30 papers:
CASE-2015-KreutzerRREL #automation #detection #metric #using- Automatically detecting fluid intake using conductivity measurements of beverages in a cup (JFK, SR, SMFR, KE, TCL), pp. 1546–1551.
CASE-2015-YuYS #multi- Motion planning and manipulation of multiple nanowires simultaneouly under electric-fields in fluid suspension (KY, JY, JS), pp. 489–494.
CHI-2015-BlockHHSCPDES #interactive- Fluid Grouping: Quantifying Group Engagement around Interactive Tabletop Exhibits in the Wild (FB, JH, MSH, AS, JC, BCP, JD, EME, CS), pp. 867–876.
SAC-2015-JoselliJC #animation #data type #gpu #named #proximity- NGrid: a proximity data structure for fluids animation with GPU computing (MJ, JRdSJ, EC), pp. 1303–1308.
CASE-2014-ToneVS- Sheet type soft robot with magnetic fluid for object transportation (TT, FV, KS), pp. 852–857.
CASE-2014-YangFD #modelling- Modeling on the fluid temperature distribution of a spiral heat exchanger (SY, KF, MD), pp. 170–175.
CHI-2014-AdamsGL #named #parametricity- SonicExplorer: fluid exploration of audio parameters (ATA, BG, CL), pp. 237–246.
SAC-2014-KluschMKS #monitoring #named #semantics- ICM-Wind: semantics-empowered fluid condition monitoring of wind turbines (MK, APM, PK, AS), pp. 308–315.
CASE-2013-YuLYS- Electrophoresis-based motion planning and control of a nanowire in fluid suspension (KY, XL, JY, JS), pp. 819–824.
SFM-2013-BortolussiH #approximate #behaviour #markov #modelling- Checking Individual Agent Behaviours in Markov Population Models by Fluid Approximation (LB, JH), pp. 113–149.
CASE-2012-RyuYKKKK #design- Design of a new miniature haptic button based on magneto-rheological fluids (SR, THY, SYK, JHK, KUK, DSK), pp. 121–124.
CHI-2011-YamashitaKHAS #collaboration- Supporting fluid tabletop collaboration across distances (NY, HK, KH, SA, YS), pp. 2827–2836.
CASE-2010-ZhangWPTCPJ #analysis- Micro-thermal-fluid transient analysis and active control for two-phase microelectronics cooling (TZ, JTW, YP, TT, JYC, RP, MKJ), pp. 750–755.
ESOP-2010-DilligDA- Fluid Updates: Beyond Strong vs. Weak Updates (ID, TD, AA), pp. 246–266.
SEFM-2010-MassinkLBH #algebra #analysis #approach #process #scalability- A Scalable Fluid Flow Process Algebraic Approach to Emergency Egress Analysis (MM, DL, AB, MDH), pp. 169–180.
ICPR-2010-DoshiB #detection- Detecting Vorticity in Optical Flow of Fluids (AD, AGB), pp. 2118–2121.
ICPR-2010-XuCM #segmentation- An Improved Fluid Vector Flow for Cavity Segmentation in Chest Radiographs (TX, IC, MKM), pp. 3376–3379.
CASE-2009-VazquezS #markov #modelling #performance #petri net- Performance control of Markovian Petri nets via fluid models: A stock-level control example (CRV, MS), pp. 30–36.
SFM-2007-GribaudoT #analysis #modelling #performance- Fluid Models in Performance Analysis (MG, MT), pp. 271–317.
ICPC-2006-DesmondSE #source code- Fluid Source Code Views (MD, MADS, CE), pp. 260–263.
ICPR-v3-2006-HuS06a #classification #clustering #functional #image #normalisation- Normalization of Functional Magnetic Resonance Images by Classified Cerebrospinal Fluid Cluster (ZH, PS), pp. 938–941.
CHI-2005-KrugerCST #integration- Fluid integration of rotation and translation (RK, MSTC, SDS, AT), pp. 601–610.
SAC-2004-PratisthaZ #adaptation #named #web #web service- Fluid: supporting a transportable and adaptive web service (IMPP, ABZ), pp. 1600–1606.
HT-2002-ZellwegerMN #hypermedia- Reading and writing fluid Hypertext Narratives (PZ, AM, PSN), pp. 45–54.
HT-2001-ZellwegerBJM- Fluid annotations in an open world (PZ, NOB, HQJ, JDM), pp. 9–18.
CHI-2000-ZellwegerRMC #documentation- The impact of fluid documents on reading and browsing: an observational study (PZ, SHR, JDM, BWC), pp. 249–256.
ICPR-v3-2000-CorpettiMP- Estimating Fluid Optical Flow (TC, ÉM, PP), pp. 7045–7048.
HT-1998-ZellwegerCM #incremental- Fluid Links for Informed and Incremental Link Transitions (PZ, BWC, JDM), pp. 50–57.
HPDC-1995-Skordos #clustering #parallel #simulation- Parallel Simulation of Subsonic Fluid Dynamics on a Cluster of Workstations (PS), pp. 6–16.
HT-ECHT-1994-Levy #documentation- Fixed or Fluid? Document Stability and New Media (DML), pp. 24–31.