29 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-HollandDKMR #android #detection #novel #security- Security Toolbox for Detecting Novel and Sophisticated Android Malware (BH, TD, SK, JM, NR), pp. 733–736.
SAT-2015-CorziliusKJSA #c++ #named #open source #parallel #smt- SMT-RAT: An Open Source C++ Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel SMT Solving (FC, GK, SJ, SS, EÁ), pp. 360–368.
CASE-2014-BehlNM #named #performance- IMpACT: Inverse model accuracy and control performance toolbox for buildings (MB, TXN, RM), pp. 1109–1114.
KDD-2012-TongCY #mining #named #nondeterminism- UFIMT: an uncertain frequent itemset mining toolbox (YT, LC, PSY), pp. 1508–1511.
SAT-2012-CorziliusLJA #named- SMT-RAT: An SMT-Compliant Nonlinear Real Arithmetic Toolbox — (Tool Presentation) (FC, UL, SJ, EÁ), pp. 442–448.
CASE-2011-JulvezMV #analysis #simulation #using- Analysis and simulation of manufacturing systems using SimHPN toolbox (JJ, CM, CRV), pp. 432–437.
TACAS-2011-GaravelLMS #analysis #distributed #process- CADP 2010: A Toolbox for the Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes (HG, FL, RM, WS), pp. 372–387.
CSCW-2011-HautasaariBII #collaboration #grid- Intercultural collaboration with the language grid toolbox (AMJH, NBA, RI, TI), pp. 579–580.
DRR-2010-ShahabKD #detection #web- The aware toolbox for the detection of law infringements on web pages (AS, TK, AD), pp. 1–10.
CAV-2010-Donze #hybrid #parametricity #synthesis #verification- Breach, A Toolbox for Verification and Parameter Synthesis of Hybrid Systems (AD), pp. 167–170.
PODS-2009-Libkin #database #finite- The finite model theory toolbox of a database theoretician (LL), pp. 65–76.
ICSE-2009-CamaraMSCOCP #adaptation #automation #composition #named #web #web service- ITACA: An integrated toolbox for the automatic composition and adaptation of Web services (JC, JAM, GS, JC, MO, CC, EP), pp. 627–630.
SIGIR-2007-EfthimiadisF #education #information retrieval #learning #named- IR-Toolbox: an experiential learning tool for teaching IR (ENE, NGF), p. 914.
CAV-2007-GaravelMLS #analysis #distributed #process- CADP 2006: A Toolbox for the Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes (HG, RM, FL, WS), pp. 158–163.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-ConstantinouGCCL #assurance #automation #quality- A Semi-Automated Quality Assurance Toolbox for Diagnostic Radiological Imaging (CC, AG, AC, CC, AL), pp. 216–221.
DocEng-2005-LinsA #documentation #named- BigBatch: a toolbox for monochromatic documents (RDL, BTÁ), pp. 239–240.
SAC-2003-DhoogeGKMR #continuation #matlab #named- Cl_matcont: A Continuation Toolbox in Matlab (AD, WG, YAK, WM, AMR), pp. 161–166.
FASE-2002-BaresiP #automation #re-engineering #visual notation- A Toolbox for Automating Visual Software Engineering (LB, MP), pp. 189–202.
ICEIS-v1-2001-AbeckerBNMHHML #memory management #workflow- The DECOR Toolbox for Workflow-Embedded Organizational Memory Access (AA, AB, SN, GM, RH, CH, SM, ML), pp. 225–232.
DAC-1999-BergmannH #named- Vex — A CAD Toolbox (JPB, MH), pp. 523–528.
CAV-1999-BuchholzK #analysis- A Toolbox for the Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (PB, PK), pp. 483–486.
CHI-1998-PlanteTI #interactive #using- Evaluating the Location of Hot Spots in Interactive Scenes Using the 3R Toolbox (AP, ST, SI), pp. 117–123.
ICDAR-1997-HennigMSW #architecture #distributed #named #recognition- DART — A Software Architecture for the Creation of a Distributed Asynchronous Recognition Toolbox (AH, EM, NS, RJW), p. 439–?.
ICDAR-1997-LiangRHP #analysis #documentation #image- UW-ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox: An Experimental Environment (JL, RR, RMH, ITP), pp. 984–988.
WIA-1997-Silberztein #named- INTEX: An Integrated FST Toolbox (MS), pp. 185–197.
WIA-1996-Noord #automaton #finite- FSA Utilities: A Toolbox to Manipulate Finite-State Automata (GvN), pp. 87–108.
CAV-1996-FernandezGKMMS #named #protocol #validation #verification- CADP — A Protocol Validation and Verification Toolbox (JCF, HG, AK, LM, RM, MS), pp. 437–440.
SIGMOD-1994-FlokstraKS #database #design #specification- The IMPRESS DDT: A Database Design Toolbox Based on a Formal Specification Language (JF, MvK, JS), p. 506.
ICSE-1992-FernandezGMRRS #source code #verification- A Toolbox for the Verification of LOTOS Programs (JCF, HG, LM, AR, CR, JS), pp. 246–259.