23 papers:
SEKE-2013-SilvaOL #declarative #explosion #modelling #problem #process- A Solution to the State Space Explosion Problem in Declarative Business Process Modeling (S) (NCS, CALO, RMFL), pp. 26–29.
PEPM-2011-JonssonN #explosion #supercompilation- Taming code explosion in supercompilation (PAJ, JN), pp. 33–42.
ICEIS-v2-2011-BaiW #detection #fuzzy #identification #multi- Applying Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making to Evaluate and Identify Optimal Explosive Detection Equipments (YB, DW), pp. 118–124.
LICS-2009-Clarke #explosion #problem- My 27-year Quest to Overcome the State Explosion Problem (EMC), p. 3.
TACAS-2008-BoonstoppelCE #constraints #explosion #generative #named #testing- RWset: Attacking Path Explosion in Constraint-Based Test Generation (PB, CC, DRE), pp. 351–366.
SEKE-2008-DingZ #case study #explosion #problem- A Study of the Model Explosion Problem in CTL Model Update (YD, YZ), pp. 752–757.
ASE-2007-LedruDBVR #combinator #explosion #generative- Mastering combinatorial explosion with the tobias-2 test generator (YL, FD, LdB, SV, ER), pp. 535–536.
CBSE-2006-AttieLPC #behaviour #component #design #explosion #verification- Behavioral Compatibility Without State Explosion: Design and Verification of a Component-Based Elevator Control System (PCA, DHL, AP, HC), pp. 33–49.
TACAS-2004-LugiezNZ #approach #automaton #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics- A Partial Order Semantics Approach to the Clock Explosion Problem of Timed Automata (DL, PN, SZ), pp. 296–311.
ICPR-v4-2004-SinghS #comparison #detection #image- A Comparison of Image Enhancement Techniques for Explosive Detection (MS, SS), pp. 811–814.
LCTES-2004-Wasowski- Flattening statecharts without explosions (AW), pp. 257–266.
DATE-2003-LomenaLWK #approach #explosion #performance #scheduling- An Efficient Hash Table Based Approach to Avoid State Space Explosion in History Driven Quasi-Static Scheduling (AGL, MLLV, YW, AK), pp. 10428–10435.
FME-2001-DerepasGP #distributed #explosion- Avoiding State Explosion for Distributed Systems with Timestamps (FD, PG, DP), pp. 119–134.
POPL-2001-FlanaganS #explosion #exponential #generative #verification- Avoiding exponential explosion: generating compact verification conditions (CF, JBS), pp. 193–205.
CAV-2001-DelzannoRB #explosion- Attacking Symbolic State Explosion (GD, JFR, LVB), pp. 298–310.
FoSSaCS-2000-LaroussinieS #bisimulation #equivalence #explosion #problem- The State Explosion Problem from Trace to Bisimulation Equivalence (FL, PS), pp. 192–207.
CAV-2000-Pnueli #abstraction #composition #deduction #explosion #symmetry- Keynote Address: Abstraction, Composition, Symmetry, and a Little Deduction: The Remedies to State Explosion (AP), p. 1.
FME-1997-SchonhoffK #explosion #specification #testing- Specifying the Remote Control of Valves in an Explosion Test Environment (MS, MK), pp. 201–220.
TACAS-1995-KnoopSV #analysis #exclamation #explosion #for free #parallel- Parallelism for Free: Bitvector Analyses -> No State Explosion! (JK, BS, JV), pp. 264–289.
CAV-1992-McMillan #explosion #problem #using #verification- Using Unfoldings to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in the Verification of Asynchronous Circuits (KLM), pp. 164–177.
CAV-1990-Clarke #explosion #logic #model checking #problem- Temporal Logic Model Checking: Two Techniques for Avoiding the State Explosion Problem (EMC), p. 1.
CAV-1990-ProbstL #explosion #partial order #problem #semantics #using- Using Partial-Order Semantics to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in Asynchronous Systems (DKP, HFL), pp. 146–155.
CAV-1990-Valmari #explosion- A Stubborn Attack On State Explosion (AV), pp. 156–165.