93 papers:
SCAM-2015-BaloghSB #eclipse #named #source code- CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over the city of source code (GB, AS, ÁB), pp. 271–276.
SAC-2015-DymchenkoM #eclipse #problem #prolog- Declaratively solving tricky google code jam problems with prolog-based ECLiPSe CLP system (SD, MM), pp. 2122–2124.
ICPC-2014-PetersenHR #api #comparison #eclipse #empirical #groovy #ide #java #type system- An empirical comparison of static and dynamic type systems on API usage in the presence of an IDE: Java vs. groovy with eclipse (PP, SH, RR), pp. 212–222.
CSMR-2013-Businge #co-evolution #eclipse #framework #plugin- Co-evolution of the Eclipse SDK Framework and Its Third-Party Plug-Ins (JB), pp. 427–430.
CSMR-2013-BusingeSB #api #developer #eclipse- Analyzing the Eclipse API Usage: Putting the Developer in the Loop (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 37–46.
ICPC-2013-FalconeS #diagrams #eclipse #graph #named #plugin #uml #visualisation- OnionUML: An Eclipse plug-in for visualizing UML class diagrams in onion graph notation (MF, BS), pp. 233–235.
MSR-2013-LamkanfiPD #dataset #debugging #eclipse #fault #mining- The eclipse and mozilla defect tracking dataset: a genuine dataset for mining bug information (AL, JP, SD), pp. 203–206.
LOPSTR-2013-GonzalezIS #architecture #debugging #eclipse #hybrid- A New Hybrid Debugging Architecture for Eclipse (JG, DI, JS), pp. 183–201.
ICLP-J-2013-BusoniuOPST #debugging #ide #named #programming- SeaLion: An eclipse-based IDE for answer-set programming with advanced debugging support (PAB, JO, JP, PS, HT), pp. 657–673.
ICTSS-2013-Ibing #eclipse #execution #parallel #symbolic computation- Parallel SMT-Constrained Symbolic Execution for Eclipse CDT/Codan (AI), pp. 196–206.
ASE-2012-CamposRPA #debugging #eclipse #named #plugin #testing- GZoltar: an eclipse plug-in for testing and debugging (JC, AR, AP, RA), pp. 378–381.
CSMR-2012-AlsallakhBGM #debugging #eclipse #java #visual notation- Visual Tracing for the Eclipse Java Debugger (BA, PB, AG, SM), pp. 545–548.
CSMR-2012-AlsallakhBMN #array #eclipse #ide #java #visualisation- Visualizing Arrays in the Eclipse Java IDE (BA, PB, SM, DN), pp. 541–544.
CSMR-2012-BernardiCLPD #communication #debugging #developer #eclipse- Do Developers Introduce Bugs When They Do Not Communicate? The Case of Eclipse and Mozilla (MLB, GC, GADL, MDP, DD), pp. 139–148.
ICSM-2012-BavotaCLFOP #eclipse #named #traceability- TraceME: Traceability Management in Eclipse (GB, LC, ADL, SF, RO, AP), pp. 642–645.
ICSM-2012-BusingeSB #eclipse #plugin- Survival of Eclipse third-party plug-ins (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 368–377.
ICSM-2012-OhiraHOM #case study #debugging #eclipse- The impact of bug management patterns on bug fixing: A case study of Eclipse projects (MO, AEH, NO, KiM), pp. 264–273.
SCAM-2012-BusingeSB #eclipse #plugin #predict- Compatibility Prediction of Eclipse Third-Party Plug-ins in New Eclipse Releases (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 164–173.
PEPM-2012-KarlsenHO #debugging #eclipse #java #plugin- Finding and fixing Java naming bugs with the lancelot eclipse plugin (EKK, EWH, BMØ), pp. 35–38.
FLOPS-2012-MartinFS #eclipse #integer #set- Extending the TOY System with the ECLiPSe Solver over Sets of Integers (SEM, JCF, FSP), pp. 120–135.
MoDELS-2012-FouquetNMDBPJ #eclipse #framework #modelling #requirements #runtime- An Eclipse Modelling Framework Alternative to Meet the Models@Runtime Requirements (FF, GN, BM, ED, OB, NP, JMJ), pp. 87–101.
MoDELS-2012-FouquetNMDBPJ #eclipse #framework #modelling #requirements #runtime- An Eclipse Modelling Framework Alternative to Meet the Models@Runtime Requirements (FF, GN, BM, ED, OB, NP, JMJ), pp. 87–101.
ICSE-2012-AntunesCG #eclipse #named #retrieval- SDiC: Context-based retrieval in Eclipse (BA, JC, PG), pp. 1467–1468.
ICSE-2012-BavotaLMOP #eclipse #refactoring- Supporting extract class refactoring in Eclipse: The ARIES project (GB, ADL, AM, RO, FP), pp. 1419–1422.
MSR-2011-Schroter #challenge #eclipse- MSR Challenge 2011: Eclipse, Netbeans, Firefox, and Chrome (AS), pp. 227–229.
MSR-2011-WangBD #analysis #debugging #eclipse- System compatibility analysis of Eclipse and Netbeans based on bug data (XOW, EB, PTD), pp. 230–233.
ECMFA-2011-DouxABCFL #approach #eclipse #framework #problem- An MDE-Based Approach for Solving Configuration Problems: An Application to the Eclipse Platform (GD, PA, GB, JC, MDDF, SUJL), pp. 160–171.
SAC-2011-BabichCPK #abstraction #case study #eclipse #fault #object-oriented #predict #using- Using a class abstraction technique to predict faults in OO classes: a case study through six releases of the Eclipse JDT (DB, PJC, JFP, BMGK), pp. 1419–1424.
ESEC-FSE-2011-NaudziunieneBDDGP #automation #ide #java #named #source code #verification- jStar-eclipse: an IDE for automated verification of Java programs (DN, MB, DD, MD, RG, MJP), pp. 428–431.
CBSE-2010-DietrichS #case study #component #contract #eclipse- Component Contracts in Eclipse — A Case Study (JD, LS), pp. 150–165.
ITiCSE-2010-AhmadzadehS #eclipse #java #named #plugin #student- JavaMarker: an eclipse plug-in to mark students’ Java exercises (MA, MS), p. 324.
ICSM-2010-LuciaDGR #design pattern #detection #dynamic analysis #eclipse #plugin- An Eclipse plug-in for the detection of design pattern instances through static and dynamic analysis (ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 1–6.
WCRE-2010-ShihabIKIOAHM #case study #debugging #eclipse #predict- Predicting Re-opened Bugs: A Case Study on the Eclipse Project (ES, AI, YK, WMI, MO, BA, AEH, KiM), pp. 249–258.
SEKE-2010-ZhangHZJM #automation #eclipse #execution #synthesis #towards- Towards Automated Synthesis of Executable Eclipse Tutorials (NZ, GH, YZ, NJ, HM), pp. 591–598.
ECMFA-2010-BruneliereCCJB #eclipse #modelling #tool support #towards- Towards Model Driven Tool Interoperability: Bridging Eclipse and Microsoft Modeling Tools (HB, JC, CC, FJ, JB), pp. 32–47.
ICSE-2010-KornstaedtR #development #eclipse #float #framework- Staying afloat in an expanding sea of choices: emerging best practices for eclipse rich client platform development (AK, ER), pp. 59–67.
ASE-2009-BiermannEEH #eclipse #framework #generative #modelling #simulation- Generation of Simulation Views for Domain Specific Modeling Languages Based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CE, JH), pp. 625–629.
ASE-2009-GrunbacherRDL #case study #deployment #experience #industrial #modelling #tool support- Model-Based Customization and Deployment of Eclipse-Based Tools: Industrial Experiences (PG, RR, DD, ML), pp. 247–256.
CSMR-2009-LuciaFMST #eclipse #migration #named #plugin- DB-MELIS: An Eclipse Plug-in for Data Migration (ADL, FF, MM, GS, GT), pp. 329–330.
ICSM-2009-HouW #case study #eclipse #evolution- Analyzing the evolution of user-visible features: A case study with Eclipse (DH, YW), pp. 479–482.
ICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM09a #eclipse #metric #named- Senseo: Enriching Eclipse’s static source views with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 383–384.
VISSOFT-2009-MontanoAM #3d #eclipse- Sv3D meets Eclipse (DM, JA, AM), pp. 51–54.
ECMDA-FA-2009-EvansFM #case study #eclipse #experience #modelling #network #using- Experiences of Developing a Network Modeling Tool Using the Eclipse Environment (AE, MAF, PM), pp. 301–312.
OOPSLA-2009-CharlesFSDV #eclipse #ide- Accelerating the creation of customized, language-Specific IDEs in Eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ, ED, JJV), pp. 191–206.
ITiCSE-2008-Deugo #eclipse #education- Eclipse as a teaching tool (DD), p. 318.
ITiCSE-2008-Deugo08a #eclipse #using- Using eclipse in the classroom (DD), p. 322.
ICSM-2008-MensFD #eclipse #evolution- The evolution of Eclipse (TM, JFR, SD), pp. 386–395.
ICSM-2008-ScannielloLMT #approach #eclipse #migration- An approach and an eclipse based environment for data migration (GS, ADL, MM, GT), pp. 237–246.
MSR-2008-HerraizGGR #debugging #eclipse #towards- Towards a simplification of the bug report form in eclipse (IH, DMG, JMGB, GR), pp. 145–148.
MSR-2008-HolmesW #api #eclipse- A newbie’s guide to eclipse APIs (RH, RJW), pp. 149–152.
MSR-2008-WermelingerY #eclipse #evolution #plugin- Analyzing the evolution of eclipse plugins (MW, YY), pp. 133–136.
MSR-2008-Zhang #eclipse #fault- An initial study of the growth of eclipse defects (HZ), pp. 141–144.
GT-VMT-2006-BottoniPPT08 #distributed #eclipse #maintenance #modelling- Maintaining Coherence Between Models With Distributed Rules: From Theory to Eclipse (PB, FPP, SP, GT), pp. 87–98.
SEKE-2008-KraftW #eclipse #graph- Evaluating the Accuracy of Call Graphs Extracted with the Eclipse CDT (NAK, KSW), pp. 85–90.
RE-2008-GlorioPMT #analysis #eclipse #named #plugin- DaWaRA: An Eclipse Plugin for Usingi* on Data Warehouse Requirement Analysis (OG, JP, JNM, JT), pp. 317–318.
ICSE-2008-GrundyHHL #eclipse #generative #multi #named- Marama: an eclipse meta-toolset for generating multi-view environments (JCG, JGH, JH, KNLL), pp. 819–822.
SPLC-2008-Sivonen #domain-specific language #eclipse #plugin- DSML for Developing Repository-Based Eclipse Plug-Ins (SS), p. 356.
ASE-2007-CharlesFS #eclipse #framework #ide #named- IMP: a meta-tooling platform for creating language-specific ides in eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ), pp. 485–488.
FASE-2007-BachFS #eclipse #plugin #programming- Declared Type Generalization Checker: An Eclipse Plug-In for Systematic Programming with More General Types (MB, FF, FS), pp. 117–120.
MSR-2007-HerraizGR07a #analysis #eclipse #using- Forecasting the Number of Changes in Eclipse Using Time Series Analysis (IH, JMGB, GR), p. 32.
MSR-2007-LinsteadRBLB #developer #eclipse #mining #modelling #topic- Mining Eclipse Developer Contributions via Author-Topic Models (EL, PR, SKB, CVL, PB), p. 30.
MSR-2007-Panjer #debugging #eclipse #predict- Predicting Eclipse Bug Lifetimes (LDP), p. 29.
ICFP-2007-Frenzel #case study #experience #haskell #ide- Experience report: building an eclipse-based IDE for Haskell (LF), pp. 220–222.
AGTIVE-2007-BiermannEET #eclipse #editing #generative #plugin #using- Generating Eclipse Editor Plug-Ins Using Tiger (EB, KE, CE, GT), pp. 583–584.
SIGAda-2007-Grosman #ada #development #eclipse #named #tool support- Hibachi: the eclipse ada development toolset (TG), p. 99.
QoSA-2006-ReussnerB #development #eclipse #modelling- Model-Based Software Development with Eclipse (RHR, SB), pp. 5–6.
CSMR-2006-CanforaC #eclipse #impact analysis #named #plugin- Jimpa: An Eclipse Plug-in for Impact Analysis (GC, LC), pp. 341–342.
ICPC-2006-ClearyE #eclipse #plugin- The Cognitive Assignment Eclipse Plug-in (BC, CE), pp. 241–244.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMD #eclipse #named #plugin #source code- JIRiSS — an Eclipse plug-in for Source Code Exploration (DP, AM, YD), pp. 252–255.
ICSM-2006-LuciaFSTV #architecture #eclipse #legacy #migration #multi- A Strategy and an Eclipse Based Environment for the Migration of Legacy Systems to Multi-tier Web-based Architectures (ADL, RF, GS, GT, NV), pp. 438–447.
ICSM-2006-XingS #case study #eclipse #how #refactoring- Refactoring Practice: How it is and How it Should be Supported — An Eclipse Case Study (ZX, ES), pp. 458–468.
MSR-2006-BreuZL #eclipse #mining- Mining eclipse for cross-cutting concerns (SB, TZ, CL), pp. 94–97.
WCRE-2006-ColosimoLST #eclipse #legacy #migration #named #web- MELIS: an Eclipse Based Environment for the Migration of Legacy Systems to the Web (MC, ADL, GS, GT), pp. 293–294.
ICEIS-J-2006-LewandowskiB06a #development #framework #process- An Eclipse-Based Framework for Supporting Software Development Cooperative Activities (AL, GB), pp. 254–268.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BoronatOGRC #algebra #eclipse #framework #modelling #ocl #query #specification- An Algebraic Specification of Generic OCL Queries Within the Eclipse Modeling Framework (AB, JO, AG, IR, JÁC), pp. 316–330.
MoDELS-2006-BiermannEKKTW #eclipse #framework #modelling #visual notation- Graphical Definition of In-Place Transformations in the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CK, GK, GT, EW), pp. 425–439.
MoDELS-2006-BiermannEKKTW #eclipse #framework #modelling #visual notation- Graphical Definition of In-Place Transformations in the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CK, GK, GT, EW), pp. 425–439.
ICSE-2006-BoshernitsanG #eclipse #interactive #java #source code- Interactive transformation of java programs in eclipse (MB, SLG), pp. 791–794.
ASE-2005-EhrigEHT #eclipse #editing #generative #plugin #visual notation- Generation of visual editors as eclipse plug-ins (KE, CE, SH, GT), pp. 134–143.
DocEng-2005-BoyetteKS #documentation #eclipse #framework #modelling- Eclipse modeling framework for document management (NB, VK, SS), pp. 220–222.
FASE-2005-JayaramanRH #eclipse #java #named #slicing- Kaveri: Delivering the Indus Java Program Slicer to Eclipse (GJ, VPR, JH), pp. 269–272.
MSR-2005-YingWA #eclipse #mining #repository #source code- Source code that talks: an exploration of Eclipse task comments and their implication to repository mining (ATTY, JLW, SA), pp. 91–95.
VISSOFT-2005-ClearyGEB #eclipse #plugin #static analysis #visualisation- A Combined Software Reconnaissance & Static Analysis Eclipse Visualisation Plug-in (BC, ALG, CE, JB), pp. 121–122.
ESEC-FSE-2005-ChatleyT #eclipse #learning #named- KenyaEclipse: learning to program in eclipse (RC, TT), pp. 245–248.
ICSE-2005-Gamma #agile #development #distributed #eclipse #open source #process- Agile, open source, distributed, and on-time: inside the eclipse development process (EG), p. 4.
ICSE-2005-SaffE05a #eclipse #testing- Continuous testing in eclipse (DS, MDE), pp. 668–669.
LDTA-2005-SloaneW #eclipse #education #eli #programming language #using- Eclipse Support for Using Eli and Teaching Programming Languages (AMS, WMW), pp. 189–194.
IWPC-2004-BeyerHJM #eclipse #model checking #plugin- An Eclipse Plug-in for Model Checking (DB, TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 251–255.
SOFTVIS-2003-LinternMSW #case study #eclipse #experience #visualisation- Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, JM, MADS, XW), pp. 47–56.
VISSOFT-2003-LinternSWM #case study #eclipse #experience #visualisation- Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, MAS, XW, JM), pp. 64–65.
PADL-2002-ShenSNS #eclipse #interface #programming language- A High-Level Generic Interface to External Programming Languages for ECLiPSe (KS, JS, SN, JS), pp. 262–279.
PADL-1999-WallaceS #declarative #eclipse #implementation #named #specification- ECLiPSe: Declarative Specification and Scaleable Implementation (MW, JS), pp. 365–366.
ESEC-1987-CartmellA #database #eclipse #interface- The Eclipse Two-Tier Database Interface (JC, AA), pp. 129–137.