Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Ireland
1 × Portugal
1 × Taiwan
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × China
2 × Spain
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Kanhabua ∅ K.Balog C.Doulkeridis A.Vlachou R.Neumayer M.Vazirgiannis Y.Kotidis M.Ciglan J.O.Hauglid J.Rybak A.Schmidt G.Tsatsaronis I.Varlamis M.Laclavik K.Berberich R.Mayer N.H.Ryeng J.R.Benetka J.B.Rocha-Junior S.Larrain C.Trattner D.Parra E.Graells-Garrido D.Kotsakos T.Lappas D.Kotzias D.Gunopulos S.Torge M.Reimann M.Schröder M.Zschunke
Talks about:
queri (11) time (11) base (7) tempor (6) semant (6) distribut (5) document (5) databas (5) search (5) effici (4)
Person: Kjetil Nørvåg
DBLP: N=oslash=rv=aring=g:Kjetil
Contributed to:
Wrote 35 papers:
- RecSys-2015-LarrainTPGN #case study #collaboration #social
- Good Times Bad Times: A Study on Recency Effects in Collaborative Filtering for Social Tagging (SL, CT, DP, EGG, KN), pp. 269–272.
- ECIR-2014-RybakBN #profiling
- Temporal Expertise Profiling (JR, KB, KN), pp. 540–546.
- SIGIR-2014-KotsakosLKGKN #approach #documentation
- A burstiness-aware approach for document dating (DK, TL, DK, DG, NK, KN), pp. 1003–1006.
- SIGIR-2014-RybakBN #named
- ExperTime: tracking expertise over time (JR, KB, KN), pp. 1273–1274.
- KDD-2013-CiglanLN #community #detection #network #on the
- On community detection in real-world networks and the importance of degree assortativity (MC, ML, KN), pp. 1007–1015.
- SIGMOD-2013-VlachouDNK #algorithm #bound #query
- Branch-and-bound algorithm for reverse top-k queries (AV, CD, KN, YK), pp. 481–492.
- CIKM-2012-KanhabuaN #learning #query #rank
- Learning to rank search results for time-sensitive queries (NK, KN), pp. 2463–2466.
- CIKM-2012-KanhabuaN12a #predict #query #retrieval
- Estimating query difficulty for news prediction retrieval (NK, KN), pp. 2623–2626.
- CIKM-2012-TsatsaronisVN #documentation #named #semantics #using
- SemaFor: semantic document indexing using semantic forests (GT, IV, KN), pp. 1692–1696.
- ECIR-2012-NeumayerBN #ad hoc #modelling #on the #web
- On the Modeling of Entities for Ad-Hoc Entity Search in the Web of Data (RN, KB, KN), pp. 133–145.
- ECIR-2012-NeumayerBN12a #effectiveness #semantics
- When Simple is (more than) Good Enough: Effective Semantic Search with (almost) no Semantics (RN, KB, KN), pp. 540–543.
- SIGIR-2012-KanhabuaBN #learning #retrieval
- Learning to select a time-aware retrieval model (NK, KB, KN), pp. 1099–1100.
- TPDL-2012-NeumayerBN #distributed #ranking #repository
- Ranking Distributed Knowledge Repositories (RN, KB, KN), pp. 486–491.
- ECIR-2011-NeumayerMN #categorisation #feature model
- Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation (RN, RM, KN), pp. 763–766.
- SAC-2011-RyengHN #distributed #semantics
- Site-autonomous distributed semantic caching (NHR, JOH, KN), pp. 1015–1021.
- SIGIR-2011-KanhabuaN #performance #predict #query
- Time-based query performance predictors (NK, KN), pp. 1181–1182.
- SIGIR-2011-KanhabuaN11a #comparison #ranking
- A comparison of time-aware ranking methods (NK, KN), pp. 1257–1258.
- TPDL-2011-TsatsaronisVTRNSZ #graph #how #mining #modelling
- How to Become a Group Leader? or Modeling Author Types Based on Graph Mining (GT, IV, ST, MR, KN, MS, MZ), pp. 15–26.
- VLDB-2011-Rocha-JuniorVDN10 #performance #query
- Efficient Processing of Top-k Spatial Preference Queries (JBRJ, AV, CD, KN), pp. 93–104.
- CIKM-2010-CiglanN #detection #named #personalisation #statistics #wiki
- WikiPop: personalized event detection system based on Wikipedia page view statistics (MC, KN), pp. 1931–1932.
- CIKM-2010-DoulkeridisVNKV #multi #on the
- On the selectivity of multidimensional routing indices (CD, AV, KN, YK, MV), pp. 109–118.
- ECDL-2010-KanhabuaN #query #ranking
- Determining Time of Queries for Re-ranking Search Results (NK, KN), pp. 261–272.
- VLDB-2010-VlachouDNK #identification #query
- Identifying the Most Influential Data Objects with Reverse Top-k Queries (AV, CD, KN, YK), pp. 364–372.
- CIKM-2009-DoulkeridisVNKV #distributed #multi #performance #query
- Multidimensional routing indices for efficient distributed query processing (CD, AV, KN, YK, MV), pp. 1489–1492.
- CIKM-2008-HauglidN #database #distributed #named #query
- PROQID: partial restarts of queries in distributed databases (JOH, KN), pp. 1251–1260.
- ECDL-2008-KanhabuaN #documentation #modelling
- Improving Temporal Language Models for Determining Time of Non-timestamped Documents (NK, KN), pp. 358–370.
- SIGMOD-2008-VlachouDNV #distributed #on the #performance #query
- On efficient top-k query processing in highly distributed environments (AV, CD, KN, MV), pp. 753–764.
- ECDL-2006-DoulkeridisNV #generative #library #scalability #semantics
- Scalable Semantic Overlay Generation for P2P-Based Digital Libraries (CD, KN, MV), pp. 26–38.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-SchmidtN #agile #database #development #xml
- Rapid XML Database Application Development (AS, KN), pp. 370–375.
- ECDL-2003-Norvag #documentation
- Space-Efficient Support for Temporal Text Indexing in a Document Archive Context (KN), pp. 511–522.
- SAC-2002-Norvag #database #query #xml
- Temporal query operators in XML databases (KN), pp. 402–406.
- CIKM-2000-Norvag #case study #comparative #database
- A Comparative Study of Log-Only and In-Place Update Based Temporal Object Database Systems (KN), pp. 496–503.
- VLDB-1999-Norvag #database #object-oriented #persistent
- The Persistent Cache: Improving OID Indexing in Temporal Object-Oriented Database Systems (KN), pp. 66–77.
- JCDL-2010-KanhabuaN #documentation
- Exploiting time-based synonyms in searching document archives (NK, KN), pp. 79–88.
- JCDL-2017-BenetkaBN #knowledge base #towards #transaction
- Towards Building a Knowledge Base of Monetary Transactions from a News Collection (JRB, KB, KN), pp. 209–218.