Travelled to:
2 × Germany
2 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
Y.Chen C.Huang C.Lin S.Datta V.Narayanan C.Chiang C.Lin W.Weng J.Chen S.Eachempati Y.Xie C.Liu L.Tang H.Lin S.Chang H.Chou Y.Yang C.Shen
Talks about:
transistor (3) electron (3) singl (3) array (3) use (3) reconfigur (2) synthesi (2) circuit (2) analysi (2) rewir (2)
Person: Chun-Yao Wang
DBLP: Wang:Chun=Yao
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- DATE-2015-WengCCHW #using
- Using structural relations for checking combinationality of cyclic circuits (WCW, YCC, JHC, CYH, CYW), pp. 325–328.
- DATE-2014-LinWCH #logic
- Rewiring for threshold logic circuit minimization (CCL, CYW, YCC, CYH), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2014-LiuCHWCDN #array #synthesis
- Width minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor array synthesis (CWL, CEC, CYH, CYW, YCC, SD, VN), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2013-ChiangTWHCDN #array #configuration management #on the #order #synthesis #using
- On reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays synthesis using reordering techniques (CEC, LFT, CYW, CYH, YCC, SD, VN), pp. 1807–1812.
- DATE-2012-LinWCCCHYS #analysis #functional #mutation testing #probability
- A probabilistic analysis method for functional qualification under Mutation Analysis (HYL, CYW, SCC, YCC, HMC, CYH, YCY, CCS), pp. 147–152.
- DAC-2011-ChenEWDXN #array #automation #configuration management
- Automated mapping for reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays (YCC, SE, CYW, SD, YX, VN), pp. 878–883.
- DAC-2010-ChenW
- Node addition and removal in the presence of don’t cares (YCC, CYW), pp. 505–510.
- DATE-2009-LinW #using
- Rewiring using IRredundancy Removal and Addition (CCL, CYW), pp. 324–327.