8 papers:
LCTES-2014-ChaudharyFT #compilation #named #specification- em-SPADE: a compiler extension for checking rules extracted from processor specifications (SC, SF, LT), pp. 105–114.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-KisilevichKR #framework #named- GEO-SPADE — A Generic Google Earth-based Framework for Analyzing and Exploring Spatio-temporal Data (SK, DAK, LR), pp. 13–20.
ICEIS-J-2010-KisilevichKLBR #case study- Developing Analytical GIS Applications with GEO-SPADE: Three Success Case Studies (SK, DAK, AL, LB, LR), pp. 495–511.
SIGMOD-2008-GedikAWYD #declarative #named- SPADE: the system s declarative stream processing engine (BG, HA, KLW, PSY, MD), pp. 1123–1134.
CAV-2007-PatinST #named #parallel #recursion #source code #thread #verification- Spade: Verification of Multithreaded Dynamic and Recursive Programs (GP, MS, TT), pp. 254–257.
MLDM-2003-LeleuRBE #dataset #mining #named- GO-SPADE: Mining Sequential Patterns over Datasets with Consecutive Repetitions (ML, CR, JFB, GE), pp. 293–306.
CAiSE-1991-SeppanenHL #design #named #tool support #towards- SPADE — Towards Case Tools That Can Guide Design (VS, MH, RL), pp. 222–239.
ICSE-1985-LudewigGHMMS #design #interface #named #specification #visual notation- SPADES — A Specification and Design System and Its Graphical Interface (JL, MG, HH, GM, HM, MFS), pp. 83–91.