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Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × South Africa
1 × Switzerland
17 × USA
2 × Belgium
3 × China
3 × Germany
3 × Hungary
4 × France
4 × Italy
4 × The Netherlands
8 × Canada
Collaborated with:
J.I.Maletic D.Poshyvanyk S.Haiduc G.Bavota R.Oliveto L.Moreno A.D.Lucia V.Rajlich T.Menzies J.Aponte L.Feng M.D.Penta X.Xie G.Antoniol A.Sergeyev M.L.Collard O.Chaparro G.Scanniello S.L.Abebe P.Tonella Y.Dong S.D.Ohlemacher J.H.Hayes D.Liu L.L.Pollock K.Vijay-Shanker M.Petrenko Y.Guéhéneuc G.Canfora F.Palomba F.Peters D.Montano D.Comorski A.J.Rostkowycz K.Lin A.Howald V.Arnaoudova J.J.Treadway W.Shen C.Gravino W.Bandara F.Ortega G.Gay G.Dunlap J.Leigh J.Lu V.Ng S.Panichella A.Butcher T.Zimmermann D.R.Cok J.Buchta D.Diaz S.Takahashi G.Sridhara G.D.Rosa B.Russo M.Tufano M.Liu X.P.0001 Z.Xing W.Xie S.Xing Y.Liu F.Zampetti C.Bernal-Cárdenas K.Moran
Talks about:
code (25) softwar (22) sourc (22) concept (13) use (12) retriev (11) locat (11) visual (10) support (9) class (9)

♂ Person: Andrian Marcus

DBLP DBLP: Marcus:Andrian

Facilitated 16 volumes:

MSR 2015PrCo
MSR 2014PrCo
WCRE 2013PrCo
ASE 2012PrCo
MSR 2012PrCo
ICSM 2011GCh
ICSM 2010PrCh
MSR 2010PrCo
ICPC 2009Ed
MSR 2009PrCo
MSR 2008PrCo
MSR 2007PrCo

Contributed to:

ESEC/FSE 20152015
ICSE 20152015
ICSE 20152015
CSMR-WCRE 20142014
FSE 20142014
ICSME 20142014
ASE 20132013
ICPC 20132013
ICSE 20132013
ICSM 20132013
MSR 20132013
ASE 20122012
ICPC 20122012
ICSE 20122012
WCRE 20122012
ASE 20112011
ICPC 20112011
SCAM 20112011
ASE 20102010
ICSE 20102010
WCRE 20102010
CSMR 20092009
ICSM 20092009
VISSOFT 20092009
ICPC 20082008
ICSM 20082008
ASE 20072007
ICPC 20072007
ICSM 20072007
ICPC 20062006
ICSE 20062006
ICSM 20062006
WCRE 20062006
ICSM 20052005
ICSM 20052005
IWPC 20052005
VISSOFT 20052005
ICSM 20042004
WCRE 20042004
ICSE 20032003
IWPC 20032003
SOFTVIS 20032003
VISSOFT 20032003
DocEng 20022002
IWPC 20022002
VISSOFT 20022002
ASE 20012001
CIKM 20012001
CSEE&T 20012001
ICSE 20012001
IWPC 20012001
WCRE 20092009
ESEC/FSE 20172017
ESEC/FSE 20192019

Wrote 74 papers:

ESEC-FSE-2015-MorenoBHPORM #re-engineering #retrieval
Query-based configuration of text retrieval solutions for software engineering tasks (LM, GB, SH, MDP, RO, BR, AM), pp. 567–578.
ICSE-v1-2015-MorenoBPOM #how #question
How Can I Use This Method? (LM, GB, MDP, RO, AM), pp. 880–890.
ICSE-v2-2015-ArnaoudovaHMA #natural language #re-engineering #retrieval #using
The Use of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing in Software Engineering (VA, SH, AM, GA), pp. 949–950.
ICSE-v2-2015-PalombaTBOMPL #refactoring
Extract Package Refactoring in ARIES (FP, MT, GB, RO, AM, DP, ADL), pp. 669–672.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BavotaOLMGA #nash #refactoring
In medio stat virtus: Extract class refactoring through nash equilibria (GB, RO, ADL, AM, YGG, GA), pp. 214–223.
FSE-2014-MorenoBPOMC #automation #generative
Automatic generation of release notes (LM, GB, MDP, RO, AM, GC), pp. 484–495.
ICSME-2014-ChaparroBMP #metric #on the #quality #refactoring
On the Impact of Refactoring Operations on Code Quality Metrics (OC, GB, AM, MDP), pp. 456–460.
ICSME-2014-MorenoTMS #debugging #locality #on the #stack #using
On the Use of Stack Traces to Improve Text Retrieval-Based Bug Localization (LM, JJT, AM, WS), pp. 151–160.
ASE-2013-ScannielloGMM #clustering #fault #predict #using
Class level fault prediction using software clustering (GS, CG, AM, TM), pp. 640–645.
ICPC-2013-DiazBMOTL #traceability #using
Using code ownership to improve IR-based Traceability Link Recovery (DD, GB, AM, RO, ST, ADL), pp. 123–132.
ICPC-2013-MorenoASMPV #automation #generative #java #natural language #summary
Automatic generation of natural language summaries for Java classes (LM, JA, GS, AM, LLP, KVS), pp. 23–32.
ICPC-2013-MorenoMPV #automation #generative #java #named #natural language #summary
JSummarizer: An automatic generator of natural language summaries for Java classes (LM, AM, LLP, KVS), pp. 230–232.
ICSE-2013-HaiducBMOLM #automation #query #re-engineering #retrieval
Automatic query reformulations for text retrieval in software engineering (SH, GB, AM, RO, ADL, TM), pp. 842–851.
ICSE-2013-HaiducRBOLM #code search #predict #quality #query #source code
Query quality prediction and reformulation for source code search: the refoqus tool (SH, GDR, GB, RO, ADL, AM), pp. 1307–1310.
ICSM-2013-MorenoBHM #debugging #on the #source code
On the Relationship between the Vocabulary of Bug Reports and Source Code (LM, WB, SH, AM), pp. 452–455.
MSR-2013-PetersMM #fault #predict
Better cross company defect prediction (FP, TM, AM), pp. 409–418.
ASE-2012-HaiducBOLM #assessment #automation #performance #query #retrieval
Automatic query performance assessment during the retrieval of software artifacts (SH, GB, RO, ADL, AM), pp. 90–99.
ASE-2012-MorenoM #automation #identification #java #named
JStereoCode: automatically identifying method and class stereotypes in Java code (LM, AM), pp. 358–361.
ICPC-2012-PanichellaAPMC #developer #mining #source code
Mining source code descriptions from developer communications (SP, JA, MDP, AM, GC), pp. 63–72.
ICSE-2012-BavotaLMOP #eclipse #refactoring
Supporting extract class refactoring in Eclipse: The ARIES project (GB, ADL, AM, RO, FP), pp. 1419–1422.
ICSE-2012-HaiducBOML #query #re-engineering #retrieval
Evaluating the specificity of text retrieval queries to support software engineering tasks (SH, GB, RO, AM, ADL), pp. 1273–1276.
WCRE-2012-ChaparroAOM #automation #database #legacy #towards
Towards the Automatic Extraction of Structural Business Rules from Legacy Databases (OC, JA, FO, AM), pp. 479–488.
ASE-2011-MenziesBMZC #estimation #fault #modelling #predict
Local vs. global models for effort estimation and defect prediction (TM, AB, AM, TZ, DRC), pp. 343–351.
ICPC-2011-HaiducM #concept #on the #query
On the Effect of the Query in IR-based Concept Location (SH, AM), pp. 234–237.
ICPC-2011-OhlemacherM #automation #benchmark #concept #metric #towards
Towards a Benchmark and Automatic Calibration for IR-Based Concept Location (SDO, AM), pp. 246–249.
ICPC-2011-ScannielloM #clustering #concept #source code
Clustering Support for Static Concept Location in Source Code (GS, AM), pp. 1–10.
SCAM-2011-AbebeHTM #concept #smell #source code
The Effect of Lexicon Bad Smells on Concept Location in Source Code (SLA, SH, PT, AM), pp. 125–134.
ASE-2010-BavotaLMO #refactoring
A two-step technique for extract class refactoring (GB, ADL, AM, RO), pp. 151–154.
ICSE-2010-HaiducAM #comprehension #source code #summary
Supporting program comprehension with source code summarization (SH, JA, AM), pp. 223–226.
WCRE-2010-BavotaLMO #metric #semantics
Software Re-Modularization Based on Structural and Semantic Metrics (GB, ADL, AM, RO), pp. 195–204.
WCRE-2010-HaiducAMM #automation #on the #source code #summary #using
On the Use of Automated Text Summarization Techniques for Summarizing Source Code (SH, JA, LM, AM), pp. 35–44.
CSMR-2009-AbebeHMTA #evolution #source code
Analyzing the Evolution of the Source Code Vocabulary (SLA, SH, AM, PT, GA), pp. 189–198.
ICSM-2009-GayHMM #concept #feedback #on the #using
On the use of relevance feedback in IR-based concept location (GG, SH, AM, TM), pp. 351–360.
VISSOFT-2009-MontanoAM #3d #eclipse
Sv3D meets Eclipse (DM, JA, AM), pp. 51–54.
ICPC-2008-HaiducM #on the #source code #using
On the Use of Domain Terms in Source Code (SH, AM), pp. 113–122.
ICSM-2008-MenziesM #assessment #automation #fault
Automated severity assessment of software defect reports (TM, AM), pp. 346–355.
ASE-2007-LiuMPR #execution #feature model #information retrieval
Feature location via information retrieval based filtering of a single scenario execution trace (DL, AM, DP, VR), pp. 234–243.
ASE-2007-PoshyvanykM #design #incremental #information retrieval #using
Using information retrieval to support design of incremental change of software (DP, AM), pp. 563–566.
ICPC-2007-PoshyvanykM #concept analysis #information retrieval #source code
Combining Formal Concept Analysis with Information Retrieval for Concept Location in Source Code (DP, AM), pp. 37–48.
ICSM-2007-OlivetoAMH #challenge #traceability
Software Artefact Traceability: the Never-Ending Challenge (RO, GA, AM, JHH), pp. 485–488.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMD #eclipse #named #plugin #source code
JIRiSS — an Eclipse plug-in for Source Code Exploration (DP, AM, YD), pp. 252–255.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMRGA #identification #probability #ranking #semantics
Combining Probabilistic Ranking and Latent Semantic Indexing for Feature Identification (DP, AM, VR, YGG, GA), pp. 137–148.
ICSE-2006-XiePM #3d #concept #source code #visualisation
3D visualization for concept location in source code (XX, DP, AM), pp. 839–842.
ICSM-2006-MarcusLHP #evolution #information retrieval
Working Session: Information Retrieval Based Approaches in Software Evolution (AM, ADL, JHH, DP), pp. 197–209.
ICSM-2006-PoshyvanykM #concept #metric #object-oriented
The Conceptual Coupling Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (DP, AM), pp. 469–478.
ICSM-2006-PoshyvanykPMXL #source code
Source Code Exploration with Google (DP, MP, AM, XX, DL), pp. 334–338.
WCRE-2006-XiePM #cvs #repository #visualisation
Visualization of CVS Repository Information (XX, DP, AM), pp. 231–242.
ICSM-2005-MarcusP #concept
The Conceptual Cohesion of Classes (AM, DP), pp. 133–142.
ICSM-2005-MarcusR #concept #identification #source code
Identifications of Concepts, Features, and Concerns in Source Code (AM, VR), p. 718.
ICSM-IT-2005-PoshyvanykMDS #named #source code
IRiSS — A Source Code Exploration Tool (DP, AM, YD, AS), pp. 69–72.
IWPC-2005-MarcusCS #evolution #usability #visualisation
Supporting the Evolution of a Software Visualization Tool Through Usability Studies (AM, DC, AS), pp. 307–316.
IWPC-2005-MarcusRBPS #concept #object-oriented
Static Techniques for Concept Location in Object-Oriented Code (AM, VR, JB, MP, AS), pp. 33–42.
VISSOFT-2005-XiePM #3d #concept
Support for Static Concept Location with sv3D (XX, DP, AM), pp. 102–107.
ICSM-2004-Marcus #program analysis #semantics
Semantic Driven Program Analysis (AM), pp. 469–473.
ICSM-2004-RostkowyczRM #case study #documentation
A Case Study on the Long-Term Effects of Software Redocumentation (AJR, VR, AM), pp. 92–101.
WCRE-2004-MarcusSRM #approach #concept #information retrieval #source code
An Information Retrieval Approach to Concept Location in Source Code (AM, AS, VR, JIM), pp. 214–223.
ICSE-2003-MaleticMF #3d #framework #visualisation
Source Viewer 3D (sv3D) — A Framework for Software Visualization (JIM, AM, LF), pp. 812–813.
ICSE-2003-MarcusM #semantics #traceability #using
Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing (AM, JIM), pp. 125–137.
IWPC-2003-MarcusFM #3d #analysis #comprehension #using #visualisation
Comprehension of Software Analysis Data Using 3D Visualization (AM, LF, JIM), pp. 105–114.
SOFTVIS-2003-MarcusFM #3d #visualisation
3D Representations for Software Visualization (AM, LF, JIM), pp. 27–36.
VISSOFT-2003-MaleticM #benchmark #metric #named #visualisation
CFB: A Call for Benchmarks – for Software Visualization (JIM, AM), pp. 113–116.
VISSOFT-2003-MarcusFM #3d #analysis #multi #visualisation
Source Viewer 3D (sv3D): A System for Visualizing Multi Dimensional Software Analysis Data (AM, LF, JIM), pp. 62–63.
DocEng-2002-CollardMM #documentation #source code
Supporting document and data views of source code (MLC, JIM, AM), pp. 34–41.
IWPC-2002-MaleticCM #documentation #source code
Source Code Files as Structured Documents (JIM, MLC, AM), pp. 289–292.
VISSOFT-2002-MaleticMC #visualisation
ATask Oriented View of Software Visualization (JIM, AM, MLC), p. 32–?.
ASE-2001-MarcusM #concept #identification #source code
Identification of High-Level Concept Clones in Source Code (AM, JIM), pp. 107–114.
CIKM-2001-MarcusML #fault #identification #set
Ordinal Association Rules for Error Identification in Data Sets (AM, JIM, KIL), pp. 589–591.
CSEET-2001-MaleticHM #case study #experience #re-engineering
Incorporating PSP into a Traditional Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report (JIM, AH, AM), pp. 89–97.
ICSE-2001-MaleticM #comprehension #semantics #using
Supporting Program Comprehension Using Semantic and Structural Information (JIM, AM), pp. 103–112.
IWPC-2001-MaleticMDL #artificial reality #object-oriented #visualisation
Visualizing Object-Oriented Software in Virtual Reality (JIM, AM, GD, JL), pp. 26–35.
WCRE-1999-AbebeHTM99a #smell
Lexicon Bad Smells in Software (SLA, SH, PT, AM), pp. 95–99.
ESEC-FSE-2017-ChaparroLZMPMBN #debugging #detection
Detecting missing information in bug descriptions (OC, JL, FZ, LM, MDP, AM, GB, VN), pp. 396–407.
ESEC-FSE-2019-ChaparroBLMMPPN #debugging #quality
Assessing the quality of the steps to reproduce in bug reports (OC, CBC, JL, KM, AM, MDP, DP, VN), pp. 86–96.
ESEC-FSE-2019-Liu0MXXXL #api #generative #summary
Generating query-specific class API summaries (ML, XP0, AM, ZX, WX, SX, YL), pp. 120–130.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.