15 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-WangXL #adaptation #approach- Crowd-Based Deduplication: An Adaptive Approach (SW, XX, CHL), pp. 1263–1277.
CIKM-2014-DongLW #as a service #named #privacy- PraDa: Privacy-preserving Data-Deduplication-as-a-Service (BD, RL, WHW), pp. 1559–1568.
ICEIS-v2-2013-OgataK #multi #optimisation #parametricity- The Parameter Optimization in Multiple Layered Deduplication System (MO, NK), pp. 143–150.
VLDB-2012-KolbTR #named #performance- Dedoop: Efficient Deduplication with Hadoop (LK, AT, ER), pp. 1878–1881.
CIKM-2012-GeorgescuPFNG #crowdsourcing #fault #library- Map to humans and reduce error: crowdsourcing for deduplication applied to digital libraries (MG, DDP, CSF, WN, JG), pp. 1970–1974.
SAC-2012-NgWZ #protocol- Private data deduplication protocols in cloud storage (WKN, YW, HZ), pp. 441–446.
HPDC-2012-SharmaK #named- Singleton: system-wide page deduplication in virtual environments (PS, PK), pp. 15–26.
SAC-2011-BiancoGH #approach #manycore #parallel #performance- A fast approach for parallel deduplication on multicore processors (GDB, RdMG, CAH), pp. 1027–1032.
HPDC-2010-JongCLPS #ad hoc #network- Storage deduplication for Virtual Ad Hoc Network testbed by File-level Block Sharing (CHJ, CYJC, TL, AP, CS), pp. 699–706.
KDD-2008-Christen08a #open source #user interface #visual notation- Febrl -: an open source data cleaning, deduplication and record linkage system with a graphical user interface (PC), pp. 1065–1068.
KDD-2008-HallSM #dependence #using- Unsupervised deduplication using cross-field dependencies (RH, CAS, AM), pp. 310–317.
SIGMOD-2007-ChaudhuriSGK #constraints- Leveraging aggregate constraints for deduplication (SC, ADS, VG, RK), pp. 437–448.
CIKM-2005-CulottaM #multi #relational- Joint deduplication of multiple record types in relational data (AC, AM), pp. 257–258.
VLDB-2002-SarawagiBKM #alias #interactive #learning #named- ALIAS: An Active Learning led Interactive Deduplication System (SS, AB, AK, CM), pp. 1103–1106.
KDD-2002-SarawagiB #interactive #learning #using- Interactive deduplication using active learning (SS, AB), pp. 269–278.