31 papers:
TACAS-2015-GurfinkelKN #c #contest #framework #named #source code #verification- SeaHorn: A Framework for Verifying C Programs (Competition Contribution) (AG, TK, JAN), pp. 447–450.
SCAM-J-2013-BeszedesSCGJG15 #clustering #dependence #empirical- Empirical investigation of SEA-based dependence cluster properties (ÁB, LS, BC, TG, JJ, TG), pp. 3–25.
DUXU-IXD-2015-Posetti #comprehension #design #experience #user interface- Clicking Through Endless Seas: Understanding User Experience in the Design of Journalistic Websites (BP), pp. 82–93.
CAV-2015-GurfinkelKKN #framework #verification- The SeaHorn Verification Framework (AG, TK, AK, JAN), pp. 343–361.
ICPR-2014-PanagiotakisK #automation #detection #fault- Automatic Enhancement and Detection of Active Sea Faults from Bathymetry (CP, EK), pp. 855–860.
RE-2014-StalhaneW- The DODT tool applied to sub-sea software (TS, TW), pp. 420–427.
SLE-2014-KursLN #bound #semiparsing- Bounded Seas — Island Parsing Without Shipwrecks (JK, ML, ON), pp. 62–81.
SIGMOD-2013-DeWittINS- We are drowning in a sea of least publishable units (LPUs) (DJD, IFI, JFN, MS), pp. 921–922.
SCAM-2013-BeszedesSCGJG #clustering #dependence #empirical- Empirical investigation of SEA-based dependence cluster properties (ÁB, LS, BC, TG, JJ, TG), pp. 1–10.
KDD-2013-WangLLWWC #analysis #named #twitter- SEA: a system for event analysis on chinese tweets (YW, HL, HL, JW, ZW, JC), pp. 1498–1501.
ICLP-J-2013-BusoniuOPST #debugging #ide #named #programming- SeaLion: An eclipse-based IDE for answer-set programming with advanced debugging support (PAB, JO, JP, PS, HT), pp. 657–673.
DAC-2012-BobbaMLM #physics #synthesis- Physical synthesis onto a Sea-of-Tiles with double-gate silicon nanowire transistors (SB, MDM, YL, GDM), pp. 42–47.
ICSM-2012-ChaikalisMC #analysis #evolution #named #network- SEANets: Software evolution analysis with networks (TC, GM, AC), pp. 634–637.
ICSE-2010-KornstaedtR #development #eclipse #float #framework- Staying afloat in an expanding sea of choices: emerging best practices for eclipse rich client platform development (AK, ER), pp. 59–67.
HT-2009-StyliarasC #hypermedia #named #towards #web- HyperSea: towards a spatial hypertext environment for web 2.0 content (GDS, SPC), pp. 35–44.
CASE-2006-LuDYL #algorithm- An Algorithm for Locating Sky-Sea Line (JWL, YZD, XHY, FLL), pp. 615–619.
CASE-2006-LuHLL #detection #image- Detecting Small Target of Ship at Sea by Infrared Image (JWL, YJH, HYL, FLL), pp. 165–169.
ICPR-v1-2006-Chen #adaptation #estimation- Noise Variance Adaptive SEA for Motion Estimation: A Two-Stage Schema (WGC), pp. 31–34.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuC #image #segmentation #semantics #using- Joint Image Segmentation and Interpretation Using Iterative Semantic Region Growing on SAR Sea Ice Imagery (QY, DAC), pp. 223–226.
ICPR-v4-2006-YuC06a #segmentation #statistics #using- Filament Preserving Segmentation for SAR Sea Ice Imagery Using a New Statistical Model (QY, DAC), pp. 849–852.
KDD-2001-StreetK #algorithm #classification #scalability #streaming- A streaming ensemble algorithm (SEA) for large-scale classification (WNS, YK), pp. 377–382.
ICPR-v1-2000-YangPM- Singular Features in Sea Surface Temperature Data (QY, BP, AM), pp. 1516–1520.
ICPR-v2-2000-YaoHGM #image- Finding Green River in SeaWiFS Satellite Images (WY, LOH, DBG, FEMK), pp. 2307–2310.
DATE-1999-ChoiB #array #design- OTA Amplifiers Design on Digital Sea-of-Transistors Array (JHC, SB), pp. 776–777.
WIA-1999-AndaryCCDFL #automaton #named- SEA: A Symbolic Environment for Automata Theory (PA, PC, JMC, GD, MF, ÉL), pp. 13–26.
ICPR-1996-DugelayGA #multi #segmentation- Segmentation of multibeam acoustic imagery in the exploration of the deep sea-bottom (SD, CG, JMA), pp. 437–446.
EDAC-1994-DongenR #array #design- Advanced Analog Circuit Design on a Digital Sea-of-Gates Array (RvD, VR), pp. 70–74.
DAC-1993-ChenCHK #array- The Sea-of-Wires Array Aynthesis System (IYC, GLC, FJH, SYK), pp. 188–193.
DAC-1989-AdamsS #generative #layout- Template Style Considerations for Sea-of-Gates Layout Generation (GDA, CHS), pp. 31–36.
DAC-1989-IgusaBS- ORCA a Sea-of-Gates Place and Route System (MI, MB, ALSV), pp. 122–127.
DAC-1988-TsayKH #algorithm #named #performance- Proud: A Fast Sea-of-Gates Placement Algorithm (RST, ESK, CPH), pp. 318–323.