46 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-GurukarRR #approach #commit #communication #mining #named #network #scalability- COMMIT: A Scalable Approach to Mining Communication Motifs from Dynamic Networks (SG, SR, BR), pp. 475–489.
CHI-2015-KimDLBS #named- Motif: Supporting Novice Creativity through Expert Patterns (JK, MD, WL, MSB, DS), pp. 1211–1220.
SAC-2015-ChoobdarRS #network- Discovering weighted motifs in gene co-expression networks (SC, PMPR, FMAS), pp. 10–17.
VLDB-2014-GuptaSGGZLL #detection #graph #online #realtime #recommendation #scalability #twitter- Real-Time Twitter Recommendation: Online Motif Detection in Large Dynamic Graphs (PG, VS, AG, SG, VZ, QL, JL), pp. 1379–1380.
VLDB-2015-BegumK14 #bound- Rare Time Series Motif Discovery from Unbounded Streams (NB, EJK), pp. 149–160.
ICEIS-v1-2014-ChinoGRTT #named #scalability- TrieMotif — A New and Efficient Method to Mine Frequent K-Motifs from Large Time Series (DYTC, RRdVG, LASR, CTJ, AJMT), pp. 60–69.
CHI-2013-DunneS #clique #network #readability #visualisation- Motif simplification: improving network visualization readability with fan, connector, and clique glyphs (CD, BS), pp. 3247–3256.
CIKM-2013-SahliMK #parallel #sequence- Parallel motif extraction from very long sequences (MS, EM, PK), pp. 549–558.
SIGIR-2013-SekiM #feedback #social #using- Finding impressive social content creators: searching for SNS illustrators using feedback on motifs and impressions (YS, KM), pp. 1041–1044.
SAC-2013-AlnusairZY #automation #design #recognition #semantics #using- Automatic recognition of design motifs using semantic conditions (AA, TZ, GY), pp. 1062–1067.
SAC-2012-DayehH #biology #network #using- Analyzing incomplete biological pathways using network motifs (MED, MH), pp. 1355–1360.
SAC-2012-SchluterC #correlation #detection #markov #modelling #predict #using- Hidden markov model-based time series prediction using motifs for detecting inter-time-serial correlations (TS, SC), pp. 158–164.
ITiCSE-2011-Wolfer #education- A medical motif for teaching computer graphics in context (JW), p. 328.
MLDM-2011-ArmstrongD #database #scalability- Unsupervised Discovery of Motifs under Amplitude Scaling and Shifting in Time Series Databases (TA, ED), pp. 539–552.
CIKM-2010-ZhaoTHOJL #communication #social- Communication motifs: a tool to characterize social communications (QZ, YT, QH, NO, RJ, WCL), pp. 1645–1648.
ICML-2010-KokD #learning #logic #markov #network #using- Learning Markov Logic Networks Using Structural Motifs (SK, PMD), pp. 551–558.
ICPR-2010-ZhaoWSS #feature model #process #recognition- Motif Discovery and Feature Selection for CRF-based Activity Recognition (LZ, XW, GS, RS), pp. 3826–3829.
KDD-2010-MueenK #maintenance #online- Online discovery and maintenance of time series motifs (AM, EJK), pp. 1089–1098.
SAC-2010-AminBJ #framework #interactive #performance- A cytoscape based framework for efficient sub-graph isomorphic protein-protein interaction motif lookup (MSA, AB, HMJ), pp. 1572–1576.
SAC-2010-RibeiroS #data type #named #network #performance- g-tries: an efficient data structure for discovering network motifs (PMPR, FMAS), pp. 1559–1566.
KDD-2009-DuJDLT #approach #migration #mining- Migration motif: a spatial — temporal pattern mining approach for financial markets (XD, RJ, LD, VEL, JHTJ), pp. 1135–1144.
SAC-2009-CorderoVB #clustering #framework- A new protein motif extraction framework based on constrained co-clustering (FC, AV, MB), pp. 776–781.
ICALP-2007-FellowsFHV #graph- Sharp Tractability Borderlines for Finding Connected Motifs in Vertex-Colored Graphs (MRF, GF, DH, SV), pp. 340–351.
LATA-2007-AntoniouCIP #set #string- Application of suffix trees for the acquisition of common motifs with gaps in a set of strings (PA, MC, CSI, PP), pp. 57–66.
KDD-2007-YankovKMCZ #detection #scalability- Detecting time series motifs under uniform scaling (DY, EJK, JM, BYcC, VBZ), pp. 844–853.
CIAA-2006-AntoniouHIMP #automaton #finite #using- Finding Common Motifs with Gaps Using Finite Automata (PA, JH, CSI, BM, PP), pp. 69–77.
KDD-2006-ChenHLN #interactive #named #network- NeMoFinder: dissecting genome-wide protein-protein interactions with meso-scale network motifs (JC, WH, MLL, SKN), pp. 106–115.
GPCE-2006-ReederG #programming #visual notation- A graphical programming system for molecular motif search (JR, RG), pp. 131–140.
SAC-2006-FassettiGT #biology #performance- Efficient discovery of loosely structured motifs in biological data (FF, GG, GT), pp. 151–155.
CIKM-2005-ZhaoBG05a #named #web- WAM-Miner: in the search of web access motifs from historical web log data (QZ, SSB, LG), pp. 421–428.
ICML-2005-WangS #classification #kernel- New kernels for protein structural motif discovery and function classification (CW, SDS), pp. 940–947.
SAC-2004-CarvalhoOFS #algorithm #parallel- A parallel algorithm for the extraction of structured motifs (AMC, ALO, ATF, MFS), pp. 147–153.
SAC-2004-WangDK #refinement- Guiding motif discovery by iterative pattern refinement (ZW, MMD, SK), pp. 162–166.
KDD-2003-ChiuKL #probability- Probabilistic discovery of time series motifs (BYcC, EJK, SL), pp. 493–498.
MLDM-2003-TanakaU #analysis #component #multi #principle #using- Discover Motifs in Multi-dimensional Time-Series Using the Principal Component Analysis and the MDL Principle (YT, KU), pp. 252–265.
ICPR-v2-2002-BhagavathyNM #image #modelling #using- Modeling Object Classes in Aerial Images Using Texture Motifs (SB, SN, BSM), pp. 981–984.
ICML-1999-HuSK #detection #sequence- Detecting Motifs from Sequences (YJH, SBS, DFK), pp. 181–190.
KDD-1997-WangWSSDRZ #3d #automation- Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Three Dimensional Molecules (XW, JTLW, DS, BAS, SD, IR, KZ), pp. 89–95.
KDD-1996-WangSSZC #automation #multi- Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Multiple RNA Secondary Structures (JTLW, BAS, DS, KZ, CYC), pp. 70–75.
AdaEurope-1995-Matthewman #ada #empirical #named- ECLIPS — A Successful Experiment Combining CCSDS SFDUs, X/Motif, HOOD and Ada (AM), pp. 311–330.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-MullerMN- A Motif Widget to Display, Animate and Edit Graphics (DM, LM, AN), pp. 27–34.
TRI-Ada-1993-Byrnes #ada #migration- Porting Applications Between Two Commercial Ada/Motif Bindings (CB), pp. 37–49.
HT-ECHT-1992-Clark- Motif Applications + LinkWorks = Hyperenvironment (Demonstration) (WC), p. 295.
SEKE-1992-SubramaniamTHRR #design #information management #prototype #type system- Knowledge Engineering for Protein Structure and Motifs: Design of a Prototype System (SS, DKT, KH, HR, LAR), pp. 420–435.
ML-1991-YamanishiK #learning #probability #search-based #sequence- Learning Stochastic Motifs from Genetic Sequences (KY, AK), pp. 467–471.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Joloboff #object-oriented #tool support- Invited Paper: OSF Motif: An Object-Oriented Toolkit (VJ), pp. 7–22.