15 papers:
VLDB-2015-ChoBBFKP #algorithm #named #parallel #performance- PARADIS: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for In-place Radix Sort (MC, DB, RB, UF, VK, RP), pp. 1518–1529.
VLDB-2015-SchuhknechtKD #clustering #on the- On the Surprising Difficulty of Simple Things: the Case of Radix Partitioning (FMS, PK, JD), pp. 934–937.
HPCA-2015-ChrysosMRBV #named #network- SCOC: High-radix switches made of bufferless clos networks (NC, CM, MR, CB, BV), pp. 402–414.
DAC-2014-AbeyratneJKBDDM- Quality-of-Service for a High-Radix Switch (NA, SJ, YK, DB, RGD, RD, TNM), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2014-PolychroniouR #clustering #in memory #scalability- A comprehensive study of main-memory partitioning and its application to large-scale comparison- and radix-sort (OP, KAR), pp. 755–766.
HPCA-2013-AbeyratneDLSGDBM #scalability #symmetry #towards- Scaling towards kilo-core processors with asymmetric high-radix topologies (NA, RD, QL, KS, BG, RGD, DB, TNM), pp. 496–507.
DAC-2012-SatpathyDDMSB #multi #quality #self- High radix self-arbitrating switch fabric with multiple arbitration schemes and quality of service (SS, RD, RGD, TNM, DS, DB), pp. 406–411.
DATE-2012-KwongG #architecture #constant #geometry #performance- A high performance split-radix FFT with constant geometry architecture (JK, MG), pp. 1537–1542.
HPCA-2012-AhnCK #approach #architecture #network #scalability- Network within a network approach to create a scalable high-radix router microarchitecture (JHA, SC, JK), pp. 455–466.
HPCA-2009-XuDZZZY #3d #design #network- A low-radix and low-diameter 3D interconnection network design (YX, YD, BZ, XZ, YZ, JY), pp. 30–42.
DATE-2007-Srivastava #interactive #predict #scalability- Interactive presentation: Radix 4 SRT division with quotient prediction and operand scaling (NRS), pp. 195–200.
VLDB-2007-VoM #linear #named- RadixZip: Linear-Time Compression of Token Streams (BV, GSM), pp. 1162–1172.
VLDB-2004-ManegoldBKN #clustering- Cache-Conscious Radix-Decluster Projections (SM, PAB, NN), pp. 684–695.
SAC-1994-WooR #algorithm #parallel- Unordered parallel distance-1 and distance-2 FFT algorithms of radix 2 and (4-2) (MlW, RAR), pp. 504–509.
DAC-1991-Harrison #layout #using- VLSI Layout Compaction Using Radix Priority Search Trees (AJH), pp. 732–735.