15 papers:
SAC-2014-MotaB #algorithm #anti #internet- A dynamic frame slotted ALOHA anti-collision algorithm for the internet of things (RPBM, DMB), pp. 686–691.
DATE-2011-AnjamNW #multi #runtime- Targeting code diversity with run-time adjustable issue-slots in a chip multiprocessor (FA, MN, SW), pp. 1358–1363.
MoDELS-2011-FabryZG #case study #design #experience #interactive- Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain (JF, AZ, SEG), pp. 93–107.
MoDELS-2011-FabryZG #case study #design #experience #interactive- Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain (JF, AZ, SEG), pp. 93–107.
OOPSLA-2011-VerwaestBLN #flexibility #lightweight- Flexible object layouts: enabling lightweight language extensions by intercepting slot access (TV, CB, ML, ON), pp. 959–972.
DATE-2010-HuanYCM #energy #graph- Energy-oriented dynamic SPM allocation based on time-slotted Cache conflict graph (WH, ZY, MC, LM), pp. 598–601.
SAC-2010-ZambranoFJS #case study #experience #interactive #requirements- Expressing aspectual interactions in requirements engineering: experiences in the slot machine domain (AZ, JF, GJ, SEG), pp. 2161–2168.
FM-2009-GancarskiB #semantics- The Denotational Semantics of slotted-Circus (PG, AB), pp. 451–466.
IFM-2007-ButterfieldSW- Slotted-Circus (AB, AS, JW), pp. 75–97.
SAC-2007-KanzakiHN #ad hoc #mobile #network #performance #protocol- An efficient TDMA slot assignment protocol in mobile ad hoc networks (AK, TH, SN), pp. 891–895.
DATE-2005-HamannE #optimisation #search-based- TDMA Time Slot and Turn Optimization with Evolutionary Search Techniques (AH, RE), pp. 312–317.
POPL-2005-Ghica #game studies- Slot games: a quantitative model of computation (DRG), pp. 85–97.
SAC-2005-KanzakiHN #ad hoc #adaptation #network #protocol- An adaptive TDMA slot assignment protocol in ad hoc sensor networks (AK, TH, SN), pp. 1160–1165.
FME-2003-Henderson #correctness #proving #using- Proving the Correctness of Simpson’s 4-Slot ACM Using an Assertional Rely-Guarantee Proof Method (NH), pp. 244–263.
FME-2002-HendersonP #classification #communication #verification- The Formal Classification and Verification of Simpson’s 4-Slot Asynchronous Communication Mechanism (NH, SP), pp. 350–369.