10 papers:
ICALP-v1-2015-KunnemannM #approximate #comprehension #heuristic #towards- Towards Understanding the Smoothed Approximation Ratio of the 2-Opt Heuristic (MK, BM), pp. 859–871.
SIGMOD-2014-KimHLPY #framework #graph #named #parallel #scalability- OPT: a new framework for overlapped and parallel triangulation in large-scale graphs (JK, WSH, SL, KP, HY), pp. 637–648.
CHI-2012-LeonUSWBC #behaviour #evaluation #online #tool support #usability #why- Why Johnny can’t opt out: a usability evaluation of tools to limit online behavioral advertising (PGL, BU, RS, YW, RB, LFC), pp. 589–598.
CASE-2008-XuFWY #algorithm #multi #problem- An Or-opt NSGA-II algorithm for multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (HX, WF, TW, LY), pp. 309–314.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HosbondNA #mobile- Opting for Innovation in Mobile Applications (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 23–30.
SAC-2004-KatayamaHN #clique #problem- Solving the maximum clique problem by k-opt local search (KK, AH, HN), pp. 1021–1025.
STOC-2003-BuchsbaumKKRT- OPT versus LOAD in dynamic storage allocation (ALB, HJK, CK, NR, MT), pp. 556–564.
ICML-1999-TalbertF #algorithm #named #optimisation- OPT-KD: An Algorithm for Optimizing Kd-Trees (DAT, DHF), pp. 398–405.
TACAS-1996-KleinKKS #automaton #program analysis- DFA&OPT-METAFrame: A Tool Kit for Program Analysis and Optimazation (MK, JK, DK, BS), pp. 422–426.
EDAC-1994-ByrneMLD #bibliography #optimisation #using- An Overview of Analogue Optimisation Using “AD-OPT” (EB, OM, DL, BD), pp. 540–545.