27 papers:
CHI-2015-KjeldskovSPLMN- Eco-Forecasting for Domestic Electricity Use (JK, MBS, JP, DL, TM, MN), pp. 1985–1988.
CHI-2015-YunASLZL #automation #online- Beyond Eco-Feedback: Adding Online Manual and Automated Controls to Promote Workplace Sustainability (RY, AA, PS, BL, CZ, VL), pp. 1989–1992.
DUXU-DD-2015-AhmedS #energy #feedback #metric #named- OBDEnergy — Making Metrics Meaningful in Eco-driving Feedback (SA, AS), pp. 395–405.
DAC-2014-ChangJC #configuration management #functional #using- Functional ECO Using Metal-Configurable Gate-Array Spare Cells (HYC, IHRJ, YWC), p. 6.
DATE-2014-ChienPWWLWW #cost analysis- Mask-cost-aware ECO routing∗ (HAC, ZYP, YRW, THW, HCL, CFW, TCW), pp. 1–4.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-MensCG #ecosystem #named #open source- ECOS: Ecological studies of open source software ecosystems (TM, MC, PG), pp. 403–406.
PEPM-2014-Scholz #case study #compilation #experience #partial evaluation- Partial evaluation as universal compiler tool: experiences from the SAC Eco system (SBS), pp. 95–96.
CHI-2014-YangNF #challenge #design- Making sustainability sustainable: challenges in the design of eco-interaction technologies (RY, MWN, JF), pp. 823–832.
SLE-2014-DiekmannT #composition #editing #named- Eco: A Language Composition Editor (LD, LT), pp. 82–101.
CASE-2013-JeongMS #approximate #assessment #design #lifecycle #reasoning #using- Approximate life cycle assessment using case-based reasoning for the eco design of products (MGJ, JRM, HWS), pp. 486–491.
CASE-2013-YanLSSDGM #energy- Energy-efficient management of eco-communities (BY, PBL, BS, CS, CD, ZG, LDM), pp. 106–111.
DATE-2013-RenPRKWEK #performance #synthesis- Intuitive ECO synthesis for high performance circuits (HR, RP, LNR, SK, CW, JE, JK), pp. 1002–1007.
DUXU-WM-2013-FordK #approach #visual notation- Graphical Displays in Eco-Feedback: A Cognitive Approach (RF, BK), pp. 486–495.
HCI-III-2013-ShenCJ #design #energy #evaluation #interface- Design and Evaluation of Eco-feedback Interfaces to Support Location-Based Services for Individual Energy Awareness and Conservation (YTS, PCC, TJ), pp. 132–140.
HCI-UC-2013-UangL #design #development #process- The Development of an Innovative Design Process for Eco-efficient Green Products (STU, CLL), pp. 475–483.
ICEIS-v1-2013-YangSKHBCS #design #information management #towards- Toward the Design of a Generic Model of Interoperability for SIEC — SIEC: Eco-design Information System (MY, MS, KK, SH, OB, OC, FS), pp. 329–333.
DAC-2012-ChangJC #configuration management #optimisation #using- Timing ECO optimization using metal-configurable gate-array spare cells (HYC, IHRJ, YWC), pp. 802–807.
CHI-2012-FroehlichFORPWLFBPL #design #evaluation #prototype- The design and evaluation of prototype eco-feedback displays for fixture-level water usage data (JF, LF, MO, SR, JP, IW, ECL, FF, MB, SP, JAL), pp. 2367–2376.
KEOD-2012-MinhasB #development- Development of Intelligent Assistance System to Support Eco-efficient Planning (SUHM, UB), pp. 331–334.
SAC-2012-RahmanOMCA #development #mobile- Let EcoDrive be your guide: development of a mobile tool to reduce carbon footprint and promote green transport (FR, CO, KM, JC, SIA), pp. 519–524.
DAC-2011-ChangJC #functional- Simultaneous functional and timing ECO (HYC, IHRJ, YWC), pp. 140–145.
DAC-2011-TangWHH #incremental #logic #multi #synthesis- Interpolation-based incremental ECO synthesis for multi-error logic rectification (KFT, CAW, PKH, CY(H), pp. 146–151.
CHI-2011-Strengers #design- Designing eco-feedback systems for everyday life (YAAS), pp. 2135–2144.
ICEIS-v2-2011-TianC #framework #information management- Study of Information Sharing Platform in Eco-supply Chain (QT, XC), pp. 432–437.
CHI-2010-FroehlichFL #design- The design of eco-feedback technology (JF, LF, JAL), pp. 1999–2008.
AFL-2008-KelemenovaB- Monocultures in eco-grammar systems (AK, TB), pp. 208–219.
ASPLOS-2002-ZengELV #ecosystem #energy #named #operating system- ECOSystem: managing energy as a first class operating system resource (HZ, CSE, ARL, AV), pp. 123–132.