134 papers:
CHI-2015-JacksonB #development #interactive #protocol #standard- Standards and/as Innovation: Protocols, Creativity, and Interactive Systems Development in Ecology (SJJ, SB), pp. 1769–1778.
CHI-2015-KimDLBS #named- Motif: Supporting Novice Creativity through Expert Patterns (JK, MD, WL, MSB, DS), pp. 1211–1220.
CSCW-2015-FieslerFB #community #comprehension #online- Understanding Copyright Law in Online Creative Communities (CF, JLF, ASB), pp. 116–129.
CSCW-2015-SiangliulueAGD #collaboration #scalability #towards- Toward Collaborative Ideation at Scale: Leveraging Ideas from Others to Generate More Creative and Diverse Ideas (PS, KCA, KZG, SPD), pp. 937–945.
DUXU-DD-2015-Fabri #design #education #lessons learnt #student- Thinking with a New Purpose: Lessons Learned from Teaching Design Thinking Skills to Creative Technology Students (MF), pp. 32–43.
DUXU-UI-2015-SoutoFS #approach #comprehension #design #process #towards #women- The Creative Process in Digital Design: Towards an Understanding of Women’s Approach (VTS, PCLAF, FAdS), pp. 252–263.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ChangH15b- Next Step of Cultural and Creative Products — Embracing Users Creativity (CLC, MHH), pp. 409–419.
HIMI-IKC-2015-Frimodt-MollerB #information management- Possible Strategies for Facilitating the Exchange of Tacit Knowledge in a Team of Creative Professionals (SRFM, NB, EPB, YG), pp. 467–475.
HIMI-IKC-2015-KatoHT- Innovation Compass: Integrated System to Support Creativity in Both Individuals and Groups (YK, TH, ST), pp. 476–487.
HIMI-IKC-2015-KimitaMMNIS #education #learning- Learning State Model for Value Co-Creative Education Services (KK, KM, SM, YN, TI, YS), pp. 341–349.
LCT-2015-FardounAC15a #self #student- Construction of Educative Micro-Worlds to Build Students’ Creativity in Terms of Their Own Self-Learning (HMF, AAMAG, APC), pp. 349–360.
LCT-2015-LambropoulosMFK #design #experience #learning #ontology- Ontological Design to Support Cognitive Plasticity for Creative Immersive Experience in Computer Aided Learning (NL, IM, HMF, IAK), pp. 261–270.
CHI-2014-BenjaminCREVR #composition #named- Juxtapoze: supporting serendipity and creative expression in clipart compositions (WB, SKC, DR, NE, SVNV, KR), pp. 341–350.
CHI-2014-HunterMTIH #distance #exclamation #game studies #video- WaaZam!: supporting creative play at a distance in customized video environments (SEH, PM, AT, KMI, SMH), pp. 1197–1206.
CHI-2014-MuellerGVE #design #game studies #process- Supporting the creative game design process with exertion cards (FM, MRG, FV, DE), pp. 2211–2220.
CHI-2014-SeokWL #design #experience #user interface- Non-finito products: a new design space of user creativity for personal user experience (JS, JbW, YKL), pp. 693–702.
CHI-2014-ZhaoBCPEKR #collaboration #multi #named #sketching- skWiki: a multimedia sketching system for collaborative creativity (ZZ, SKB, SKC, DGP, NE, LGK, KR), pp. 1235–1244.
CSCW-2014-KimCB #collaboration #named- Ensemble: exploring complementary strengths of leaders and crowds in creative collaboration (JK, JC, MSB), pp. 745–755.
CSCW-2014-NakazatoYSNTH #realtime #using #video- Smart Face: enhancing creativity during video conferences using real-time facial deformation (NN, SY, SS, TN, TT, MH), pp. 75–83.
DUXU-TMT-2014-ChangHL #design #experience- Cultural Creativity in Experience Design Model (SHC, CHH, RL), pp. 622–630.
DUXU-TMT-2014-DoneyEF #behaviour #framework- Keeping Creative Writing on Track: Co-designing a Framework to Support Behavior Change (PD, RE, MF), pp. 631–642.
DUXU-TMT-2014-NieminenRTN #analysis #collaboration #industrial #information management- Collaboration Space for Creative Knowledge Work — Analysis of Industrial Pilots (MPN, MR, MT, MN), pp. 653–662.
DUXU-TMT-2014-So- Affording Creativity and New Media Possibilities (ZS), pp. 675–685.
HCI-TMT-2014-BorumBF #case study #tool support- The Resilience of Analog Tools in Creative Work Practices: A Case Study of LEGO Future Lab’s Team in Billund (NB, EPB, SRFM), pp. 23–34.
HCI-TMT-2014-MotylF #comparison #design #generative #idea- Comparison of Creativity Enhancement and Idea Generation Methods in Engineering Design Training (BM, SF), pp. 242–250.
HCI-TMT-2014-Zuanon #design #interactive #named #process- Design-Neuroscience: Interactions between the Creative and Cognitive Processes of the Brain and Design (RZ), pp. 167–174.
HIMI-AS-2014-MaeshiroM #network #process- Polyhedron Network Model to Describe Creative Processes (TM, MM), pp. 535–545.
HIMI-AS-2014-MatsuiHKA #behaviour #case study #education #learning- A Study on Exploration of Relationships between Behaviors and Mental States of Learners for Value Co-creative Education and Learning Environment (TM, YH, KK, TA), pp. 69–79.
HIMI-AS-2014-MiwaNHIN- Co-creative Bodily Expression through Remote Shadow Media System (YM, AN, NH, SI, HN), pp. 445–454.
LCT-NLE-2014-FardounKCC #education- Applying Gianni Rodari Techniques to Develop Creative Educational Environments (HMF, IAK, APC, JRC), pp. 388–397.
LCT-NLE-2014-Jo0L #analysis #empirical #people- Empirical Analysis of Changes in Human Creativity in People Who Work with Humanoid Robots and Their Avatars (DJ, JGL, KCL), pp. 273–281.
LCT-TRE-2014-BesiosL #education- Immersive Creative Classrooms within the Zones of Educational Priorities in Greek Primary Schools (AB, NL), pp. 258–268.
KMIS-2014-Schmitt #approach #generative #information management #novel- Proposing a Next Generation of Knowledge Management Systems for Creative Collaborations in Support of Individuals and Institutions — Featuring a Novel Approach for Meme-based Personal Knowledge Management (US), pp. 346–353.
SEKE-2014-HegdeW #bibliography #developer #how #perspective- How to Enhance the Creativity of Software Developers: A Systematic Literature Review (RH, GSW), pp. 229–234.
RE-2014-BhowmikNMS #automation #requirements- Automated support for combinational creativity in requirements engineering (TB, NN, AM, JS), pp. 243–252.
RE-2014-Ferreira #evolution #requirements- Creative Strategic Scenarios for preparation to requirements evolution (MGF), pp. 494–499.
CHI-2013-DavisZOHRGN- Creativity support for novice digital filmmaking (NMD, AZ, BO, BH, MR, AG, MN), pp. 651–660.
CHI-2013-GrossPBB #tool support- Machinima production tools: a vernacular history of a creative medium (SG, TP, JB, SB), pp. 971–980.
CHI-2013-SettlesD #online- Let’s get together: the formation and success of online creative collaborations (BS, SD), pp. 2009–2018.
CSCW-2013-GumiennyGWM #collaboration #distributed- Supporting creative collaboration in globally distributed companies (RG, LG, MW, CM), pp. 995–1007.
CSCW-2013-LutherFB #collaboration #online- Redistributing leadership in online creative collaboration (KL, CF, AB), pp. 1007–1022.
CSCW-2013-PaceODBB #community- From organizational to community creativity: paragon leadership & creativity stories at etsy (TP, KO, ND, SB, JB), pp. 1023–1034.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Attisano #named #people- SustainDesign — A Project with Young Creative People (RA), pp. 20–29.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ChangL #design #modelling #process- Design Process and Knowledge Searching Model Based on User Creativity (CLC, DBL), pp. 469–478.
DUXU-PMT-2013-LuL13a #behaviour #design- Innovative Behavioral Intention and Creativity Achievement in Design: Test of an Integrated Model (CCL, DBL), pp. 535–544.
DUXU-WM-2013-Tussyadiah #approach #case study #experience #mobile- Meta-design Approach for Mobile Platforms Supporting Creative Tourism Experiences (IPT), pp. 733–739.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ChamberlainC #named- Engagingdesign — Methods for Collective Creativity (PC, CC), pp. 22–31.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CrawfordBSMM #information management #re-engineering- Knowledge Management and Creativity in Software Engineering — The Foundations of Agility (BC, CLdlB, RS, SM, EM), pp. 265–272.
ECIR-2013-GalitskyK #mining #web- A Web Mining Tool for Assistance with Creative Writing (BG, SOK), pp. 828–831.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GirdauskieneS #what- Assessing Environmental Dimensions for Creativity and Knowledge Creation — What Features of Task, Group and Time do make an Impact on Creativity and Knowledge Creation in a Creative Organization (LG, AS), pp. 532–538.
RE-2013-MahauxC #interactive- Creative collisions: Meet and create: And other “RE interactive” suggestions (MM, DC), pp. 371–372.
CHI-2012-HietanenSAL #image- : helping the legal use of creative commons images (HH, AS, KA, YL), pp. 599–608.
CSCW-2012-SunSXS #collaboration #editing #realtime- Creative conflict resolution in realtime collaborative editing systems (DS, CS, SX, HS), pp. 1411–1420.
CSCW-2012-TripathiB #experience #modelling #predict- Predicting creativity in the wild: experience sample and sociometric modeling of teams (PT, WB), pp. 1203–1212.
KMIS-2012-CrawfordBSMM #information management #re-engineering- Knowledge Management and Creativity Practices in Software Engineering (BC, CLdlB, RS, SM, EM), pp. 277–280.
REFSQ-2012-MahauxMH #how #people #requirements #why- Choose Your Creativity: Why and How Creativity in Requirements Engineering Means Different Things to Different People (MM, AM, PH), pp. 101–116.
SAC-2012-LemosADR #requirements- A systematic mapping study on creativity in requirements engineering (JL, CFA, LD, GNR), pp. 1083–1088.
DocEng-2011-PortierC #documentation #multi #process- Introduction of a dynamic assistance to the creative process of adding dimensions to multistructured documents (PEP, SC), pp. 167–170.
ITiCSE-2011-BennettKR #education- CS education re-kindles creativity in public schools (VEB, KHK, AR), pp. 183–187.
ITiCSE-2011-GottelS #design #game studies #student- Creativity room 5555: evoking creativity in game design amongst CS students (TG, JS), pp. 98–102.
CHI-2011-AragonW #collaboration #distributed- Collaborative creativity: a complex systems model with distributed affect (CRA, AW), pp. 1875–1884.
CHI-2011-HalpernTEDESBG #interactive #named- MoBoogie: creative expression through whole body musical interaction (MKH, JT, ME, SD, AE, KS, EPSB, GG), pp. 557–560.
CHI-2011-KimP #reuse- Practices in the creative reuse of e-waste (SK, EP), pp. 2395–2404.
CHI-2011-LewisDG- Affective computational priming and creativity (SL, MD, EG), pp. 735–744.
CHI-2011-LvTJCLLZDW #collaboration #named- ShadowStory: creative and collaborative digital storytelling inspired by cultural heritage (FL, FT, YJ, XC, WL, GL, XZ, GD, HW), pp. 1919–1928.
CHI-2011-YuN- Cooks or cobblers?: crowd creativity through combination (LY, JVN), pp. 1393–1402.
CSCW-2011-WangFC #difference- From diversity to creativity: stimulating group brainstorming with cultural differences and conversationally-retrieved pictures (HCW, SRF, DC), pp. 265–274.
DUXU-v2-2011-TengC #concept #design- The Application of the Concept of Affordance to a Creative Design Method (CKT, MCC), pp. 215–224.
IDGD-2011-ChenCC11a #design- Discussion of Design and Experiential Marketing in Ming-Show Pottery Cultural Creative Product (IYC, CHC, CHC), pp. 17–26.
IDGD-2011-YehL #design- Applying Local Culture Features into Creative Craft Products Design (MLY, PHL), pp. 114–122.
OCSC-2011-SharminB #design #online- Online Design Discussion Sites: Emerging Resource for Creative Design (MS, BPB), pp. 219–228.
SAC-2011-ZhouZJY #approach #evolution #framework #in the cloud- An approach of creative application evolution on cloud computing platform (JZ, SZ, DJ, HY), pp. 54–58.
ITiCSE-2010-ApiolaLP #education #motivation- Creativity and intrinsic motivation in computer science education: experimenting with robots (MA, ML, TAP), pp. 199–203.
CHI-2010-BaumerST- America is like Metamucil: fostering critical and creative thinking about metaphor in political blogs (EPSB, JS, BT), pp. 1437–1446.
CHI-2010-RosnerR #named- Spyn: augmenting the creative and communicative potential of craft (DKR, KR), pp. 2407–2416.
RE-2010-MahauxHM #requirements- Making It all Up: Getting in on the Act to Improvise Creative Requirements (MM, PH, NAMM), pp. 375–376.
RE-2010-MaidenJKNZM #idea #problem #requirements #research- Requirements Engineering as Creative Problem Solving: A Research Agenda for Idea Finding (NAMM, SJ, IKK, RN, KZ, AM), pp. 57–66.
REFSQ-2010-SakhniniBM #effectiveness #elicitation #requirements #validation- Validation of the Effectiveness of an Optimized EPMcreate as an Aid for Creative Requirements Elicitation (VS, DMB, LM), pp. 91–105.
CHI-2009-GonzalesFD #question- (Perceived) interactivity: does interactivity increase enjoyment and creative identity in artistic spaces? (ALG, TF, SPD), pp. 415–418.
CHI-2009-HerringCKB #comprehension #design #exclamation #how #why- Getting inspired!: understanding how and why examples are used in creative design practice (SRH, CCC, JK, BPB), pp. 87–96.
CHI-2009-Ljungblad #what- Passive photography from a creative perspective: “If I would just shoot the same thing for seven days, it’s like... What’s the point?” (SL), pp. 829–838.
CHI-2009-WakkaryT #design- A sustainable identity: the creativity of an everyday designer (RW, KT), pp. 365–374.
HCD-2009-NieminenT #concept #development #problem- Concept Development with Real Users: Involving Customers in Creative Problem Solving (MPN, MT), pp. 869–878.
HCI-NT-2009-MiuraSK #collaboration #process- Augmented Collaborative Card-Based Creative Activity with Digital Pens (MM, TS, SK), pp. 644–651.
HCI-NT-2009-ZengPS #design #integration- Integration of Creativity into Website Design (LZ, RWP, GS), pp. 769–776.
HCI-VAD-2009-TakeuchiWIO #named #process- DiamondTheater: A System for Reproducing Theater and Supporting Creative Activities (TT, KW, TI, KiO), pp. 416–425.
HIMI-II-2009-NordinNZ #community #design #network #process #semantics #visualisation- Batik KR Semantic Network: Visualizations of Creative Process and Design Knowledge for the Malaysian Batik Designers’ Community (AN, NLMN, AZ), pp. 334–341.
IDGD-2009-ChenCJ #case study #design- A Study of Innovation Design on Taiwan Culture Creative Product — A Case Study of the Facial Mask of Ba Ja Jang (CHC, BCC, CDJ), pp. 337–346.
IDGD-2009-KangWHL #design- The Cultural Creative of Product Design for Pingtung County in Taiwan (YYK, MSW, WSH, HyL), pp. 366–375.
IDGD-2009-KoLL #case study #design #industrial- A Study of Service Innovation Design in Cultural and Creative Industry (YYK, PHL, RL), pp. 376–385.
REFSQ-2009-KarlsenMK #requirements #tool support- Inventing Requirements with Creativity Support Tools (IKK, NAMM, AK), pp. 162–174.
CSEET-2008-Taran #education #interactive #people- Managing Technical People: Creatively Teaching the Skills of Human Interaction in Today’s Diverse Classrooms (GT), pp. 93–100.
ITiCSE-2008-KnobelsdorfR- Creativity as a pathway to computer science (MK, RR), pp. 286–290.
CSCW-2008-LutherB #collaboration #online- Leadership in online creative collaboration (KL, AB), pp. 343–352.
RE-2008-JonesLML #learning #requirements- Use and Influence of Creative Ideas and Requirements for a Work-Integrated Learning System (SJ, PL, NAMM, SNL), pp. 289–294.
REFSQ-2008-SchlosserJM #database #requirements #using- Using a Creativity Workshop to Generate Requirements for an Event Database Application (CS, SJ, NAMM), pp. 109–122.
HCI-AS-2007-NguyenS #communication #semantics- ICT-Mediated Synchronous Communication in Creative Teamwork: From Cognitive Dust to Semantics (VN, PAS), pp. 692–701.
HCI-AS-2007-SchremmerKVE #design #distributed #framework #research- Design Discussion of the [braccetto] Research Platform: Supporting Distributed Intensely Collaborating Creative Teams of Teams (CS, AKH, RV, JE), pp. 722–734.
HCI-IDU-2007-HeldalRBW #collaboration- Presence, Creativity and Collaborative Work in Virtual Environments (IH, DJR, LB, RW), pp. 802–811.
OCSC-2007-ChenRM #information management #mobile #process- The Need for Technology to Support Creative Information Sharing Whilst Mobile: Identified Activities and Relationship Groups (YC, TR, VM), pp. 50–59.
OCSC-2007-WatkinsR #community- Cultural Institutions, Co-creativity and Communities of Interest (JW, AR), pp. 212–221.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-XiaRYM- Human-Centered Meta-Synthetic Engineering for Knowledge Creative System (CX, DR, LY, ZM), pp. 485–491.
SIGIR-2007-KohKH- Creativity support: information discovery and exploratory search (EK, AK, RH), pp. 895–896.
ICSE-2007-MaidenNR #case study #experience #requirements- Can Requirements Be Creative? Experiences with an Enhanced Air Space Management System (NAMM, CN, SR), pp. 632–641.
CHI-2006-CoughlanJ #interactive- Interaction in creative tasks (TC, PJ), pp. 531–540.
RE-2006-RegevGW #problem- Creativity and the Age-Old Resistance to Change Problem in RE (GR, DCG, AW), pp. 284–291.
ICSE-2006-MaidenRR #requirements- Creative requirements: invention and its role in requirements engineering (NAMM, SR, JR), pp. 1073–1074.
ITiCSE-2005-Massarelli- The difficult art of pruning in favour of creative thinking (RM), p. 368.
RE-2005-CalleleNS #game studies #industrial #process #requirements #video- Requirements Engineering and the Creative Process in the Video Game Industry (DC, EN, KS), pp. 240–252.
RE-2005-MaidenR #case study #experience #process #requirements- Integrating Creativity into Requirements Processes: Experiences with an Air Traffic Management System (NAMM, SR), pp. 105–116.
SAC-2005-KiskisP- Compensating creativity in the digital world: reconciling technology and culture (MK, RP), pp. 282–286.
RE-2004-Cross #design #how- How Creative Design Happens (NC), p. 2.
DATE-2001-StaaBHPMKH #data transformation #design- Data management: limiter or accelerator for electronic design creativity (PvS, RB, HH, BP, JM, WK, WH), pp. 162–163.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Devos #design #developer #tool support- A Whack on the Side of the Designer’s Head: A Toolkit for the Creative Developer (MMD), p. 391.
TOOLS-USA-2001-McBreen01a #development- Creativity in Software Development (PM), p. 390.
ECOOP-2000-DammHTT #automation #collaboration #flexibility #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Creative Object-Oriented Modelling: Support for Intuition, Flexibility, and Collaboration in CASE Tools (CHD, KMH, MT, MT), pp. 27–43.
CHI-1999-StreitzGHKMRRSS #interactive #named- i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation (NAS, JG, TH, SK, CMT, WR, PR, PS, RS), pp. 120–127.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Davies #visualisation- Expertise in a complex domain: supporting creativity through knowledge visualisation and re-description (SPD), pp. 112–116.
HCI-EI-1999-AverboukhMS #generative #interactive #usability- Creativity and Usability Engineering for Next Generation of Human Computer Interaction (EA, RM, RS), pp. 426–430.
HCI-EI-1999-Kitamura #concept #design #interactive #usability- Creativity and Usability Concepts in Designing Human Computer Interaction for Management of Complex Dynamic Systems (MK), pp. 431–435.
ITiCSE-1997-MeisaloST #data type #education #named- CLAP: teaching data structures in a creative way (VM, ES, JT), pp. 117–119.
HCI-CC-1997-Bradley #interactive- Interactive Creative Environments (ICE)-Strategic Organizational and Psychosocial Factors (GB), pp. 351–354.
HCI-SEC-1997-NakajimaHNT #interface #realtime #using- A System for Real-time Groupware Using a Pen Interface for Creative Thought Support (KN, EH, MN, NT), pp. 443–446.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SugimotoHO #documentation #research #retrieval- A document retrieval system for assisting creative research (MS, KH, SO), pp. 167–170.
ICDAR-1993-NakagawaKMS #design #interface- Principles of pen interface design for creative work (MN, NK, KM, TS), pp. 718–721.
HCI-ACS-1993-LehaneWL #design #modelling #parallel- Parallel Modeling: Addressing the Issues of Creative Designing in CAD Environments (ARL, DKW, EBL), pp. 249–254.
HCI-SHI-1993-EdmondsC #concept #design- Knowledge Support Systems for Conceptual Design: The Amplification of Creativity (EAE, LC), pp. 350–355.
HCI-SHI-1993-KinoeMH #process #user interface- Integrating Analytical and Creative Processes for User Interface Re-Design (YK, HM, YH), pp. 163–168.
INTERCHI-1993-UedaMY #authoring #interactive- IMPACT (abstract): interactive motion picture authoring system for creative talent (HU, TM, SY), p. 525.
ILPS-1993-Boden #logic- The Logic of Creativity (MAB), pp. 3–11.
CHI-1990-SchiphorstCLWG #composition #interactive #process #tool support- Tools for interaction with the creative process of composition (TS, TC, CL, CW, SG), pp. 167–174.
SEKE-1990-OngwisesphaiboonBEPG- Engineering An Expert System For Creativity Management (VO, IB, MWE, AP, MEG), pp. 141–146.
HT-1987-BolterJ #hypermedia- Hypertext and Creative Writing (JDB, MJ), pp. 41–50.
CSCW-1986-Brown #collaboration #tool support- Enhancing creativity with collaborative tools (JSB), p. 386.