80 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-NawabAAA #commit #latency #transaction- Minimizing Commit Latency of Transactions in Geo-Replicated Data Stores (FN, VA, DA, AEA), pp. 1279–1294.
SIGMOD-2015-VulimiriCGJKPV #data-driven #named- WANalytics: Geo-Distributed Analytics for a Data Intensive World (AV, CC, PBG, TJ, KK, JP, GV), pp. 1087–1092.
VLDB-2015-ChenGXJC #distributed #image #named #recommendation #retrieval- I2RS: A Distributed Geo-Textual Image Retrieval and Recommendation System (LC, YG, ZX, CSJ, GC), pp. 1884–1895.
KDD-2015-WangYCSSZ #generative #named #recommendation- Geo-SAGE: A Geographical Sparse Additive Generative Model for Spatial Item Recommendation (WW, HY, LC, YS, SWS, XZ), pp. 1255–1264.
KDD-2015-ZhangZMH #assembly #co-evolution #named #performance- Assembler: Efficient Discovery of Spatial Co-evolving Patterns in Massive Geo-sensory Data (CZ, YZ, XM, JH), pp. 1415–1424.
RecSys-2015-LuC #personalisation #recommendation- Exploiting Geo-Spatial Preference for Personalized Expert Recommendation (HL, JC), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-2015-LiCLPK #named #ranking #recommendation- Rank-GeoFM: A Ranking based Geographical Factorization Method for Point of Interest Recommendation (XL, GC, XL, TANP, SK), pp. 433–442.
SIGIR-2015-ZhangC #category theory #correlation #named #recommendation #social- GeoSoCa: Exploiting Geographical, Social and Categorical Correlations for Point-of-Interest Recommendations (JDZ, CYC), pp. 443–452.
SAC-2015-LoffRM #predict #social #social media- Predicting well-being with geo-referenced data collected from social media platforms (JL, MR, BM), pp. 1167–1173.
HPDC-2015-HeintzCS #optimisation #streaming- Optimizing Grouped Aggregation in Geo-Distributed Streaming Analytics (BH, AC, RKS), pp. 133–144.
HT-2014-ThomeeM #automation #equivalence- Automatic discovery of global and local equivalence relationships in labeled geo-spatial data (BT, GDFM), pp. 158–168.
SIGMOD-2014-ShiMWC #clustering #network- Density-based place clustering in geo-social networks (JS, NM, DW, DWC), pp. 99–110.
VLDB-2014-GuptaYGKCLWDKABHCSJSGVA #named #realtime #scalability- Mesa: Geo-Replicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Data Warehousing (AG, FY, JG, AK, KC, KL, SW, SGD, ARK, AA, SB, MH, JC, MS, DJ, JS, AG, SV, DA), pp. 1259–1270.
VLDB-2014-ZhengBST #fuzzy #named- MESA: A Map Service to Support Fuzzy Type-ahead Search over Geo-Textual Data (YZ, ZB, LS, AKHT), pp. 1545–1548.
HCI-AS-2014-Lopez-OrnelasAZ #recommendation- A Geo-collaborative Recommendation Tool to Help Urban Mobility (ÉLO, RAM, JSZH), pp. 466–472.
SCSM-2014-IoannidisPKKFA #analysis #named #social #social media- SONETA: A Social Media Geo-Trends Analysis Tool (II, EP, CK, NK, CF, NMA), pp. 186–196.
ICEIS-v2-2014-RoumelisLV #database #design #information management- Database Design of a Geo-environmental Information System (GR, TL, MV), pp. 375–382.
ECIR-2014-LiEV #microblog- Geo-spatial Domain Expertise in Microblogs (WL, CE, APdV), pp. 487–492.
KDD-2014-LianZXSCR #matrix #modelling #named #recommendation- GeoMF: joint geographical modeling and matrix factorization for point-of-interest recommendation (DL, CZ, XX, GS, EC, YR), pp. 831–840.
SEKE-2014-DoranGD #coordination #estimation #social #social media- Accurate Local Estimation of Geo-Coordinates for Social Media Posts (DD, SSG, AD), pp. 642–647.
SIGIR-2014-ChengCBB #approach #twitter- Who is the barbecue king of texas?: a geo-spatial approach to finding local experts on twitter (ZC, JC, HB, VB), pp. 335–344.
SIGIR-2014-WangZZL #identification #keyword #twitter- Efficiently identify local frequent keyword co-occurrence patterns in geo-tagged Twitter stream (XW, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 1215–1218.
SAC-2014-MitranCB #automation #image #ranking- GeoTime-based tag ranking model for automatic image annotation (MM, GC, MB), pp. 896–901.
OSDI-2014-ArdekaniT #configuration management #self- A Self-Configurable Geo-Replicated Cloud Storage System (MSA, DBT), pp. 367–381.
SIGMOD-2013-ChenCC #performance #query- An efficient query indexing mechanism for filtering geo-textual data (LC, GC, XC), pp. 749–760.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhangGBFRP #named #statistics #using- GeoDeepDive: statistical inference using familiar data-processing languages (CZ, VG, JB, TF, CR, SP), pp. 993–996.
VLDB-2013-ArmenatzoglouPP #framework #query- A General Framework for Geo-Social Query Processing (NA, SP, DP), pp. 913–924.
VLDB-2014-BudakGAA13 #detection #named #network #online #roadmap #social- GeoScope: Online Detection of Geo-Correlated Information Trends in Social Networks (CB, TG, DA, AEA), pp. 229–240.
ICEIS-v2-2013-RibeiroSFO #concept #constraints #ocl #validation- Extending OCL to Specify and Validate Integrity Constraints in UML-GeoFrame Conceptual Data Model (AAdAR, SMS, JLF, ILO), pp. 286–293.
ECIR-2013-WaltherK #detection #twitter- Geo-spatial Event Detection in the Twitter Stream (MW, MK), pp. 356–367.
KDD-2013-KaramshukNSNM #mining #named #online- Geo-spotting: mining online location-based services for optimal retail store placement (DK, AN, SS, VN, CM), pp. 793–801.
SAC-2013-Gaggi- Discovering local attractions from geo-tagged photos (OG), pp. 730–735.
SAC-2013-YeLZ #correlation #named- GCplace: geo-cloud based correlation aware data replica placement (ZY, SL, XZ), pp. 371–376.
SOSP-2013-WuBPKM #effectiveness #multi #named- SPANStore: cost-effective geo-replicated storage spanning multiple cloud services (ZW, MB, DP, EKB, HVM), pp. 292–308.
SOSP-2013-ZhangPZSAL #latency #transaction- Transaction chains: achieving serializability with low latency in geo-distributed storage systems (YZ, RP, SZ, YS, MKA, JL), pp. 276–291.
VLDB-2012-ThirumuruganathanDDADY #collaboration #interactive #named #visualisation- MapRat: Meaningful Explanation, Interactive Exploration and Geo-Visualization of Collaborative Ratings (ST, MD, SD, SAY, GD, CY), pp. 1986–1989.
CIKM-2012-GaoTL #correlation #modelling #named #network #social- gSCorr: modeling geo-social correlations for new check-ins on location-based social networks (HG, JT, HL), pp. 1582–1586.
CIKM-2012-ZhangS0CB #network #social- Evaluating geo-social influence in location-based social networks (CZ, LS, KC, GC, YB), pp. 1442–1451.
ECIR-2012-AkerFSG #image #summary- Investigating Summarization Techniques for Geo-Tagged Image Indexing (AA, XF, MS, RJG), pp. 472–475.
ECIR-2012-HauffH #estimation #image #social #web- Geo-Location Estimation of Flickr Images: Social Web Based Enrichment (CH, GJH), pp. 85–96.
KDD-2012-KimKY #named #retrieval #video- GeoSearch: georeferenced video retrieval system (YK, JK, HY), pp. 1540–1543.
SAC-2012-ZankerJS #personalisation #web- Harnessing geo-tagged resources for Web personalization (MZ, MJ, MS), pp. 332–339.
OSDI-2012-LiPCGPR #consistency #performance- Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary (CL, DP, AC, JG, NMP, RR), pp. 265–278.
CIKM-2011-ChristoforakiHDMS #performance #query- Text vs. space: efficient geo-search query processing (MC, JH, CD, AM, TS), pp. 423–432.
KDIR-2011-SethCRSB #analysis #query #similarity- A Tale of Two (Similar) Cities — Inferring City Similarity through Geo-spatial Query Log Analysis (RS, MC, DR, DS, SB), pp. 179–189.
SIGIR-2011-HuangCHHC #crowdsourcing- Region-based landmark discovery by crowdsourcing geo-referenced photos (YTH, AJC, LCH, WHH, KWC), pp. 1141–1142.
SIGIR-2011-ZhuSMC #ambiguity #image- Location disambiguation for geo-tagged images (ZZ, LS, KM, GC), pp. 1165–1166.
SOSP-2011-SovranPAL #transaction- Transactional storage for geo-replicated systems (YS, RP, MKA, JL), pp. 385–400.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-RezigM #standard #towards- Towards Location-based Services Standardization — An Application based on Mobility and Geo-Location (EKR, VM), pp. 310–315.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-KisilevichKR #framework #named- GEO-SPADE — A Generic Google Earth-based Framework for Analyzing and Exploring Spatio-temporal Data (SK, DAK, LR), pp. 13–20.
ICEIS-J-2010-KisilevichKLBR #case study- Developing Analytical GIS Applications with GEO-SPADE: Three Success Case Studies (SK, DAK, AL, LB, LR), pp. 495–511.
CIKM-2010-ChengCL #approach #twitter- You are where you tweet: a content-based approach to geo-locating twitter users (ZC, JC, KL), pp. 759–768.
CIKM-2010-FreniVMBJ #network #privacy- Preserving location and absence privacy in geo-social networks (DF, CRV, SM, CB, CSJ), pp. 309–318.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-StempliucFAB #concept #modelling #network- Extending the UML-GeoFrame Data Model for Conceptual Modeling of Network Applications (SMS, JLF, MVAA, KAVB), pp. 164–170.
CIKM-2009-GobelHNB #hybrid- A hybrid index structure for geo-textual searches (RG, AH, RN, DB), pp. 1625–1628.
ECIR-2009-ZubizarretaFCACGLV #web- Extracting Geographic Context from the Web: GeoReferencing in MyMoSe (ÁZ, PdlF, JMC, MA, JCA, GGB, CL, JV), pp. 554–561.
KDIR-2009-Weichselbraun #approach #optimisation- A Utility Centered Approach for Evaluating and Optimizing Geo-tagging (AW), pp. 134–139.
MLDM-2009-CelepcikayEO #dataset #using- Regional Pattern Discovery in Geo-referenced Datasets Using PCA (OUC, CFE, CO), pp. 719–733.
SAC-2009-HarshN #multi #using- Using geo-spatial session tagging for smart multicast session discovery (PH, REN), pp. 22–27.
CIKM-2008-TodaYMK #ranking- Incorporating place name extents into geo-ir ranking (HT, NY, YM, RK), pp. 1489–1490.
ICPR-2008-CaoRLH #automation #video- Automatic geo-registration of maritime video feeds (XC, ZR, HL, NH), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-KoenigsteinST #analysis #query #string #using- Spotting out emerging artists using geo-aware analysis of P2P query strings (NK, YS, TT), pp. 937–945.
HCI-AS-2007-ConvertinoZGCR #approach #distributed #multi- A Role-Based Multiple View Approach to Distributed Geo-Collaboration (GC, DZ, CHG, JMC, MBR), pp. 561–570.
SAC-2007-PigeauNG #approximate #image #performance- Fast tracking of hierarchical partitions with approximate kl-divergence for geo-temporal organization of personal images (AP, AN, MG), pp. 1088–1089.
IJCAR-2006-JanicicQ- System Description: GCLCprover + GeoThms (PJ, PQ), pp. 145–150.
HT-2005-HansenCB #hypermedia- RSS as a distribution medium for geo-spatial hypermedia (FAH, BGC, NOB), pp. 254–256.
ITiCSE-2005-FreitasCA #personalisation #visualisation- A personalized visualization tool for geo-referenced information (SF, MBC, APA), p. 398.
ICPR-v3-2004-PigeauG #image #incremental #statistics- Incremental Statistical Geo-Temporal Structuring of a Personal Camera Phone Image Collection (AP, MG), pp. 878–881.
SAC-2003-HarmsDG #information management- Building Knowledge Discovery into a Geo-spatial Decision Support System (SKH, JSD, SG), pp. 445–449.
HT-2002-GronbaekVO #concept #hypermedia #implementation #prototype #towards- Towards geo-spatial hypermedia: Concepts and prototype implementation (KG, PPV, PØ), pp. 117–126.
EDOC-2002-MoralesPS #development #information management #modelling- Model Driven Geo-Information System’s Development (JM, LFP, MvS), pp. 155–166.
CIKM-2002-PanF #data mining #library #mining #quote #video- “GeoPlot”: spatial data mining on video libraries (JYP, CF), pp. 405–412.
SVIS-2001-BaskenN #algorithm #geometry #interactive #named #visualisation- GeoWin — A Generic Tool for Interactive Visualization of Geometric Algorithms (MB, SN), pp. 88–100.
ICPR-1998-0001SAPH #video- Registration of video to geo-referenced imagery (RK, HSS, JCA, AP, SH), pp. 1393–1400.
SIGMOD-1997-HanKS #data mining #mining #named #prototype- GeoMiner: A System Prototype for Spatial Data Mining (JH, KK, NS), pp. 553–556.
SIGMOD-1997-PatelYKTNBHRLEKGDN #evaluation #implementation- Building a Scaleable Geo-Spatial DBMS: Technology, Implementation, and Evaluation (JMP, JBY, NK, KT, BN, JB, NEH, KR, RL, CJE, JK, SG, DJD, JFN), pp. 336–347.
VLDB-1997-BaumannFRW #data transformation- Geo/Environmental and Medical Data Management in the RasDaMan System (PB, PF, RR, NW), pp. 548–552.
ICRE-1996-KoestersPS #analysis #information management #named #object-oriented- GeoOOA: Object-Oriented Analysis for Geographic Information Systems (GK, BUP, HWS), pp. 245–254.
CHI-1995-LokugeI #interactive #named #visualisation- GeoSpace: An Interactive Visualization System for Exploring Complex Information Spaces (IL, SI), pp. 409–414.
CADE-1986-Chou #geometry #named #proving #theorem proving- GEO-Prover — A Geometry Theorem Prover Developed at UT (SCC), pp. 679–680.