7 papers:
VLDB-2013-RekatsinasDM #clustering #multi- A SPARSI: Partitioning Sensitive Data amongst Multiple Adversaries (TR, AD, AM), pp. 1594–1605.
CSCW-2013-BrushJMM- Digital neighborhood watch: investigating the sharing of camera data amongst neighbors (AJBB, JJ, RM, FM), pp. 693–700.
ITiCSE-2011-GottelS #design #game studies #student- Creativity room 5555: evoking creativity in game design amongst CS students (TG, JS), pp. 98–102.
ICDAR-2009-AlaeiNP #classification- Fine Classification of Unconstrained Handwritten Persian/Arabic Numerals by Removing Confusion amongst Similar Classes (AA, PN, UP), pp. 601–605.
KDD-2006-FanD #bias #classification #framework #performance #testing- Reverse testing: an efficient framework to select amongst classifiers under sample selection bias (WF, ID), pp. 147–156.
SAC-1999-MottR #architecture #community #multi- A Multi-Broker Architecture for Sharing Information Amongst Diverse User Communities (PLM, SAR), pp. 194–196.
HT-1997-HillHJLHH #hypermedia #navigation- Exploiting Serendipity Amongst Users To Provide Support For Hypertext Navigation (GH, GH, RJ, SL, JH, MH), pp. 212–213.