33 papers:
CHI-2015-ZhangC #modelling #policy #predict #social #social media- Modeling Ideology and Predicting Policy Change with Social Media: Case of Same-Sex Marriage (AXZ, SC), pp. 2603–2612.
CSCW-2015-FreemanBBH #game studies #gender #online #simulation- Simulating Marriage: Gender Roles and Emerging Intimacy in an Online Game (GF, JB, SB, SCH), pp. 1191–1200.
DUXU-DD-2015-Marcus #behaviour #mobile #persuasion- The Marriage Machine: Mobile Persuasion/Behavior Change (AM), pp. 513–523.
ECIR-2014-BauerCRG #corpus #formal method #learning #web- Learning a Theory of Marriage (and Other Relations) from a Web Corpus (SB, SC, LR, TG), pp. 591–597.
ICPR-2014-MotaACFL #database #named- BH2M: The Barcelona Historical, Handwritten Marriages Database (DFM, JA, NC, AF, JL), pp. 256–261.
KR-2014-Gutierrez-BasultoJ0 #branch #lightweight #logic- Lightweight Description Logics and Branching Time: A Troublesome Marriage (VGB, JCJ, TS).
ICDAR-2013-RomeroS #modelling #recognition- Category-Based Language Models for Handwriting Recognition of Marriage License Books (VR, JAS), pp. 788–792.
ICDAR-2013-RomeroS13a #evaluation #process- Human Evaluation of the Transcription Process of a Marriage License Book (VR, JAS), pp. 1255–1259.
ICALP-v2-2013-HoeferW #strict- Locally Stable Marriage with Strict Preferences (MH, LW), pp. 620–631.
CSMR-2012-Schwarz #development- Hot Clones: A Shotgun Marriage of Search-Driven Development and Clone Management (NS), pp. 513–515.
POPL-2012-HurDNV #bisimulation #logic- The marriage of bisimulations and Kripke logical relations (CKH, DD, GN, VV), pp. 59–72.
DocEng-2011-Brailsford #automation #layout- Automated conversion of web-based marriage register data into a printed format with predefined layout (DFB), pp. 61–64.
ICDAR-2011-RomeroSSV #recognition- Handwritten Text Recognition for Marriage Register Books (VR, JAS, NS, EV), pp. 533–537.
ICALP-v1-2011-HuangK #problem- Popular Matchings in the Stable Marriage Problem (CCH, TK), pp. 666–677.
CSL-2011-LeCY #complexity #formal method #problem- A Formal Theory for the Complexity Class Associated with the Stable Marriage Problem (DTML, SAC, YY), pp. 381–395.
DocEng-2009-Brailsford #automation- Automated re-typesetting, indexing and contentenhancement for scanned marriage registers (DFB), pp. 29–38.
ICALP-v1-2009-McDermid #algorithm #approximate- A 3/2-Approximation Algorithm for General Stable Marriage (EM), pp. 689–700.
ECMDA-FA-2008-BelaundeF #development #mobile- Realizing an MDA and SOA Marriage for the Development of Mobile Services (MB, PF), pp. 393–405.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChungSK #user interface- Display Button: A Marriage of GUI and PUI (SC, JHS, CK), pp. 1086–1095.
VLDB-2004-ChenN #distance #edit distance #on the- On The Marriage of Lp-norms and Edit Distance (LC, RTN), pp. 792–803.
ICEIS-v2-2004-VeskiojaV #problem- Majority Voting in Stable Marriage Problem with Couples (TV, LV), pp. 442–447.
ICALP-2003-BansalAM #multi #performance- Stable Marriages with Multiple Partners: Efficient Search for an Optimal Solution (VB, AA, VSM), pp. 527–542.
SAT-2002-GentP #encoding #problem #satisfiability- SAT encodings of the stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete lists (IG, PP), p. 19.
ICALP-1999-IwamaMMM- Stable Marriage with Incomplete Lists and Ties (KI, DM, SM, YM), pp. 443–452.
AdaEurope-1999-PautetQT #corba #question- CORBA & DSA: Divorce or Marriage? (LP, TQ, ST), pp. 211–225.
ICFP-1998-Wadler #monad- The Marriage of Effects and Monads (PW), pp. 63–74.
ACIR-1997-RobertsonG #information management #information retrieval #on the- On the Marriage of Information Retrieval and Information Extraction (AMR, RJG).
ESEC-FSE-1997-Parnas #re-engineering- Software Engineering: An Unconsummated Marriage (Extended Abstract) (DLP), pp. 1–3.
ECOOP-1995-SteyaertM #inheritance- A Marriage of Class- and Object-Based inheritance Without Unwanted Children (PS, WDM), pp. 127–144.
ICALP-1991-KhullerMV #algorithm #online- On-Line Algorithms for Weighted Bipartite Matching and Stable Marriages (SK, SGM, VVV), pp. 728–738.
STOC-1989-Feder #approach #fixpoint #network- A New Fixed Point Approach for Stable Networks and Stable Marriages (TF), pp. 513–522.
ICLP-1987-LamG87- PARLOG and ALICE : A Marriage of Convenience (ML, SG), pp. 294–310.
SLP-1986-Bocca86 #named #prolog #relational- EDUCE: A Marriage of Convenience: Prolog and a Relational DBMS (JBB), pp. 36–45.