15 papers:
DHM-2014-Li0ZHZ #case study #evaluation- Study on the Evaluation of Automotive Seat Comfort during Prolonged Simulated Driving (XL, LD, QXZ, HH, CZ), pp. 101–111.
DHM-SET-2013-LuL #design #modelling #safety- Constructing Ergonomic Safety Modelling for Evaluating New Designs of Child Car Seats (CYL, HHL), pp. 338–347.
DHM-2011-HowardY #case study #predict- Predicting Support Reaction Forces for Standing and Seated Tasks with Given Postures-A Preliminary Study (BH, J(Y), pp. 89–98.
DHM-2011-ZouZYBGC #predict- An Alternative Formulation for Determining Weights of Joint Displacement Objective Function in Seated Posture Prediction (QZ, QZ, J(Y, RB, JG, AC), pp. 231–242.
DUXU-v2-2011-ChaeKN #experience #using- Measuring Drivers’ Dynamic Seating Experience Using Pressure Mats (SC, GK, KN), pp. 368–375.
DHM-2009-Wang #problem #re-engineering- Problems Encountered in Seated Arm Reach Posture Reconstruction: Need for a More Realistic Spine and Upper Limb Kinematic Model (XW), pp. 160–169.
CSCW-2008-YamashitaHAKH #communication #video- Impact of seating positions on group video communication (NY, KH, SA, HK, YH), pp. 177–186.
DHM-2007-KuboTA- Two Vibration Modes of a Human Body Sitting on a Car Seat- The Relationship Between Riding Discomfort Affected by the Material Properties of the Seat Cushion and the Two Vibration Modes (MK, FT, HA), pp. 894–903.
IWPC-2005-Hamou-LhadjLF #analysis #named- SEAT: A Usable Trace Analysis Tool (AHL, TCL, LF), pp. 157–160.
ITiCSE-2000-DavidovicWT #adaptation- Structural example-based adaptive tutoring system (poster session) (SEATS) (AD, JW, ET), p. 187.
HCI-EI-1999-SuzukiA #difference #process- Difference in the ANS activity between gaze angles while seated (KS, DRA), pp. 69–73.
HCI-CC-1997-DowellG- The Effect of Mouse Location on Seated Posture (WRD, GG), pp. 607–610.
HCI-SES-1987-Dainoff #design- Some Issues Related to Seated Posture and Workstation Design (MJD), pp. 165–172.
VLDB-1986-Seki #database #distributed #network #performance- New Seat Reservation System for Japanese National Railways — Distributed Processing Network and High Efficiency Databases (ES), pp. 502–510.
DAC-1981-Burdick #design #formal method #process #what- What to do when the seat of your pants wears out — the formalization of the VLSI design process (EB), pp. 708–709.