Travelled to:
1 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Madden J.M.Hellerstein M.J.Franklin ∅ A.Deshpande O.Cooper S.Krishnamurthy F.Reiss C.Guestrin A.Edakkunni S.R.Jeffery S.Rizvi E.Wu S.Chandrasekaran M.A.Shah
Talks about:
network (3) sensor (3) acquisit (2) architectur (1) telegraph (1) processor (1) parallel (1) dataflow (1) process (1) ggregat (1)
Person: Wei Hong
DBLP: Hong:Wei
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- VLDB-2004-CooperEFHJKRRW #architecture #named
- HiFi: A Unified Architecture for High Fan-in Systems (OC, AE, MJF, WH, SRJ, SK, FR, SR, EW), pp. 1357–1360.
- VLDB-2004-DeshpandeGMHH #modelling #network
- Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks (AD, CG, SM, JMH, WH), pp. 588–599.
- SIGMOD-2003-ChandrasekaranCDFHHKMRS #data flow #named
- TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing (SC, OC, AD, MJF, JMH, WH, SK, SM, FR, MAS), p. 668.
- SIGMOD-2003-MaddenFHH #design #network #query
- The Design of an Acquisitional Query Processor For Sensor Networks (SM, MJF, JMH, WH), pp. 491–502.
- OSDI-2002-MaddenFHH #ad hoc #named #network
- TAG: A Tiny AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (SM, MJF, JMH, WH), pp. 131–146.
- SIGMOD-1992-Hong #parallel
- Exploiting Inter-Operation Parallelism in XPRS (WH), pp. 19–28.