Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
M.Luukkainen J.Kurhila P.Ihantola J.Sorva T.Vikberg A.Settle L.Haaranen M.Pärtel K.Heinonen K.Hirvikoski M.Paksula P.Brusilovsky S.H.Edwards A.N.Kumar L.Malmi L.Benotti D.Buck R.Prince T.Sirkiä S.A.Sosnovsky J.Urquiza-Fuentes M.Wollowski
Talks about:
program (5) softwar (3) learn (3) engin (3) code (3) apprenticeship (2) curriculum (2) practic (2) increas (2) extrem (2)
Person: Arto Vihavainen
DBLP: Vihavainen:Arto
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-HaaranenISV #design #programming
- In Search of the Emotional Design Effect in Programming (LH, PI, JS, AV), pp. 428–434.
- ITiCSE-2014-SettleVS #motivation #programming
- Three views on motivation and programming (AS, AV, JS), pp. 321–322.
- ITiCSE-WGR-2014-BrusilovskyEKMB #education #learning
- Increasing Adoption of Smart Learning Content for Computer Science Education (PB, SHE, ANK, LM, LB, DB, PI, RP, TS, SAS, JUF, AV, MW), pp. 31–57.
- SIGITE-2014-IhantolaSV #automation #detection #programming
- Automatically detectable indicators of programming assignment difficulty (PI, JS, AV), pp. 33–38.
- SIGITE-2014-VihavainenLI #analysis #source code
- Analysis of source code snapshot granularity levels (AV, ML, PI), pp. 21–26.
- CSEET-2013-LuukkainenV #education #re-engineering #web
- Bringing undergraduates to the web: Baby steps in webifying a software engineering curriculum (ML, AV), pp. 294–298.
- ITiCSE-2013-VihavainenVLK #case study #experience
- Massive increase in eager TAs: experiences from extreme apprenticeship-based CS1 (AV, TV, ML, JK), pp. 123–128.
- ITiCSE-2013-VihavainenVLP #learning #student #using
- Scaffolding students’ learning using test my code (AV, TV, ML, MP), pp. 117–122.
- SIGITE-2013-HeinonenHLV #agile #learning #re-engineering #using
- Learning agile software engineering practices using coding dojo (KH, KH, ML, AV), pp. 97–102.
- SIGITE-2013-VihavainenLK
- MOOC as semester-long entrance exam (AV, ML, JK), pp. 177–182.
- SIGITE-2012-LuukkainenVV #education #re-engineering #research
- Three years of design-based research to reform a software engineering curriculum (ML, AV, TV), pp. 209–214.
- SIGITE-2012-VihavainenLK #multi #programming
- Multi-faceted support for MOOC in programming (AV, ML, JK), pp. 171–176.
- ITiCSE-2011-VihavainenPLK #scalability
- Extreme apprenticeship method: key practices and upward scalability (AV, MP, ML, JK), pp. 273–277.
- SIGITE-2011-KurhilaV #programming #scalability #tool support
- Management, structures and tools to scale up personal advising in large programming courses (JK, AV), pp. 3–8.