8 papers:
CHI-2015-PerrierDDAKUJ #communication #human-computer #hybrid #women- Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System (TP, ND, BD, RJA, JK, JU, GJS), pp. 1429–1438.
CHI-2014-OduorNJHPH #communication #how #product line- How technology supports family communication in rural, suburban, and urban kenya (EO, CN, TKJ, KH, CP, SH), pp. 2705–2714.
CHI-2013-WycheM #mobile- Powering the cellphone revolution: findings from mobile phone charging trials in off-grid Kenya (SW, LLM), pp. 1959–1968.
CSCW-2013-WycheSF #case study #facebook #quote #social #social media- “Facebook is a luxury”: an exploratory study of social media use in rural Kenya (SW, SYS, AF), pp. 33–44.
CHI-2010-WycheSCAG #interactive- Deliberate interactions: characterizing technology use in Nairobi, Kenya (SW, TNS, MC, PMA, REG), pp. 2593–2602.
IDGD-2009-Morawczynski- Examining the Usage and Impact of Transformational M-Banking in Kenya (OM), pp. 495–504.
CHI-2008-WycheAG- Re-placing faith: reconsidering the secular-religious use divide in the United States and Kenya (SW, PMA, REG), pp. 11–20.
ESEC-FSE-2005-ChatleyT #eclipse #learning #named- KenyaEclipse: learning to program in eclipse (RC, TT), pp. 245–248.