Tag #certification
74 papers:
- IFM-2019-BruckerW #ontology #using
- Using Ontologies in Formal Developments Targeting Certification (ADB, BW), pp. 65–82.
EDM-2018-GitinabardKLW #behaviour #predict #social- Your Actions or Your Associates? Predicting Certification and Dropout in MOOCs with Behavioral and Social Features (NG, FK, CL, EYW).
SEFM-2017-ZhangRHMC #compilation #industrial #verification- Focused Certification of an Industrial Compilation and Static Verification Toolchain (ZZ, R, JH, YM, PC), pp. 17–34.
TAP-2016-Slama #automation #exclamation #testing #what- Automatic Predicate Testing in Formal Certification - You've only Proven What You've Said, Not What You Meant! (FS), pp. 191–198.
RTA-2015-AvanziniST #complexity #proving #using- Certification of Complexity Proofs using CeTA (MA, CS, RT), pp. 23–39.
SEFM-2015-VollingerR #algorithm #distributed #problem- Certification of Distributed Algorithms Solving Problems with Optimal Substructure (KV, WR), pp. 190–195.
RTA-TLCA-2014-SternagelT #algebra #complexity #formal method #proving #termination- Formalizing Monotone Algebras for Certification of Termination and Complexity Proofs (CS, RT), pp. 441–455.
DAC-2014-KosmidisQAFWC #hardware- Containing Timing-Related Certification Cost in Automotive Systems Deploying Complex Hardware (LK, EQ, JA, GF, FW, FJC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-YangHCLRX #behaviour #framework #scalability #synthesis- Scalable Certification Framework for Behavioral Synthesis Front-End (ZY, KH, KC, LL, SR, FX), p. 6.
DUXU-WM-2013-CagiltayAOE #challenge #process- Developing ISO 9241-151 Product Certification Process: Challenges (KÇ, ÖA, NO, FE), pp. 334–341.
RE-2013-Nair #assurance #safety- Evidence management for evolutionary safety assurance and certification (SN), pp. 385–388.
DATE-2013-MohanramWI #compilation #memory management #named #order #reduction- Mempack: an order of magnitude reduction in the cost, risk, and time for memory compiler certification (KM, MW, SI), pp. 1490–1493.
SIGITE-2012-PickardSL #development- IPv6 certification and course development (JP, JS, PL), pp. 155–160.
PLEASE-2012-BaumgartFP #approach #component #functional #performance #safety #towards #using- Towards efficient functional safety certification of construction machinery using a component-based approach (SB, JF, SP), pp. 1–4.
SPLC-2012-BragaJBL #feature model #modelling #product line- Incorporating certification in feature modelling of an unmanned aerial vehicle product line (RTVB, OTJ, KRLJCB, JL), pp. 249–258.
TACAS-2012-HamlenJS #aspect-oriented #monitoring #runtime- Aspect-Oriented Runtime Monitor Certification (KWH, MJ, MS), pp. 126–140.
FM-2011-DiosP #bound #memory management #polynomial- Certification of Safe Polynomial Memory Bounds (JdD, RP), pp. 184–199.
ICSE-2010-PaulischZ #architecture #case study #experience- A role-based qualification and certification program for software architects: an experience report from Siemens (FP, PZ), pp. 21–27.
ESOP-2010-AmtoftHR #array #automation #contract #data flow #precise #reasoning #source code #verification- Precise and Automated Contract-Based Reasoning for Verification and Certification of Information Flow Properties of Programs with Arrays (TA, JH, ER), pp. 43–63.
CSEET-2009-MansharamaniBGGKNR #enterprise #performance #scalability- DCPE Rollout: Scaling Performance Engineering Training and Certification across a Very Large Enterprise (RKM, AB, KG, KG, AK, MKN, MR), pp. 263–270.
ICFP-2009-PaganoAMCCWMC #case study #embedded #experience #framework #ml #safety #tool support #using- Experience report: using objective caml to develop safety-critical embedded tools in a certification framework (BP, OA, TM, BC, EC, PW, PM, JLC), pp. 215–220.
POPL-2009-BartheGB #encryption #proving- Formal certification of code-based cryptographic proofs (GB, BG, SZB), pp. 90–101.
SAC-2009-NarasamdyaP - Certification of smart-card applications in common criteria (IN, MP), pp. 601–608.
FASE-2009-NarasamdyaP - Certification of Smart-Card Applications in Common Criteria (IN, MP), pp. 309–324.
TAP-2009-Chetali #formal method #security #smarttech #testing- Security Testing and Formal Methods for High Levels Certification of Smart Cards (BC), pp. 1–5.
SEKE-2008-TekbacakTD #approach #data access #security #semantics #using- A Semantic Based Certification and Access Control Approach Using Security Patterns on SEAGENT (FT, TT, OD), pp. 741–744.
CASE-2008-LiuYGB #functional #safety- Functional safety certification: Practice and issues (JL, CY, FG, SB), pp. 412–417.
CSEET-2007-Jenkins #experience #quality- Experience in Training Software Quality Engineers to Achieve a Professional Certification (MJ), pp. 83–88.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-DiasCABM #quality #web #web service #xml- A XML-based quality model for web services certification (JDJ, JAOGdC, AÁ, RSMdB, SRdLM), pp. 288–294.
RE-2007-GandhiL #assessment #comprehension #correlation #multi #requirements #risk management- Discovering and Understanding Multi-dimensional Correlations among Certification Requirements with application to Risk Assessment (RAG, SWL), pp. 231–240.
RE-2007-LeeGWM #named #requirements- r-AnalytiCA: Requirements Analytics for Certification & Accreditation (SWL, RAG, SJW, ABM), pp. 383–384.
DATE-2007-RousseauMGMLDG #configuration management #using- Enabling certification for dynamic partial reconfiguration using a minimal flow (BR, PM, DG, DM, JDL, FD, YG), pp. 983–988.
JCDL-2006-KaczmarekHE #evaluation #repository #using- Repository software evaluation using the audit checklist for certification of trusted digital repositories (JK, TGH, JE), pp. 107–108.
CSEET-2006-BagertL - Visioning a Certification Exam for Graduating Software Engineers (DJB, MJL), p. 246.
POPL-2006-Leroy #compilation #programming #proving- Formal certification of a compiler back-end or: programming a compiler with a proof assistant (XL), pp. 42–54.
ASE-2006-DenneyF #automation #safety- Annotation Inference for Safety Certification of Automatically Generated Code (ED, BF), pp. 265–268.
ASE-2006-HassanZ #predict #using- Using Decision Trees to Predict the Certification Result of a Build (AEH, KZ), pp. 189–198.
GPCE-2006-DenneyF #algorithm #automation #safety- A generic annotation inference algorithm for the safety certification of automatically generated code (ED, BF), pp. 121–130.
TACAS-2006-Chaki #satisfiability- SAT-Based Software Certification (SC), pp. 151–166.
SIGITE-2005-LongeneckerF #assessment #development #source code- Development of assessment for undergraduate programs of information technology, and certification for program graduates (HELJ, DLF), pp. 163–166.
AdaEurope-2005-AmeyCW - Smart Certification of Mixed Criticality Systems (PA, RC, NW), pp. 144–155.
SAC-2005-BicakciCT #how #metric #trust- How to incorporate revocation status information into the trust metrics for public-key certification (KB, BC, AST), pp. 1594–1598.
SIGITE-2004-McKellRLLP #evaluation- Integrating program evaluation and a new certification for information technology professionals (LJM, JHR, HELJ, JPL, JHP), p. 283.
ASE-2004-Eusterbrock - Context-Aware Code Certification (JE), pp. 358–361.
SAC-2004-EgidiP #case study #email- Anonymity and certification: e-mail, a case study (LE, GP), pp. 397–403.
TACAS-2004-KupfermanV - From Complementation to Certification (OK, MYV), pp. 591–606.
ICLP-2004-AlbertPH #abstract interpretation #mobile- Abstract Interpretation-Based Mobile Code Certification (EA, GP, MVH), pp. 446–447.
CSEET-2003-SeidmanMBNSFP - Certification for Software Professionals: The IEEE Computer Society?s CSDP Program (SBS, JM, DJB, JFN, AEKS, DJF, ASP), p. 323–?.
AdaEurope-2003-KuballH #approach- Evidential Volume Approach for Certification (SK, GH), pp. 246–257.
VMCAI-2003-Rival #abstract interpretation #assembly- Abstract Interpretation-Based Certification of Assembly Code (XR), pp. 41–55.
CADE-2002-WhalenSF #automation #named #synthesis- AutoBayes/CC — Combining Program Synthesis with Automatic Code Certification — System Description (MWW, JS, BF), pp. 290–294.
CBSE-2001-Councill - Third-Party Certification and Its Required Elements (WTC), p. 20.
CBSE-2001-GhoshM #component #distributed #middleware- Certification of Distributed Component Computing Middleware and Applications (SG, APM), p. 4.
CBSE-2001-GiannakopoulouP #component #verification- Component Verification and Certification in NASA Missions (DG, JP), p. 23.
CBSE-2001-Lau #component #predict- Component Certification and System Prediction: Is There a Role for Formality (KKL), p. 16.
CBSE-2001-MohagheghiC #case study #component #experience #reuse- Experiences with Certification of Reusable Components in the GSN Project in Ericsson, Norway (PM, RC), p. 7.
CBSE-2001-StaffordW #question- Is Third Party Certification Necessary? (JAS, KCW), p. 5.
CBSE-2001-Voas #component #trust- Component Trust and Certification (JV), p. 1.
SIGAda-2001-Santhanam #automation #testing- Automating software module testing for FAA certification (US), pp. 31–38.
SPLC-2000-YacoubMKD #off the shelf- A hierarchy of COTS certification criteria (SMY, AM, CK, MD), pp. 397–412.
POPL-2000-CraryW #bound- Resource Bound Certification (KC, SW), pp. 184–198.
ICRE-2000-AntonA #requirements #what- What Do You Mean I’ve Been Practicing without a License? Certification and Licensing of Requirements Engineering Professionals (AIA, JMA), p. 151.
ICRE-2000-Mead00a #requirements #what- What Do You Mean I’m Practicing without a License? Certification and Licensing of Requirements Engineering Professionals (NRM), p. 152.
CL-2000-KozenP #algebra #compilation #optimisation #testing #using- Certification of Compiler Optimizations Using Kleene Algebra with Tests (DK, MCP), pp. 568–582.
AdaEurope-1999-Frost #ada #embedded #safety- An Ada95 Solution for Certification of Embedded Safety Critical Applications (JF), pp. 52–63.
CSEET-1998-Werth - Certification and Licensing for Software Professionals and Organizations (LHW), pp. 151–162.
ICSE-1998-DemirorsDDK #process #towards- Process Improvement Towards ISO 9001 Certification in a Small Software Organization (ED, OD, OD, BK), pp. 435–438.
CSEET-1997-Mead - Issues in licensing and certification of software engineers (NRM), pp. 150–160.
CAV-1997-CimattiGPPPRTY #embedded #safety #verification- A Provably Correct Embedded Verifier for the Certification of Safety Critical Software (AC, FG, PP, BP, JP, DR, PT, BY), pp. 202–213.
SEKE-1994-LuqiG #analysis #synthesis- Suggestions for progress in software analysis, synthesis and certification (L, JAG), pp. 501–507.
AdaEurope-1994-SilbergR #ada #runtime- FAA Certification of Ada Run-Time Systems (SS, TBR), pp. 489–498.
AdaEurope-1993-BrygierR #ada #realtime #safety- Certification of Ada Real-Time Executives for Safety Critical Applications (JB, MRF), pp. 264–279.
SIGMOD-1985-SinhaNM #database #distributed #transaction- Timestamp Based Certification Schemes for Transactions in Distributed Database Systems (MKS, PDN, SLM), pp. 402–411.
VLDB-1984-BoksenbaumCFP #database #distributed- Certification by Intervals of Timestamps in Distributed Database Systems (CB, MC, JF, JFP), pp. 377–387.