Travelled to:
1 × Italy
18 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ D.Harel H.Gaifman A.R.Meyer M.O.Rabin L.J.Stockmeyer H.Devarajan D.J.D.Hughes G.D.Plotkin M.Blum R.W.Floyd R.L.Rivest R.E.Tarjan
Talks about:
logic (6) program (5) comput (4) parallel (2) mathemat (2) process (2) concurr (2) complet (2) linear (2) queue (2)
Person: Vaughan R. Pratt
DBLP: Pratt:Vaughan_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- LICS-1999-DevarajanHPP #linear #logic #multi
- Full Completeness of the Multiplicative Linear Logic of Chu Spaces (HD, DJDH, GDP, VRP), pp. 234–243.
- LICS-1995-Pratt #coordination
- The Stone Gamut: A Coordinatization of Mathematics (VRP), pp. 444–454.
- LICS-1992-Pratt #calculus
- Origins of the Calculus of Binary Relations (VRP), pp. 248–254.
- POPL-1991-Pratt #concurrent #geometry #modelling
- Modeling Concurrency with Geometry (VRP), pp. 311–322.
- LICS-1987-GaifmanP #concurrent #modelling #partial order
- Partial Order Models of Concurrency and the Computation of Functions (HG, VRP), pp. 72–85.
- POPL-1983-Pratt #data flow #design #paradigm #programming
- Five Paradigm Shifts in Language Design and their Realization in Viron, a Dataflow Programming Environment (VRP), pp. 1–9.
- POPL-1982-Pratt #composition #on the #process
- On the Composition of Processes (VRP), pp. 213–223.
- POPL-1981-Pratt #decidability #logic
- Program Logic Without Binding is Decidable (VRP), pp. 159–163.
- POPL-1980-Pratt #on the #specification #verification
- On Specifying Verifiers (VRP), pp. 106–116.
- STOC-1980-Pratt #algebra #induction
- Dynamic Algebras and the Nature of Induction (VRP), pp. 22–28.
- POPL-1979-Pratt #logic #process
- Process Logic (VRP), pp. 93–100.
- POPL-1978-HarelP #logic #nondeterminism #source code
- Nondeterminism in Logics of Programs (DH, VRP), pp. 203–213.
- STOC-1978-Pratt #logic
- A Practical Decision Method for Propositional Dynamic Logic: Preliminary Report (VRP), pp. 326–337.
- POPL-1977-Pratt #performance #programming
- The Competence/Performance Dichotomy in Programming (VRP), pp. 194–200.
- STOC-1977-HarelMP #logic #source code
- Computability and Completeness in Logics of Programs (DH, ARM, VRP), pp. 261–268.
- STOC-1974-Pratt #matrix #multi #power of
- The Power of Negative Thinking in Multiplying Boolean Matrices (VRP), pp. 80–83.
- STOC-1974-PrattRS #power of
- A Characterization of the Power of Vector Machines (VRP, MOR, LJS), pp. 122–134.
- POPL-1973-Pratt #precedence #top-down
- Top Down Operator Precedence (VRP), pp. 41–51.
- STOC-1973-Pratt #parallel #permutation
- Computing Permutations with Double-Ended Queues, Parallel Stacks and Parallel Queues (VRP), pp. 268–277.
- STOC-1972-BlumFPRT #bound #linear
- Linear Time Bounds for Median Computations (MB, RWF, VRP, RLR, RET), pp. 119–124.
- TAPSOFT-1995-Pratt #debugging
- Anatomy of the Pentium Bug (VRP), pp. 97–107.
- TAPSOFT-1995-Pratt95a
- Rational Mechanisms and Natural Mathematics (VRP), pp. 108–122.