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Open Knowledge
XHTML 1.0 W3C Rec
CSS 2.1 W3C CanRec
email twitter
Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × South Korea
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Reuter T.Ludwig T.Wiedenhoefer V.Wulf M.Rohde P.Mambrey T.Siebigteroth M.Kaufhold B.Ley C.Dörner M.Sprenger G.Stevens S.Saeed
Talks about:
design (3) support (2) social (2) studi (2) manag (2) crowd (2) case (2) participatori (1) framework (1) research (1)

Person: Volkmar Pipek

DBLP DBLP: Pipek:Volkmar

Contributed to:

CHI 20152015
CHI 20122012
CSCW 20112011
CHI 20102010
HCI v2 19991999

Wrote 7 papers:

CHI-2015-0005RSP #mobile #named #physics #process
CrowdMonitor: Mobile Crowd Sensing for Assessing Physical and Digital Activities of Citizens during Emergencies (TL, CR, TS, VP), pp. 4083–4092.
CHI-2015-Reuter0KP #design #named #platform #volunteer
XHELP: Design of a Cross-Platform Social-Media Application to Support Volunteer Moderators in Disasters (CR, TL, MAK, VP), pp. 4093–4102.
Supporting improvisation work in inter-organizational crisis management (BL, VP, CR, TW), pp. 1529–1538.
CSCW-2011-DornerWSP #distributed #named #video
SISO: simple service orchestration (video showcase) (CD, TW, MAS, VP), pp. 575–576.
CSCW-2011-WulfRPS #case study #design #framework #research
Engaging with practices: design case studies as a research framework in CSCW (VW, MR, VP, GS), pp. 505–512.
CHI-2010-SaeedPRW #case study #social
Managing nomadic knowledge: a case study of the European social forum (SS, VP, MR, VW), pp. 537–546.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MambreyP #communication #design #multi
Enhancing participatory design by multiple communication channels (PM, VP), pp. 387–391.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.