31 papers:
SIGMOD-2014-KhanYDK #query #towards- Towards indexing functions: answering scalar product queries (AK, PY, BD, DK), pp. 241–252.
CC-2014-SurendranBZS #array #using- Inter-iteration Scalar Replacement Using Array SSA Form (RS, RB, JZ, VS), pp. 40–60.
CGO-2014-StadlerWM #analysis #java- Partial Escape Analysis and Scalar Replacement for Java (LS, TW, HM), p. 165.
CASE-2013-LaSC #mobile #network- Cooperative and active sensing in mobile sensor networks for scalar field mapping (HML, WS, JC), pp. 831–836.
CGO-2013-LeeKGKA #architecture #convergence- Convergence and scalarization for data-parallel architectures (YL, RK, VG, SWK, KA), p. 11.
DATE-2010-IzumiISO #multi- Improved countermeasure against Address-bit DPA for ECC scalar multiplication (MI, JI, KS, KO), pp. 981–984.
DAC-2008-TarjanBS #named- Federation: repurposing scalar cores for out-of-order instruction issue (DT, MB, KS), pp. 772–775.
ESOP-2007-DengGMZ #probability #testing- Scalar Outcomes Suffice for Finitary Probabilistic Testing (YD, RJvG, CM, CZ), pp. 363–378.
DAC-2005-KimK05a #evaluation #modelling #performance #pipes and filters #reuse #simulation- Performance simulation modeling for fast evaluation of pipelined scalar processor by evaluation reuse (HYK, TGK), pp. 341–344.
DATE-2005-BaradaranD #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A Register Allocation Algorithm in the Presence of Scalar Replacement for Fine-Grain Configurable Architectures (NB, PCD), pp. 6–11.
DATE-v1-2004-AlakarhuN #estimation #locality #metric #performance- Scalar Metric for Temporal Locality and Estimation of Cache Performance (JA, JN), pp. 730–731.
WCRE-2004-AbbasTC #using- Using DDL to Understand and Modify SimpleScalar (NA, ST, JEC), pp. 296–297.
ICPR-v1-2004-BrahimiS #embedded #image- Color Image Coding based on Embedded Wavelet Zerotree and Scalar Quantization (ZB, KAS), pp. 504–507.
CC-2004-ChowdhuryDCBM #alias #analysis #optimisation- The Limits of Alias Analysis for Scalar Optimizations (RAC, PD, BC, JHB, KSM), pp. 24–38.
CC-2004-SoH- Increasing the Applicability of Scalar Replacement (BS, MWH), pp. 185–201.
IFL-2003-GrelckST #array- With-Loop Scalarization — Merging Nested Array Operations (CG, SBS, KT), pp. 118–134.
HPCA-2003-TaylorLAA #architecture #network- Scalar Operand Networks: On-Chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architecture (MBT, WL, SPA, AA), pp. 341–353.
ICPR-v1-2002-FlorianiMD #composition- A Smale-Like Decomposition for Discrete Scalar Fields (LDF, MMM, ED), pp. 184–187.
ASPLOS-2002-ZhaiCSM #communication #compilation #optimisation #thread- Compiler optimization of scalar value communication between speculative threads (AZ, CBC, JGS, TCM), pp. 171–183.
DAC-2000-WilsonD #reliability #simulation #using #verification- Reliable verification using symbolic simulation with scalar values (CW, DLD), pp. 124–129.
CC-2000-Roth #array #syntax- Advanced Scalarization of Array Syntax (GR), pp. 219–231.
SIGMOD-1998-JaedickeM #on the #parallel- On Parallel Processing of Aggregate and Scalar Functions in Object-Relational DBMS (MJ, BM), pp. 379–389.
PLDI-1998-SastryJ #algorithm- A New Algorithm for Scalar Register Promotion based on SSA Form (AVSS, RDCJ), pp. 15–25.
SIGMOD-1996-Agarwal #algorithm #sorting- A Super Scalar Sort Algorithm for RISC Processors (RCA), pp. 240–246.
PLDI-1996-Adl-TabatabaiG #debugging- Source-Level Debugging of Scalar Optimized Code (ARAT, TRG), pp. 33–43.
ICPR-1996-HillCT- Least-squares solution of absolute orientation with non-scalar weights (AH, TFC, CJT), pp. 461–465.
PODS-1993-Escobar-MolanoHJ #calculus #query #safety- Safety and Translation of Calculus Queries with Scalar Functions (MEM, RH, DJ), pp. 253–264.
CC-1992-DuesterwaldGS #approach #pipes and filters- Register Pipelining: An Integrated Approach to Register Allocation for Scalar and Subscripted Variables (ED, RG, MLS), pp. 192–206.
ASPLOS-1989-JouppiBW #architecture #float- A Unified Vector/Scalar Floating-Point Architecture (NPJ, JB, DWW), pp. 134–143.
ASPLOS-1987-WeissS #case study #compilation #pipes and filters- A Study of Scalar Compilation Techniques for Pipelined Supercomputers (SW, JES), pp. 105–109.
DAC-1980-UlrichLPTKEB #concurrent #fault #performance #simulation- High-speed concurrent fault simulation with vectors and scalars (EU, DL, NP, JT, MK, TE, RB), pp. 374–380.