24 papers:
CHI-2015-ShamiMPMG #social #social media- Inferring Employee Engagement from Social Media (NSS, MJM, AP, MM, WG), pp. 3999–4008.
SCSM-2015-FukudaWFHFHN #towards- Text-Mining of Hand-Over Notes for Care-Workers in Real Operation — Toward an Employee-Driven Innovation (KF, KW, TF, MH, RF, MH, TN), pp. 30–38.
CSCW-2014-ShamiYPDRRASSLGGF #comprehension #enterprise #social #social media- Understanding employee social media chatter with enterprise social pulse (NSS, JY, LP, CD, TR, JCR, YA, TS, TS, SL, WG, IG, JF), pp. 379–392.
ECIR-2014-MonizJ #analysis #sentiment- Sentiment Analysis and the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Firm Earnings (AM, FdJ), pp. 519–527.
KDD-2014-VarshneyCF0FM #enterprise #predict- Predicting employee expertise for talent management in the enterprise (KRV, VC, SWF, JW, DF, AM), pp. 1729–1738.
CHI-2013-MullerGSDC #collaboration #enterprise- Crowdfunding inside the enterprise: employee-initiatives for innovation and collaboration (MJM, WG, TS, SD, LTC), pp. 503–512.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Stevens #behaviour #gamification #how #social- How Gamification and Behavior Science Can Drive Social Change One Employee at a Time (SHS), pp. 597–601.
HCI-AS-2013-Rauch #enterprise #gamification #using- Best Practices for Using Enterprise Gamification to Engage Employees and Customers (MR), pp. 276–283.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-WatanabeN #process- Interpersonal Service Support Based on Employee’s Activity Model (KW, TN), pp. 401–409.
HCI-MIIE-2011-HyrkkanenN #functional #how #identification #mobile #physics #question- The Virtual Workplace of a Mobile Employee — How Does Vischer’s Model Function in Identifying Physical, Functional and Psychosocial Fit? (UH, SN), pp. 69–75.
IDGD-2011-ChiaoLYCL #experience #towards- Can I Help You?: Towards the Improvement of Occupational Experience for Convenience Store Employees in Taiwan (YLC, CHL, HWY, YYC, PLL), pp. 361–368.
IDGD-2011-GuoR #experience- Employee Experience Management of Convenience Store in Beijing (JG, PLPR), pp. 379–384.
KMIS-2011-TangPI #behaviour- Employees’ Innovation Behavior — The Role of External Information Awareness and Proactiveness of Innovation Strategy (JT, LGP, JI), pp. 5–17.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TarasewichNS #mobile #privacy #security- Exploring Employee Perspectives on Information Privacy and Security in the Mobile Environment (PT, BN, MS), pp. 171–180.
HIMI-DIE-2009-YatsuzukaTT #case study #motivation- A Study on a Method of Support for Improving the Motivation of Employees (DY, YT, TT), pp. 197–204.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-SousaL #approach #enterprise- ERP Impact on Number of Employees and Personnel Costs in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises — A Panel Data Approach (JES, VBL), pp. 196–202.
HCI-IDU-2007-GuoS #bibliography #industrial #web- Factor Structure of Content Preparation for E-Business Web Sites: A Survey Results of Industrial Employees in P.R. China (YG, GS), pp. 784–795.
HIMI-IIE-2007-FujinoIS #development #interface #motivation- Development of an Affective Interface for Promoting Employees’ Work Motivation in a Routine Work (HF, HI, HS), pp. 873–882.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-PetruzzellisLPSBP #personalisation #profiling- Personalized Incentive Plans through Employee Profiling (SP, OL, IP, GS, VB, CP), pp. 107–114.
HCI-EI-1999-Solberg #how- IT-quality and employees ability to cope, and how age affects subjective IT-quality (LAS), pp. 173–177.
HCI-CC-1997-HaberlSMF- Partizipative Organisation Design-Integrating the Employee into Structural Re-Organisation (SH, SFS, MM, TF), pp. 233–236.
HCI-CC-1997-LindstromLS #implementation- Organizational Support and Employee Well-Being in the Implementation of New VDT Application (KL, TL, JS), pp. 373–377.
HCI-ACS-1993-Khaleque- Job Stress, Fatigue, Jub Involvement and Satisfaction of Manual and Computerized Bank Employees (AK), pp. 943–948.
HCI-ACS-1993-ParkerJW- Autonomous Group Working Within Integrated Manufacturing: A Longitudinal Investigation of Employee Role Orientations (SKP, PRJ, TDW), pp. 44–49.