Collaborated with:
J.Sun Y.Fu J.Gao H.Liu X.Yang M.Wang H.Shi C.Liu W.Zhao M.G.0001 J.Liang C.Zhou J.Guo Y.Zhao Q.Chen Y.Wang M.Z.0001 X.Song Y.Yang Y.Chen Z.Yang Z.Liu C.Sun M.Ren F.Ma H.Li X.Shi R.Wang X.Shi X.Jiao H.Song
Talks about:
fuzz (7) semant (4) seeker (4) vulner (3) learn (3) industri (2) ethereum (2) detect (2) binari (2) optim (2)
Person: Yu Jiang 0001
DBLP: 0001:Yu_Jiang
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- ASE-2017-WangZJS0S #optimisation #reachability #static analysis
- A static analysis tool with optimizations for reachability determination (YW, MZ0, YJ0, XS, MG0, JS), pp. 925–930.
- ASE-2017-YangJ0SGL
- A language model for statements of software code (YY, YJ0, MG0, JS, JG, HL), pp. 682–687.
- ASE-2018-GaoYFJS #learning #named #platform #semantics
- VulSeeker: a semantic learning based vulnerability seeker for cross-platform binary (JG, XY, YF, YJ0, JS), pp. 896–899.
- ASE-2018-LiuLZJS #contract #named #security #semantics #towards
- S-gram: towards semantic-aware security auditing for Ethereum smart contracts (HL, CL, WZ, YJ0, JS), pp. 814–819.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-GaoYFJSS #learning #named #semantics
- VulSeeker-pro: enhanced semantic learning based binary vulnerability seeker with emulation (JG, XY, YF, YJ0, HS, JS), pp. 803–808.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-GuoJZCS #difference #fuzzing #learning #named #testing
- DLFuzz: differential fuzzing testing of deep learning systems (JG, YJ0, YZ, QC, JS), pp. 739–743.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-LiangJCWZS #fuzzing #industrial #named #optimisation #parallel
- PAFL: extend fuzzing optimizations of single mode to industrial parallel mode (JL, YJ0, YC, MW, CZ, JS), pp. 809–814.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-LiuYLJZS #clone detection #detection #named #semantics #sketching #transaction
- EClone: detect semantic clones in Ethereum via symbolic transaction sketch (HL, ZY, CL, YJ0, WZ, JS), pp. 900–903.
- ASE-2019-ZhouWLLS0 #comprehension #fuzzing #interactive #named #visualisation
- VisFuzz: Understanding and Intervening Fuzzing with Interactive Visualization (CZ, MW, JL, ZL, CS, YJ0), pp. 1078–1081.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-FuRMSYJLS #detection #named #testing
- EVMFuzzer: detect EVM vulnerabilities via fuzz testing (YF, MR, FM, HS, XY, YJ0, HL, XS), pp. 1110–1114.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-ShiWFWSJSJS #enterprise #fuzzing #industrial #kernel #linux
- Industry practice of coverage-guided enterprise Linux kernel fuzzing (HS, RW, YF, MW, XS, XJ, HS, YJ0, JS), pp. 986–995.