29 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-DixitLW #effectiveness #integration #modelling #named #testing- FormTester: Effective Integration of Model-Based and Manually Specified Test Cases (RD, CL, GW), pp. 745–748.
ICTSS-2014-Deak #bibliography #testing #what- What Characterizes a Good Software Tester? — A Survey in Four Norwegian Companies (AD), pp. 161–172.
STOC-2013-ChakrabartyS- A o(n) monotonicity tester for boolean functions over the hypercube (DC, CS), pp. 411–418.
ICST-2013-Deak #comprehension #social- Understanding the Influence of Social and Technical Factors Testers in Software Organizations (AD), pp. 511–512.
ISSTA-2013-FraserSMAP #automation #generative #question #testing- Does automated white-box test generation really help software testers? (GF, MS, PM, AA, FP), pp. 291–301.
ICST-2012-BandyopadhyayG #fault #feedback #locality- Tester Feedback Driven Fault Localization (AB, SG), pp. 41–50.
ICPC-J-2009-PoonTTK11 #category theory #experience #identification #testing- Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing (PLP, THT, SFT, FCK), pp. 141–163.
SEKE-2010-ShewchukG #experience #functional #maintenance #testing #user interface #using- Experience with Maintenance of a Functional GUI Test Suite using IBM Rational Functional Tester (YS, VG), pp. 489–494.
ICSE-2010-CalikliBA #analysis #bias #developer #education #experience- An analysis of the effects of company culture, education and experience on confirmation bias levels of software developers and testers (GÇ, ABB, BA), pp. 187–190.
STOC-2009-ImpagliazzoKW- New direct-product testers and 2-query PCPs (RI, VK, AW), pp. 131–140.
SEKE-2009-LiYJQG #behaviour #consistency #named #testing #web #web service- WSTester: Testing Web Service for Behavior Conformance (BL, LY, SJ, DQ, XG), pp. 456–459.
DATE-2008-BernardiR #novel #testing- An novel Methodology for Reducing SoC Test Data Volume on FPGA-based Testers (PB, MSR), pp. 194–199.
ICALP-A-2008-KaleS #bound #graph- An Expansion Tester for Bounded Degree Graphs (SK, CS), pp. 527–538.
ASE-2007-VainRKE #nondeterminism #synthesis- Synthesis of test purpose directed reactive planning tester for nondeterministic systems (JV, KR, AK, JPE), pp. 363–372.
FM-2006-PnueliZ #model checking #runtime #verification- PSL Model Checking and Run-Time Verification Via Testers (AP, AZ), pp. 573–586.
SAC-J-2003-YuNPC04 #on the #testing- On the testing methods used by beginning software testers (YTY, SPN, PLP, TYC), pp. 329–335.
DATE-2003-NummerS #pipes and filters #testing- DFT for Testing igh-Performance Pipelined Circuits with Slow-Speed Testers (MN, MS), pp. 10212–10217.
SAC-2003-YuNPC #classification #on the #testing- On the Use of the Classification-Tree Method by Beginning Software Testers (YTY, SPN, PLP, TYC), pp. 1123–1127.
TestCom-2003-PetrenkoYH #testing- Testing Transition Systems with Input and Output Testers (AP, NY, JH), pp. 129–145.
DAC-2002-IyengarCM #constraints #reduction #scheduling- Wrapper/TAM co-optimization, constraint-driven test scheduling, and tester data volume reduction for SOCs (VI, KC, EJM), pp. 685–690.
TACAS-2000-HelovuoV #process- Checking for CFFD-Preorder with Tester Processes (JH, AV), pp. 283–298.
ISSTA-2000-Pincus #analysis #case study #developer #experience #tool support- Analysis is necessary, but far from sufficient: Experiences building and deploying successful tools for developers and testers (abstract only) (JDP), p. 1.
DATE-1999-CotaCL #adaptation #fault #linear #using- A Method to Diagnose Faults in Linear Analog Circuits using an Adaptive Tester (ÉFC, LC, ML), pp. 184–188.
IWTCS-1999-Toro #multi #testing- Decision on Tester Configuration for Multiparty Testing (MT), pp. 109–130.
STOC-1998-GoldreichR #graph #sublinear- A Sublinear Bipartiteness Tester for Bunded Degree Graphs (OG, DR), pp. 289–298.
IWPTS-1993-CastanetK #coordination- Deriving Coordinated Testers for Interoperability (RC, OK), pp. 331–346.
IWPTS-1993-Phalippou #execution- Executable Testers (MP), pp. 35–50.
CADE-1984-Gelder #calculus #satisfiability- A Satisfiability Tester for Non-Clausal Propositional Calculus (AVG), pp. 101–112.
STOC-1978-CarterFGMW #approximate- Exact and Approximate Membership Testers (LC, RWF, JG, GM, MNW), pp. 59–65.