Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.M.Dan M.T.Vechev E.Yahav A.Gurfinkel S.Shoham Á.García-Pérez A.Gotsman I.Sergey
Talks about:
abstract (3) memori (3) verif (2) relax (2) model (2) deconstruct (1) parameter (1) consensus (1) synthesi (1) system (1)
Person: Yuri Meshman
DBLP: Meshman:Yuri
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- VMCAI-2015-DanMVY #abstraction #effectiveness #memory management #modelling #verification
- Effective Abstractions for Verification under Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 449–466.
- SAS-2014-MeshmanDVY #memory management #refinement #synthesis
- Synthesis of Memory Fences via Refinement Propagation (YM, AMD, MTV, EY), pp. 237–252.
- SAS-2013-DanMVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling
- Predicate Abstraction for Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 84–104.
- FSE-2016-GurfinkelSM #smt #verification
- SMT-based verification of parameterized systems (AG, SS, YM), pp. 338–348.
- ESOP-2018-Garcia-PerezGMS
- Paxos Consensus, Deconstructed and Abstracted (ÁGP, AG, YM, IS), pp. 912–939.