16 papers:
SCSM-2015-KinclNPS #analysis #independence #sentiment- Language-Independent Sentiment Analysis with Surrounding Context Extension (TK, MN, JP, PS), pp. 158–168.
CHI-2014-PuciharCA #visual notation- The use of surrounding visual context in handheld AR: device vs. user perspective rendering (KCP, PC, JA), pp. 197–206.
CSCW-2014-DesjardinsNGW #collaboration- Collaboration surrounding beacon use during companion avalanche rescue (AD, CN, SG, RW), pp. 877–887.
ICPR-2014-RahmanHZ #detection- Information Divergence Based Saliency Detection with a Global Center-Surround Mechanism (IMHR, CH, MZ), pp. 3428–3433.
ICPR-2014-ZhangKBC #detection- Center-Surround Contrast Features for Pedestrian Detection (SZ, DAK, CB, ABC), pp. 2293–2298.
CHI-2013-LeongW #music #social- Revisiting social practices surrounding music (TWL, PCW), pp. 951–960.
CHI-2013-Salvucci #interactive #predict- Distraction beyond the driver: predicting the effects of in-vehicle interaction on surrounding traffic (DDS), pp. 3131–3134.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Choi #design #multi #navigation #standard #user interface- Multi-touch Based Standard UI Design of Car Navigation System for Providing Information of Surrounding Areas (JMC), pp. 40–48.
HCI-III-2013-KunoST- Long-Term Study of a Software Keyboard That Places Keys at Positions of Fingers and Their Surroundings (YK, BS, JT), pp. 72–81.
ICPR-2012-ZhangXY #bound #detection #modelling- An improved surround suppression model based on orientation contrast for boundary detection (HZ, BX, JY), pp. 3086–3089.
ICPR-2012-ZhouLYCL #detection- Corner-surround Contrast for saliency detection (QZ, NL, YY, PC, WL), pp. 1423–1426.
DATE-2010-RathiDGCV #distance #feature model #gpu #implementation- A GPU based implementation of Center-Surround Distribution Distance for feature extraction and matching (AR, MD, WG, RTC, NV), pp. 172–177.
CHI-2008-SzentgyorgyiTL #game studies #social- Renegade gaming: practices surrounding social use of the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system (CS, MAT, EL), pp. 1463–1472.
CHI-2005-VoidaGDEN #music- Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing (AV, REG, ND, WKE, MWN), pp. 191–200.
ICPR-v4-2004-YamamotoYS #gesture #interface #using- Arm-Pointing Gesture Interface Using Surrounded Stereo Cameras System (YY, IY, KS), pp. 965–970.
ICPR-v3-2002-MarugameSYMFYKKTT #metric #performance #precise- A Fast and Precise System for Taking High-Density Human Head Measurements with Surrounding Range Finders (AM, SS, TY, KM, OF, YY, YK, HK, WT, JT), pp. 978–982.