10 papers:
CASE-2015-JungLB #navigation- Close-range vision navigation and guidance for rotary UAV autonomous landing (YJ, DL, HB), pp. 342–347.
FoSSaCS-2015-HoO #problem- The Cyclic-Routing UAV Problem is PSPACE-Complete (HMH, JO), pp. 328–342.
ICPR-2014-RothermelHWB #generative #modelling #performance #robust #semantics #video- Fast and Robust Generation of Semantic Urban Terrain Models from UAV Video Streams (MR, NH, KW, DB), pp. 592–597.
SAC-2014-YokoyamaKM #using- Secure positioning in a UAV swarm using on-board stereo cameras (RSY, BYLK, EdSM), pp. 769–774.
DUXU-NTE-2013-PriorSEBM #challenge- HALO the Winning Entry to the DARPA UAVForge Challenge 2012 (SDP, STS, MAE, MB, WM), pp. 179–188.
HCI-AMTE-2013-LoriteMTPP #design #interface- Supervisory Control Interface Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles through GEDIS-UAV (SL, AM, JT, PP, EP), pp. 231–240.
SAC-2013-NakamuraNTO #problem #towards- Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs (SN, HN, YT, AO), pp. 77–82.
ICPR-2012-TrinhLMMP #performance #summary #video- Efficient UAV video event summarization (HT, JL, SM, JM, SP), pp. 2226–2229.
CASE-2008-BittonG #algorithm #framework #named- Hydra: A framework and algorithms for mixed-initiative UAV-assisted search and rescue (EB, KG), pp. 61–66.
SAC-2004-VincentR #analysis #framework #using- A framework and analysis for cooperative search using UAV swarms (PV, IR), pp. 79–86.