58 papers:
ICALP-v2-2015-Raykov- Broadcast from Minicast Secure Against General Adversaries (PR), pp. 701–712.
ICML-2015-GajaneUC #algorithm #exponential- A Relative Exponential Weighing Algorithm for Adversarial Utility-based Dueling Bandits (PG, TU, FC), pp. 218–227.
SAC-2015-CruzPQSSOBO #algorithm #game studies #named #probability #using- Amê: an environment to learn and analyze adversarial search algorithms using stochastic card games (ABC, LP, JQ, US, SS, AO, EB, ESO), pp. 208–213.
SAC-2015-TambeN #behaviour #game studies #modelling #resource management #robust #security- Robust resource allocation in security games and ensemble modeling of adversary behavior (AT, TN), pp. 277–282.
ICALP-v2-2014-Chatterjee0 #game studies- Games with a Weak Adversary (KC, LD), pp. 110–121.
CIKM-2014-AlabdulmohsinGZ #reverse engineering #robust- Adding Robustness to Support Vector Machines Against Adversarial Reverse Engineering (IMA, XG, XZ), pp. 231–240.
ICML-c1-2014-Abbasi-YadkoriBK- Tracking Adversarial Targets (YAY, PLB, VK), pp. 369–377.
ICML-c2-2014-SeldinS #algorithm #probability- One Practical Algorithm for Both Stochastic and Adversarial Bandits (YS, AS), pp. 1287–1295.
SIGIR-2014-RichardsonC #statistics- Estimating global statistics for unstructured P2P search in the presence of adversarial peers (SR, IJC), pp. 203–212.
VLDB-2013-RekatsinasDM #clustering #multi- A SPARSI: Partitioning Sensitive Data amongst Multiple Adversaries (TR, AD, AM), pp. 1594–1605.
ICML-c1-2013-TorkamaniL #classification- Convex Adversarial Collective Classification (MT, DL), pp. 642–650.
ICML-c3-2013-ChenCM #robust- Robust Sparse Regression under Adversarial Corruption (YC, CC, SM), pp. 774–782.
ICML-c3-2013-DekelH- Better Rates for Any Adversarial Deterministic MDP (OD, EH), pp. 675–683.
ICML-c3-2013-GrosshansSBS #game studies #problem- Bayesian Games for Adversarial Regression Problems (MG, CS, MB, TS), pp. 55–63.
KDD-2013-Gesher #adaptation- Adaptive adversaries: building systems to fight fraud and cyber intruders (AG), p. 1136.
STOC-2012-VaziraniV #generative #quantum #random- Certifiable quantum dice: or, true random number generation secure against quantum adversaries (UVV, TV), pp. 61–76.
ICALP-v1-2012-Kimmel #bound #quantum- Quantum Adversary (Upper) Bound (SK), pp. 557–568.
ICALP-v2-2012-GroceKTZ- Byzantine Agreement with a Rational Adversary (AG, JK, AT, VZ), pp. 561–572.
CIKM-2012-ShirazipourazadBVSH #contest #how- Influence propagation in adversarial setting: how to defeat competition with least amount of investment (SS, BB, HV, AS, PH), pp. 585–594.
ICML-2012-DekelTA #adaptation #learning #online #policy- Online Bandit Learning against an Adaptive Adversary: from Regret to Policy Regret (OD, AT, RA), p. 227.
KDD-2012-ZhouKTX #machine learning- Adversarial support vector machine learning (YZ, MK, BMT, BX), pp. 1059–1067.
SIGIR-2012-Raiber- Adversarial content manipulation effects (FR), p. 993.
SAC-2012-OliveiraCS #bound #on the #using- On using adversary simulators to obtain tight lower bounds for response times (RSdO, AC, RAS), pp. 1573–1579.
STOC-2011-Ajtai- Secure computation with information leaking to an adversary (MA), pp. 715–724.
ICML-2011-GuilloryB #learning- Simultaneous Learning and Covering with Adversarial Noise (AG, JAB), pp. 369–376.
KDD-2011-BrucknerS #game studies #predict #problem- Stackelberg games for adversarial prediction problems (MB, TS), pp. 547–555.
KDD-2011-SculleyOPSHZ #detection- Detecting adversarial advertisements in the wild (DS, MEO, MP, BS, JH, YZ), pp. 274–282.
FoSSaCS-2010-AsarinCV #game studies- Fair Adversaries and Randomization in Two-Player Games (EA, RCYF, DV), pp. 64–78.
PLDI-2010-FlanaganF #detection #memory management- Adversarial memory for detecting destructive races (CF, SNF), pp. 244–254.
ICML-2010-Busa-FeketeK #performance #using- Fast boosting using adversarial bandits (RBF, BK), pp. 143–150.
SAC-2010-McDonaldTKG #component #reduction #using- Using logic-based reduction for adversarial component recovery (JTM, EDT, YCK, MRG), pp. 1993–2000.
CSL-2010-BasinC #protocol #security- Degrees of Security: Protocol Guarantees in the Face of Compromising Adversaries (DAB, CJFC), pp. 1–18.
VLDB-2009-MachanavajjhalaGG- Data Publishing against Realistic Adversaries (AM, JG, MG), pp. 790–801.
CIKM-2009-ChinavleKOF #classification- Ensembles in adversarial classification for spam (DC, PK, TO, TF), pp. 2015–2018.
SAC-2009-KingLS #network #taxonomy- A taxonomy and adversarial model for attacks against network log anonymization (JK, KL, AJS), pp. 1286–1293.
STOC-2008-MironovNS #sketching- Sketching in adversarial environments (IM, MN, GS), pp. 651–660.
ICALP-A-2008-ChildsL #bound #order #quantum- Optimal Quantum Adversary Lower Bounds for Ordered Search (AMC, TL), pp. 869–880.
SAC-2008-BenedettiLV #modelling #scheduling- Modeling adversary scheduling with QCSP+ (MB, AL, JV), pp. 151–155.
VLDB-2007-ChenRL #multi #privacy- Privacy Skyline: Privacy with Multidimensional Adversarial Knowledge (BCC, RR, KL), pp. 770–781.
STOC-2007-HoyerLS- Negative weights make adversaries stronger (PH, TL, RS), pp. 526–535.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-MurzekK #model transformation #process- Business Process Model Transformation Issues — The Top 7 Adversaries Encountered at Defining Model Transformations (MM, GK), pp. 144–151.
SOSP-2007-ChunMSK #memory management #word- Attested append-only memory: making adversaries stick to their word (BGC, PM, SS, JK), pp. 189–204.
WCRE-2006-CoxS #case study #experience #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering in Support of Litigation: Experiences in an Adversarial Environment (AC, TJS), pp. 288–292.
KDD-2006-AggarwalPZ #data mining #mining #on the #privacy- On privacy preservation against adversarial data mining (CCA, JP, BZ), pp. 510–516.
ESOP-2005-JanvierLM #encryption- Completing the Picture: Soundness of Formal Encryption in the Presence of Active Adversaries (RJ, YL, LM), pp. 172–185.
STOC-2005-Scheideler #exclamation #how- How to spread adversarial nodes?: rotate! (CS), pp. 704–713.
ICALP-2005-BaudetCK #equation #implementation- Computationally Sound Implementations of Equational Theories Against Passive Adversaries (MB, VC, SK), pp. 652–663.
ICALP-2005-SpalekS #quantum- All Quantum Adversary Methods Are Equivalent (RS, MS), pp. 1299–1311.
KDD-2005-LowdM #learning- Adversarial learning (DL, CM), pp. 641–647.
KDD-2004-DalviDMSV #classification- Adversarial classification (NND, PMD, M, SKS, DV), pp. 99–108.
ICALP-2003-AwerbuchBS- Anycasting in Adversarial Systems: Routing and Admission Control (BA, AB, CS), pp. 1153–1168.
ICML-2003-McMahanGB #cost analysis- Planning in the Presence of Cost Functions Controlled by an Adversary (HBM, GJG, AB), pp. 536–543.
STOC-2002-AnshelevichKK #algorithm- Stability of load balancing algorithms in dynamic adversarial systems (EA, DK, JMK), pp. 399–406.
CSCW-2000-CohenCM #collaboration #design- Designing to support adversarial collaboration (ALC, DC, MJM), pp. 31–39.
STOC-1999-Gamarnik #adaptation #network #policy- Stability of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Packet Routing Policies in Adversarial Queueing Networks (DG), pp. 206–214.
STOC-1998-AielloKOR #adaptation- Adaptive Packet Routing for Bursty Adversarial Traffic (WA, EK, RO, AR), pp. 359–368.
STOC-1996-BorodinKRSW- Adversarial Queueing Theory (AB, JMK, PR, MS, DPW), pp. 376–385.
ICALP-1996-AumannB #performance- Efficient Asynchronous Consensus with the Value-Oblivious Adversary Scheduler (YA, MAB), pp. 622–633.