSC-2009-RazaliNA #community #component #framework #social- Structuring the Social Subsystem Components of the Community Based E-Museum Framework (SR, NLMN, WAWA), pp. 108–116.
CHI-2008-CosleyLHHBNBG #named #social- ArtLinks: fostering social awareness and reflection in museums (DC, JL, AH, JH, JB, SN, KB, GG), pp. 403–412.
CHI-2007-KunoSKYYK #analysis #interactive- Museum guide robot based on sociological interaction analysis (YK, KS, MK, KY, AY, HK), pp. 1191–1194.
HCI-IPT-2007-GalludLTP #experience #interactive #mobile #using- Using Mobile Devices to Improve the Interactive Experience of Visitors in Art Museums (JAG, MDL, RT, VMRP), pp. 280–287.
HCI-IPT-2007-ParkJ07a #framework #novel- A Novel Infrastructure of Digital Storytelling Theme Museums Based on RFID Systems (MP, KJ), pp. 893–900.
ITiCSE-2006-GiangrandiM #quote- “Numeri e Macchine”: a virtual museum to learn the history of computing (PG, CM), pp. 78–82.
SAC-2004-HatalaKWN #ontology #retrieval #rule-based- Ontology and rule based retrieval of sound objects in augmented audio reality system for museum visitors (MH, LK, RW, KN), pp. 1045–1050.
CSCW-2002-GrinterASTWH #comprehension #how- Revisiting the visit: : understanding how technology can shape the museum visit (REG, PMA, MHS, JDT, AW, AH), pp. 146–155.
ICDAR-2001-LucasTCDR #recognition #robust #word- Robust Word Recognition for Museum Archive Card Indexing (SML, ACT, SJC, ACD, SR), pp. 144–148.
ITiCSE-2001-Impagliazzo- Real and virtual computing museums (JI), p. 185.
SAC-2000-BellavistaCT #mobile- The Mobile Agent Technology to Support and to Access Museum Information (PB, AC, AT), pp. 1006–1013.
SAC-2000-BonfigliCG- Nu.M.E.: a WWW Virtual Historic Museum of the City of Bologna (MEB, LC, AG), pp. 956–961.
HCI-CCAD-1999-OppermannS #adaptation #learning #mobile- Adaptive mobile museum guide for information and learning on demand (RO, MS), pp. 642–646.
HT-ECHT-1994-TaylorTB #concept #hypermedia #representation- Representation and Manipulation of Conceptual, Temporal and Geographical Knowledge in a Museum Hypermedia System (CT, DT, PBD), pp. 239–244.
HCI-SHI-1993-JonesC #student #visitor- Changing Persona: University Student to Museum Visitor (THJ, MC), pp. 500–506.
HT-ECHT-1992-Alberti #approach #hypermedia- A Hypermedia and a Hypertext Approach to a Museum Guide (Demonstration) (MAA), p. 296.