20 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-FengLKX #in memory #layout #memory management #named- ByteSlice: Pushing the Envelop of Main Memory Data Processing with a New Storage Layout (ZF, EL, BK, WX), pp. 31–46.
CHI-2014-TaylorKHIH- Type-hover-swipe in 96 bytes: a motion sensing mechanical keyboard (ST, CK, OH, SI, JH), pp. 1695–1704.
DAC-2013-Ghosh #memory management- Path to a TeraByte of on-chip memory for petabit per second bandwidth with < 5watts of power (SG), p. 2.
SAS-2013-DudkaPV #low level #verification- Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation (KD, PP, TV), pp. 215–237.
DocEng-2012-WongSL #documentation #multi- Full-text search on multi-byte encoded documents (RKW, FS, NL), pp. 227–236.
ICPC-2012-KeivanlooRR #clone detection #detection #named #semantics- SeByte: A semantic clone detection tool for intermediate languages (IK, CKR, JR), pp. 247–249.
FSE-2012-XuCBB #design #video- From pixels to bytes: evolutionary scenario based design with video (HX, OC, NB, BB), p. 31.
SOSP-2009-CastroCMPADBB #fault #performance- Fast byte-granularity software fault isolation (MC, MC, JPM, MP, PA, AD, PB, RB), pp. 45–58.
SOSP-2009-ConditNFILBC #memory management #persistent- Better I/O through byte-addressable, persistent memory (JC, EBN, CF, EI, BCL, DB, DC), pp. 133–146.
POPL-2007-TuchKN #logic- Types, bytes, and separation logic (HT, GK, MN), pp. 97–108.
ICSE-2006-FrantzeskouSGK #effectiveness #identification #source code #using- Effective identification of source code authors using byte-level information (GF, ES, SG, SKK), pp. 893–896.
CIKM-2005-Hofmann- From bits and bytes to information and knowledge (TH), p. 3.
DATE-2003-LangeK #configuration management #design #embedded #framework #hardware- Virtual Hardware Byte Code as a Design Platform for Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (SL, UK), pp. 10302–10309.
SAC-2003-Mahoney #detection #network- Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on Packet Bytes (MVM), pp. 346–350.
FME-2002-Casset #development #embedded #formal method #java #using #verification- Development of an Embedded Verifier for Java Card Byte Code Using Formal Methods (LC), pp. 290–309.
PADL-2002-Rhiger #compilation #embedded #source code- Compiling Embedded Programs to Byte Code (MR), pp. 120–136.
VLDB-2001-GarofalakisG #approximate #query- Approximate Query Processing: Taming the TeraBytes (MNG, PBG).
TRI-Ada-1997-Balfour #ada #distributed #java- Combining Ada 95, Java Byte Code, and the Distributed Systems Annex (BB), pp. 247–260.
SIGMOD-1987-GrayP #cpu #memory management- The 5 Minute Rule for Trading Memory for Disk Accesses and The 10 Byte Rule for Trading Memory for CPU Time (JG, GRP), pp. 395–398.
LISP-1980-Deutsch #implementation- ByteLisp and its Alto Implementation (LPD), pp. 231–242.