17 papers:
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAS #graph grammar #multi #tool support- Tool Support for Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS), pp. 257–265.
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAST #graph grammar #multi- Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS, GT), pp. 87–103.
ICGT-2015-TaentzerG #analysis #confluence #graph transformation #towards- Towards Local Confluence Analysis for Amalgamated Graph Transformation (GT, UG), pp. 69–86.
WRLA-2014-Duran #composition #domain-specific language- Composition of Graph-Transformation-Based DSL Definitions by Amalgamation (FD), pp. 1–20.
ICPC-2014-HossenKP #maintenance #source code- Amalgamating source code authors, maintainers, and change proneness to triage change requests (KH, HHK, DP), pp. 130–141.
PODS-2013-BojanczykST #verification- Verification of database-driven systems via amalgamation (MB, LS, ST), pp. 63–74.
IJCAR-2012-BruttomessoGR #composition #quantifier- From Strong Amalgamability to Modularity of Quantifier-Free Interpolation (RB, SG, SR), pp. 118–133.
GCM-2010-GolasBEE11 #graph transformation #interpreter #semantics #visual notation- A Visual Interpreter Semantics for Statecharts Based on Amalgamated Graph Transformation (UG, EB, HE, CE).
ICGT-2010-GolasEH #category theory #multi- Multi-Amalgamation in Adhesive Categories (UG, HE, AH), pp. 346–361.
ICGT-2010-Kahl #category theory #graph transformation- Amalgamating Pushout and Pullback Graph Transformation in Collagories (WK), pp. 362–378.
WCRE-2007-SartipiD #architecture #component #framework #interactive #re-engineering- An Amalgamated Dynamic and Static Architecture Reconstruction Framework to Control Component Interactions 259 (KS, ND), pp. 259–268.
ICALP-v2-2006-LohreyS- Theories of HNN-Extensions and Amalgamated Products (ML, GS), pp. 504–515.
ICALP-2001-SchroderMT- Amalgamation in CASL via Enriched Signatures (LS, TM, AT), pp. 993–1004.
ICLP-1991-MansfieldTMN #approach #named #towards- AMLOG-E: A New Approach towards Amalgamation (GM, AT, NM, SN), pp. 364–378.
SIGIR-1988-JonesdK #alloy #named #statistics- ALLOY: An Amalgamation of Expert, Linguistic and Statistical Indexing Methods (LPJ, Cd, SK), pp. 191–199.
PLILP-1988-BonnierM #logic programming #source code #towards- Towards a Clean Amalgamation of Logic Programs with External Procedures (SB, JM), pp. 20–34.
JICSCP-1988-BonnierM88 #logic programming #source code #towards- Towards a Clean Amalgamation of Logic Programs with External Procedures (SB, JM), pp. 311–326.