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Collaborated with:
Sagar Gandhi M.Riedl M.O.Riedl A.Zook Chengxi Li 0005 Matthew Guzdial B.Li
Talks about:
use (3) crowdsourc (2) generat (2) narrat (2) stori (2) play (2) open (2) end (2) probabilist (1) commentari (1)

Person: Brent Harrison

DBLP DBLP: Harrison:Brent

Contributed to:

FDG 20152015
AIIDE 20162016
FDG 20192019

Wrote 5 papers:

FDG-2015-GuzdialHLR #crowdsourcing #interactive
Crowdsourcing Open Interactive Narrative (MG, BH, BL, MR).
FDG-2015-ZookHR #analysis #game studies #monte carlo
Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Simulation-based Play Strategy Analysis (AZ, BH, MR).
AIIDE-2016-HarrisonR #crowdsourcing #learning #using
Learning From Stories: Using Crowdsourced Narratives to Train Virtual Agents (BH, MOR), pp. 183–189.
FDG-2019-GandhiH #generative #modelling #probability #using #visual notation
Guided open story generation using probabilistic graphical models (SG, BH), p. 7.
FDG-2019-LiGH #game studies #generative #multi #using #video
End-to-end let's play commentary generation using multi-modal video representations (CL0, SG, BH), p. 7.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.