Stem bioinformat$ (all stems)
37 papers:
ICEIS-v1-2014-CelikDDT #industrial- Artificial Intelligence — Applications on Bioinformatics and Textile Industry (HIÇ, MTD, LCD, MT), pp. 425–431.
ICEIS-v1-2014-FaheemK #algorithm #architecture #case study #framework #multi #problem- A Multiagent-based Framework for Solving Computationally Intensive Problems on Heterogeneous Architectures — Bioinformatics Algorithms as a Case Study (HMF, BKR), pp. 526–533.
ICPC-2012-TenevD #analysis- Applying bioinformatics in the analysis of software variants (VLT, SD), pp. 259–260.
DATE-2011-ChrysanthouCSP #algorithm #parallel- Parallel accelerators for GlimmerHMM bioinformatics algorithm (NC, GC, ES, IP), pp. 94–99.
ITiCSE-2011-LuLJZJ #student- A bioinformatics e-learning lab for undergraduate students (FL, HL, YJ, YZ, ZJ), p. 356.
LATA-2010-WeinbergN #context-free grammar #probability- Extending Stochastic Context-Free Grammars for an Application in Bioinformatics (FW, MEN), pp. 585–595.
HPDC-2010-CoutinhoOOBLDM #parallel #using #workflow- Data parallelism in bioinformatics workflows using Hydra (FC, ESO, DdO, VPB, AABL, AMRD, MM), pp. 507–515.
CSEET-2009-UmarjiSKL #education #re-engineering- Software Engineering Education for Bioinformatics (MU, CBS, AGK, HL), pp. 216–223.
ITiCSE-2009-TuschLWES #framework- Technology infrastructure in support of a medical & bioinformatics masters degree (GT, PL, GW, DE, CS), p. 388.
HCI-NT-2009-MirelW #development #heuristic #tool support- Heuristic Evaluations of Bioinformatics Tools: A Development Case (BM, ZW), pp. 329–338.
ICLP-2009-Mungall #case study #experience #logic programming #using- Experiences Using Logic Programming in Bioinformatics (CM), pp. 1–21.
ITiCSE-2007-ZhangLOB #component- A bioinformatics track with outreach components (MZ, CCL, GO, BB), pp. 186–190.
ICSM-2007-ArchuletaTF #architecture #composition #performance #sequence- A Maintainable Software Architecture for Fast and Modular Bioinformatics Sequence Search (JSA, ET, WcF), pp. 144–153.
KDD-2007-JanssensGM #analysis #clustering #hybrid #mining- Dynamic hybrid clustering of bioinformatics by incorporating text mining and citation analysis (FALJ, WG, BDM), pp. 360–369.
PADL-2007-BarahonaK #approach #constraints #problem #programming- A Constraint Programming Approach to Bioinformatics Structural Problems (PB, LK), pp. 33–49.
SAC-2007-YangHK #framework #on the #parallel- On construction of a BioGrid platform for parallel bioinformatics applications (CTY, TFH, HCK), pp. 144–145.
ITiCSE-2006-Ellis #lessons learnt #research- Undergraduate involvement in bioinformatics research: lessons from the CONNJUR project (HJCE), p. 322.
KDD-2006-EtienneWZ #component #framework #information management- A component-based framework for knowledge discovery in bioinformatics (JE, BW, LZ), pp. 916–921.
HPCA-2006-JaleelMJ #case study #data mining #mining #parallel #performance- Last level cache (LLC) performance of data mining workloads on a CMP — a case study of parallel bioinformatics workloads (AJ, MM, BLJ), pp. 88–98.
SAT-2006-LynceM #satisfiability #type inference- SAT in Bioinformatics: Making the Case with Haplotype Inference (IL, JMS), pp. 136–141.
CIAA-J-2004-KariKS05- Operations on trajectories with applications to coding and bioinformatics (LK, SK, PS), pp. 531–546.
SAC-2005-SilvaS #design #framework- A framework for result handling in bioinformatics: an application to computer assisted drug design (AOdS, ONdS), pp. 128–132.
ITiCSE-2004-TuschLWES #framework- Technology infrastructure supporting a medical & bioinformatics masters degree (GT, PL, GW, DE, CS), p. 264.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-LeBlancD #education #why- Bioinformatics and computing curricula 2001: why computer science is well positioned in a post-genomic world (MDL, BDD), pp. 64–68.
ICSE-2004-BarkerT #challenge #re-engineering- Software Engineering Challenges in Bioinformatics (JAB, JMT), pp. 12–15.
ITiCSE-2003-DAntonio #algorithm- Incorporating bioinformatics in an algorithms course (LD), pp. 211–214.
CIAA-2003-FanLLTWY #algorithm- An Optimal Algorithm for Maximum-Sum Segment and Its Application in Bioinformatics Extended Abstract (THF, SL, HIL, TST, TCW, AY), pp. 251–257.
CIKM-2003-BhowmickVL #integration #named- HyperThesis: the gRNA spell on the curse of bioinformatics applications integration (SSB, VV, AVL), pp. 402–409.
SIGIR-2003-BartlettT #data flow- Discovering and structuring information flow among bioinformatics resources (JCB, EGT), pp. 411–412.
SAC-2003-BreeseSMGE #analysis #array #framework #information management- Labrat LIMS: An Extensible Framework for Developing Laboratory Information Management, Analysis, and Bioinformatics Solutions for Microarrays (MRB, MJS, JNM, MWG, HJE), pp. 103–108.
CIKM-2002-AdakBBKKKS #information management- A system for knowledge management in bioinformatics (SA, VSB, DNB, PVK, PK, MPK, BS), pp. 638–641.
SAC-2002-JonesJ- Bioinformatics track (WTJ, HMJ), p. 146.
VLDB-2001-PatonG #information management- Information Management for Genome Level Bioinformatics (NWP, CAG).
PADL-2001-IglesiasGPRM #approach #logic programming #tool support- Interoperability between Bioinformatics Tools: A Logic Programming Approach (JRI, GG, EP, DR, BM), pp. 153–168.
HPDC-2001-KaroDFRWL #grid- Applying Grid Technologies to Bioinformatics (MK, CD, JLF, EFR, JBW, ML), pp. 441–442.
VLDB-2000-Banerjee #database #framework- A Database Platform for Bioinformatics (SB), pp. 705–710.
VLDB-2000-Tsur #data mining #mining- Data Mining in the Bioinformatics Domain (ST), pp. 711–714.