18 papers:
DHM-EH-2015-ZhengBISEL #behaviour #monitoring #using- Driving-Behavior Monitoring Using an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) (CZ, AB, WI, IS, EE, KL), pp. 305–312.
SAC-2015-MarquesRPSM #coordination #named #network- NVL: a coordination language for unmanned vehicle networks (ERBM, MR, JP, JBS, FM), pp. 331–334.
HIMI-AS-2014-TerwilligerIVL #interface- Advancement and Application of Unmanned Aerial System Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) Technology (BAT, DCI, DAV, DL), pp. 273–283.
DUXU-NTE-2013-LinAWCLYDDCPWLZYLPC #development- Development of an Unconventional Unmanned Coaxial Rotorcraft: GremLion (FL, KZYA, FW, BMC, THL, BY, MD, XD, JC, SKP, BW, DL, SZ, MY, KL, KP, GC), pp. 120–129.
HCI-AMTE-2013-LoriteMTPP #design #interface- Supervisory Control Interface Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles through GEDIS-UAV (SL, AM, JT, PP, EP), pp. 231–240.
HCI-IMT-2013-FuchsFSG #adaptation #multi- Adaptive Consoles for Supervisory Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (CF, SF, JBS, GMG), pp. 678–687.
CASE-2012-KimKHHL #framework #using- A robot platform for unmanned weeding in a paddy field using sensor fusion (GHK, SCK, YKH, KSH, SGL), pp. 904–907.
SPLC-2012-BragaJBL #certification #feature model #modelling #product line- Incorporating certification in feature modelling of an unmanned aerial vehicle product line (RTVB, OTJ, KRLJCB, JL), pp. 249–258.
SIGAda-2010-CicaleseSSW #ada- Unmanned systems with Ada and RTEMS (CDTC, JS, RES, RMW), pp. 9–10.
SIGAda-2010-Weatherly #ada- Unmanned systems and Ada (RMW), pp. 35–36.
SIGAda-2009-CicaleseSSW #ada- Unmanned systems and Ada (CDTC, JS, RES, RMW), pp. 11–12.
SIGAda-2009-Sward09a #ada #using- Georegistration of imagery from unmanned aircraft systems using Ada (RES), pp. 121–126.
SIGAda-2008-CicaleseWSBFGRS #architecture #distributed #multi #scalability- A distributed, multi-language architecture for large unmanned ground vehicles (CDTC, RMW, JS, RHB, KF, RG, KR, DS), pp. 133–138.
SIGAda-2006-SwardG #safety- Developing safety critical software for an unmanned aerial vehicle situational awareness tool (RES, MG), pp. 45–50.
KR-2004-Doherty #research- Advanced Research with Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (PD), pp. 731–732.
HCI-SEC-1997-ErpK #design- Ecological Display Design for the Control of Unmanned Airframes (JBFvE, BK), pp. 267–270.
ICPR-1996-YaoC #image- Selective stabilization of images acquired by unmanned ground vehicles (YSY, RC), pp. 289–292.
HCI-ACS-1993-Haduch #interactive- Operator Interaction with Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) (TWH), pp. 289–294.