13 papers:
CASE-2015-TanakaM #algorithm #bound #problem #strict- Dominance properties for the unrestricted block relocation problem and their application to a branch-and-bound algorithm (ST, FM), pp. 509–514.
CASE-2014-TanakaT #algorithm #bound #performance #problem- A faster branch-and-bound algorithm for the block relocation problem (ST, KT), pp. 7–12.
SAC-2014-LeePKH #clustering- Per-cluster allocation of relocation staff on electric vehicle sharing systems (JL, GLP, JK, NH), pp. 1541–1542.
DAC-2013-AncajasCR #3d #manycore #memory management #named- DMR3D: dynamic memory relocation in 3D multicore systems (DMA, KC, SR), p. 9.
CSMR-2012-OlszakJ #composition #concept #how #legacy #question- Modularization of Legacy Features by Relocation and Reconceptualization: How Much is Enough? (AO, BNJ), pp. 171–180.
CBSE-2011-SaudraisC #automation #component- Automatic relocation of AUTOSAR components among several ECUs (SS, KC), pp. 199–204.
CASE-2011-LeeLNCC #design #optimisation- Design optimization of one-time-use leaping mechanism for sensor node relocation (GL, GL, YN, NYC, DC), pp. 749–754.
CHI-2011-HollinworthH- Cursor relocation techniques to help older adults find “lost” cursors (NH, FH), pp. 863–866.
DATE-2009-FlynnGG #configuration management- Bitstream relocation with local clock domains for partially reconfigurable FPGAs (AF, AGR, ADG), pp. 300–303.
ICST-2008-LarssonBF #challenge- Challenges and Solutions in Test Staff Relocations within a Software Consultancy Company (DL, HB, RF), pp. 423–431.
DATE-2006-SekarLRD #adaptation #configuration management- Integrated data relocation and bus reconfiguration for adaptive system-on-chip platforms (KS, KL, AR, SD), pp. 728–733.
IWPC-2002-CoxC #xml- Relocating XML Elements from Preprocessed to Unprocessed Code (AC, CLAC), pp. 229–238.
PLDI-1996-Ramsey #bytecode- Relocating Machine Instructions by Currying (NR), pp. 226–236.