Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Turkey
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Ramanujam P.Sadayappan A.Acharya S.G.Bhaskaracharya M.M.Baskaran A.Rountev A.C.0001 S.Krishnamoorthy R.T.Mullapudi V.Vasista A.Hartono S.Purini V.Benara Z.Choudhury N.Vydyanathan L.Pouchet C.Bastoul A.Cohen N.Vasilache
Talks about:
parallel (6) automat (6) transform (5) optim (5) polyhedr (4) loop (4) local (3) process (2) pipelin (2) effect (2)
Person: Uday Bondhugula
DBLP: Bondhugula:Uday
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- ASPLOS-2015-MullapudiVB #automation #image #named #optimisation #pipes and filters
- PolyMage: Automatic Optimization for Image Processing Pipelines (RTM, VV, UB), pp. 429–443.
- PPoPP-2015-AcharyaB #locality #modelling #parallel
- PLUTO+: near-complete modeling of affine transformations for parallelism and locality (AA, UB), pp. 54–64.
- CC-2013-BhaskaracharyaB #data flow #framework #named #visual notation
- PolyGLoT: A Polyhedral Loop Transformation Framework for a Graphical Dataflow Language (SGB, UB), pp. 123–143.
- POPL-2011-PouchetBBCRSV #optimisation
- Loop transformations: convexity, pruning and optimization (LNP, UB, CB, AC, JR, PS, NV), pp. 549–562.
- PPoPP-2009-BaskaranVBRRS #effectiveness #manycore #parallel #scheduling
- Compiler-assisted dynamic scheduling for effective parallelization of loop nests on multicore processors (MMB, NV, UB, JR, AR, PS), pp. 219–228.
- CC-2008-BondhugulaBKRRS #automation #locality #optimisation #parallel
- Automatic Transformations for Communication-Minimized Parallelization and Locality Optimization in the Polyhedral Model (UB, MMB, SK, JR, AR, PS), pp. 132–146.
- PLDI-2008-BondhugulaHRS #automation #locality
- A practical automatic polyhedral parallelizer and locality optimizer (UB, AH, JR, PS), pp. 101–113.
- PPoPP-2008-BaskaranBKRRS #architecture #automation #data flow #parallel
- Automatic data movement and computation mapping for multi-level parallel architectures with explicitly managed memories (MMB, UB, SK, JR, AR, PS), pp. 1–10.
- PLDI-2007-KrishnamoorthyBBRRS #automation #effectiveness #parallel
- Effective automatic parallelization of stencil computations (SK, MMB, UB, JR, AR, PS), pp. 235–244.
- PPoPP-2007-BondhugulaRS #automation
- Automatic mapping of nested loops to FPGAS (UB, JR, PS), pp. 101–111.
- CC-2020-PuriniBCB #analysis #image #pipes and filters #smt #using
- Bitwidth customization in image processing pipelines using interval analysis and SMT solvers (SP, VB, ZC, UB), pp. 167–178.
- POPL-2016-BhaskaracharyaB #approach #named #optimisation
- SMO: an integrated approach to intra-array and inter-array storage optimization (SGB, UB, AC0), pp. 526–538.
- PLDI-2018-AcharyaB0 #integer #linear #programming
- Polyhedral auto-transformation with no integer linear programming (AA, UB, AC0), pp. 529–542.