19 papers:
VLDB-2015-HammoudRNBS #adaptation #communication #distributed #named #query #rdf- DREAM: Distributed RDF Engine with Adaptive Query Planner and Minimal Communication (MH, DAR, RN, SMRB, SS), pp. 654–665.
CHI-2014-CrivellaroCBWO #facebook #social- A pool of dreams: facebook, politics and the emergence of a social movement (CC, RC, JB, PCW, PO), pp. 3573–3582.
LCT-TRE-2014-IkedaS #learning- Dream Drill: A Bedtime Learning Application (AI, IS), pp. 138–145.
DATE-2013-VenutoS- Dr. Frankenstein’s dream made possible: implanted electronic devices (DDV, ALSV), pp. 1531–1536.
SAC-2012-ProencaCVA #coordination #distributed #framework #named- Dreams: a framework for distributed synchronous coordination (JP, DC, EPdV, FA), pp. 1510–1515.
SAC-2012-SakkopoulosPSTPS #deployment #distributed #framework #named- DREAM: a distributed fRamework for customized dEployment of a vAriety of indexing engines over million-node overlays (ES, AP, SS, DT, GP, AS), pp. 853–858.
ASPLOS-2012-MeisnerW #architecture #named- DreamWeaver: architectural support for deep sleep (DM, TFW), pp. 313–324.
ESOP-2010-LindleyW #database- The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the Database Dream (SL, PW), p. 1.
DATE-2009-MarinissenLHSMSP #question #testing- Contactless testing: Possibility or pipe-dream? (EJM, DYL, JPH, CS, BM, SS, LP), pp. 676–681.
VLDB-2009-PereiraRSTWH #question #using #web- Answering Web Questions Using Structured Data — Dream or Reality? (FP, AR, SS, WTP, GW, AYH), p. 1646.
DAC-2006-HosseiniPCUGB #design #question #standard #verification- Building a standard ESL design and verification methodology: is it just a dream? (AH, AP, HTC, PU, EFG, SB), pp. 370–371.
SIGIR-2004-Gnasa #information management #online #question- Sharing knowledge online (abstract only): a dream or reality? (MG), p. 602.
ICEIS-v2-2001-EscribanoMG- From Client’s Dreams to Achievable Projects (JJEO, RM, PG), pp. 833–838.
FASE-2000-Harel- From Play-In Scenarios to Code: An Achievable Dream (DH), pp. 22–34.
IFL-1998-KlusikOP #implementation- Implementing Eden — or: Dreams Become Reality (UK, YOM, RP), pp. 103–119.
IFL-1997-BreitingerKLOP #automaton #distributed #named- DREAM: The DistRibuted Eden Abstract Machine (SB, UK, RL, YOM, RP), pp. 250–269.
KR-1991-Attardi- Knowledge Sharing: A Feasible Dream (GA), pp. 597–598.
LISP-1980-SteeleS #lazy evaluation- The Dream of Lifetime: A Lazy Variable Extent Mechanism (GLSJ, GJS), pp. 163–172.
DAC-1972-Zelinger #design #interactive #online- On-line interactive graphics the designer’s dream or the production manager’s nightmare (SHZ), pp. 35–49.