7 papers:
SAC-2012-YinC #interactive #mobile #named #open source- MobiSpatial: open source for mobile spatial interaction (JY, JDC), pp. 572–573.
SIGMOD-2011-JinMZD #database #interface #named #web- MOBIES: mobile-interface enhancement service for hidden web database (XJ, AM, NZ, GD), pp. 1263–1266.
ECOOP-2000-FisherR #type system- Extending Moby with Inheritance-Based Subtyping (KF, JHR), pp. 83–107.
PLDI-1999-FisherR #design- The Design of a Class Mechanism for Moby (KF, JHR), pp. 37–49.
FASE-1998-Tapken #automaton #design #named #realtime- MOBY/PLC — A Design Tool for Hierarchical Real-Time Automata (JT), pp. 326–329.
ICDAR-1997-Spitz- Moby Dick meets GEOCR: Lexical Considerations in WordRecognition (ALS), pp. 221–226.
VLDB-1987-BeinK #architecture #database #distributed #named- MOBY: An Architecture for Distributed Expert Database Systems (JB, RK), pp. 13–20.