Stem opportunist$ (all stems)
28 papers:
DAC-2015-ChenMRC #execution #paradigm #performance- Opportunistic turbo execution in NTC: exploiting the paradigm shift in performance bottlenecks (HC, DM, SR, KC), p. 6.
HT-2015-Goranson #hypermedia- Opportunistic Layered Hypernarrative (HTG), pp. 267–272.
CSCW-2015-FreitasD #collaboration #framework #tool support- The Group Context Framework: An Extensible Toolkit for Opportunistic Grouping and Collaboration (AAdF, AKD), pp. 1602–1611.
CSCW-2015-FreitasD15a #detection #multi #using- Using Multiple Contexts to Detect and Form Opportunistic Groups (AAdF, AKD), pp. 1612–1621.
SOSP-2015-AmvrosiadisBG #maintenance- Opportunistic storage maintenance (GA, ADB, AG), pp. 457–473.
DATE-2014-NovoFIAC #approximate #case study #energy #performance #runtime- Energy efficient MIMO processing: A case study of opportunistic run-time approximations (DN, NF, PI, UA, FC), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-LeFevreSHTPC #big data #data analysis #design #physics- Opportunistic physical design for big data analytics (JL, JS, HH, JT, NP, MJC), pp. 851–862.
VLDB-2014-AnciauxBDIKMP #named- Folk-IS: Opportunistic Data Services in Least Developed Countries (NA, LB, TD, SI, LK, NM, PP), pp. 425–428.
SAC-2013-OliveiraBMNBGB #multi #network- DoS-resilient virtual networks through multipath embedding and opportunistic recovery (RRO, LRB, DSM, MCN, LSB, LPG, MPB), pp. 597–602.
SAC-2013-StevensonYDPMV #network #reasoning #resource management #self #semantics- Combining self-organisation, context-awareness and semantic reasoning: the case of resource discovery in opportunistic networks (GS, JY, SD, DP, SM, MV), pp. 1369–1376.
ICSE-2013-Kulkarni #reuse- Systematically selecting a software module during opportunistic reuse (NK), pp. 1405–1406.
QAPL-2012-BortolussiGH #hybrid #modelling #network #performance- Hybrid performance modelling of opportunistic networks (LB, VG, JH), pp. 106–121.
HCI-UA-2011-BeheshtiL #interface #people- An Interface for Opportunistic Discovery of Information for Young People (JB, AL), pp. 541–548.
HPDC-2010-LinMAFGZ #named #pipes and filters- MOON: MapReduce On Opportunistic eNvironments (HL, XM, JSA, WcF, MKG, ZZ), pp. 95–106.
CHI-2009-BrandtGLDK #learning #programming #web- Two studies of opportunistic programming: interleaving web foraging, learning, and writing code (JB, PJG, JL, MD, SRK), pp. 1589–1598.
SAC-2009-CamargoFK #distributed #maintenance #performance- Efficient maintenance of distributed data in highly dynamic opportunistic grids (RYdC, FCF, FK), pp. 1067–1071.
SAC-2009-KimR #multi #network #realtime- Opportunistic real-time routing in multi-hop wireless sensor networks (JK, BR), pp. 2197–2201.
CBSE-2008-KotonyaLM #development #lessons learnt #reuse- Opportunistic Reuse: Lessons from Scrapheap Software Development (GK, SL, JM), pp. 302–309.
ESEC-FSE-2007-CalegariMRM #generative #mobile #named #performance #testing- CTG: a connectivity trace generator for testing the performance of opportunistic mobile systems (RC, MM, FR, CM), pp. 415–424.
SAC-2006-BendaJPSC #algorithm #distributed #resource management- A distributed stand-in agent based algorithm for opportunistic resource allocation (PB, PJ, MP, NS, MMC), pp. 119–125.
CHI-2002-IsaacsWR #interactive #mobile #named- Hubbub: a sound-enhanced mobile instant messenger that supports awareness and opportunistic interactions (EI, AW, DR), pp. 179–186.
KDD-2002-LiuPWH #mining #set- Mining frequent item sets by opportunistic projection (JL, YP, KW, JH), pp. 229–238.
VLDB-1998-HelmerWM #algorithm #named- Diag-Join: An Opportunistic Join Algorithm for 1:N Relationships (SH, TW, GM), pp. 98–109.
WPC-1996-MayrhauserV #comprehension #migration #on the #scalability- On the Role of Hypotheses during Opportunistic Understanding While Porting Large Scale Code (AvM, AMV), pp. 68–77.
LOPSTR-1995-VasconcelosF #approach #logic programming #optimisation #program analysis #using- An Opportunistic Approach for Logic Program Analysis and Optimisation Using Enhanced Schema-Based Transformations (WWV, NEF), pp. 174–188.
SEKE-1992-Bertolotti #interactive #problem- Opportunistic Production Planning Through Interactive Problem Solving (EB), pp. 404–411.
ML-1991-GunschR #induction- Opportunistic Constructive Induction (GHG, LAR), pp. 147–152.
OOPSLA-1989-WilsonM #design #garbage collection- Design of the Opportunistic Garbage Collector (PRW, TGM), pp. 23–35.